Esempio n. 1
// Builds transfer history
vector <Page> UI::BuildTransferHistory(stack <Transfer> *listOfTransfers)
	// Prepare a vector which stores the lines 
	// to be written to the page which is currently
	// "in progress"
	vector <string> linesToPage;

	// This vector is what is built over the course
	// of the function and eventually returned.
	vector <Page> transferHistory;

	// While their are still lines "waiting to be written" on the stack, loop.
	while (listOfTransfers->size() > 0)
		*The following code is all about getting the format correct for each line.

		// We want to work with the transfer on the top of the stack.
		Transfer workingTransfer = listOfTransfers->top();

		// Determine column padding for transferNumber
		int sizeOfNumber = std::to_string(workingTransfer.GetTransactionNumber()).length();
		string transferNumColumnPadding = "";

		// Build the column padding
		for (sizeOfNumber; sizeOfNumber < 7; sizeOfNumber++)
			transferNumColumnPadding += " ";

		// Determine column padding for sourceAccount
		sizeOfNumber = std::to_string(workingTransfer.GetAccountNumber()).length();
		string sourceAccountColumnPadding = "";

		// Build the column padding
		for (sizeOfNumber; sizeOfNumber < 5; sizeOfNumber++)
			sourceAccountColumnPadding += " ";

		// Determine column padding for destinationAccount
		sizeOfNumber = std::to_string(workingTransfer.GetDestinationAccountNumber()).length();
		string destinationAccountColumnPadding = "";

		// Build the column padding
		for (sizeOfNumber; sizeOfNumber < 5; sizeOfNumber++)
			destinationAccountColumnPadding += " ";

		// Format transferAmt output and determine column padding for transferAmt
		string retTransAmt = std::to_string(workingTransfer.GetTransactionAmount());
		size_t dotIndex = retTransAmt.find(".");
		retTransAmt = retTransAmt.substr(0, dotIndex + 3);
		int sizeOfTransferAmt = retTransAmt.length();
		string transferAmtColumnPadding = "";

		// Build the column padding
		for (sizeOfTransferAmt; sizeOfTransferAmt < 10; sizeOfTransferAmt++)
			transferAmtColumnPadding += " ";

		// Build the line item
		string additionalLine = "      " + std::to_string(workingTransfer.GetTransactionNumber()) +
			transferNumColumnPadding + " |  " +
			std::to_string(workingTransfer.GetAccountNumber()) +
			sourceAccountColumnPadding + " |  " +
			std::to_string(workingTransfer.GetDestinationAccountNumber()) +
			destinationAccountColumnPadding + " |  $" +
			transferAmtColumnPadding +
			retTransAmt + " |  " +

		// Add the line item to the list of lines to be written in the report.

		// Reduce the size of the stack by one

	// This variable stores the number of lines (transactions)
	// which have been written.
	unsigned int numberOfLinesWritten = 0;

	// As long as there are still lines that need to be written, loop
	while (numberOfLinesWritten < linesToPage.size())
		// Create a new page with room for 10 total lines.
		Page page;

		// While there is still room to write on the page, add an additional line from the vector
		// made above.  Be sure to increment the numberOfLinesWritten as we add to each page.
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < page.GetMaximumNumberOfLines() && numberOfLinesWritten < linesToPage.size(); i++, numberOfLinesWritten++)

		// Once the maximum number of lines has been reached for the page, add the page to the 
		// transactionHistory vector.

	// Return the newly-made transferHistory
	return transferHistory;	
Esempio n. 2
// Builds transaction history
vector <Page> UI::BuildTransactionHistory(stack<Transaction> *listOfTransactions)
	// Prepare a vector which stores the lines 
	// to be written to the page which is currently
	// "in progress"
	vector <string> linesToPage;

	// This vector is what is built over the course
	// of the function and eventually returned.
	vector <Page> transactionHistory;

	// While their are still lines "waiting to be written" on the stack, loop.
	while (listOfTransactions->size() > 0)
		 *The following code is all about getting the format correct for each line.

		// We want to work with the transaction on the top of the stack.
		Transaction workingTransaction = listOfTransactions->top();

		// Get the length of the transactionNumber (it could be a single digit, two digits,
		// three digits, etc.)		
		int sizeOfTransactionNumber = std::to_string(workingTransaction.GetTransactionNumber()).length();
		string transactionNumColumnPadding = "";  // string variable to store the "padding"

		// Build a string comprised of spaces.  The number of spaces is determined by the 
		// difference between the "length" of the transaction number (in digits) and the number
		// 6.  Why 6? Because it looks nice.
		for (sizeOfTransactionNumber; sizeOfTransactionNumber < 6; sizeOfTransactionNumber++)
			transactionNumColumnPadding += " ";

		// Format the transactionAmount.  It's currency, so we only want
		// two places after the decimal.
		string retTransAmt = std::to_string(workingTransaction.GetTransactionAmount());  // Turn it into a string
		size_t dotIndex = retTransAmt.find(".");  // Find out where the "." is 
		retTransAmt = retTransAmt.substr(0, dotIndex + 3);  // Trim the string
		int sizeOfTransactionAmt = retTransAmt.length();  // Get the length of the string
		string transactionAmtColumnPadding = "";  // string variable to store the padding.

		// Build a string comprised of spaces in the same we as we did for the transactionNumber
		// column above.
		for (sizeOfTransactionAmt; sizeOfTransactionAmt < 10; sizeOfTransactionAmt++)
			transactionAmtColumnPadding += " ";

		// Build the line by concatenating the various strings created so far.
		string additionalLine = "\t      " + std::to_string(workingTransaction.GetTransactionNumber()) +
			transactionNumColumnPadding + " |  $" +
			transactionAmtColumnPadding +
			retTransAmt + " |  " +
			workingTransaction.GetTransactionType() + "   |  " +

		// Add the completed line to the vector representing the
		// collection of lines on the page.

		// Reduce the size of the stack by one

	// This variable stores the number of lines (transactions)
	// which have been written.
	unsigned int numberOfLinesWritten = 0;

	// As long as there are still lines that need to be written, loop
	while (numberOfLinesWritten < linesToPage.size())
		// Create a new page with room for 10 total lines.
		Page page;

		// While there is still room to write on the page, add an additional line from the vector
		// made above.  Be sure to increment the numberOfLinesWritten as we add to each page.
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < page.GetMaximumNumberOfLines() && numberOfLinesWritten < linesToPage.size(); i++, numberOfLinesWritten++)

		// Once the maximum number of lines has been reached for the page, add the page to the 
		// transactionHistory vector.

	// Return the newly-made transactionHistory
	return transactionHistory;