Esempio n. 1
/*	Change:
 *	- Global for loop variable instantiations
 *	- See below for others
int main()
	// Changed number of records, only 4
	const int NUM = 4;
	// Declare new paintings
	Painting pictures[NUM];

    for(int i = 0; i < NUM; ++i)
		// Declare new instance
		Painting temp;
		// Set the data
		// Check if it is famous (to increase cost)
			// Create a Famous painting
			FamousPainting tempFamous(temp.getTitle(), temp.getArtist());
			// Copy to the temporary class, default contructor should be fine
			temp = tempFamous;
		// Added array index
       pictures[i] = temp;
	// Cleaned up for loop
	for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
		// Added index
	// Return for main function
	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
/*	Change:
 *	- See bellow for more changes
 *	- Pass painting by reference, do not invoke copy contructor
bool isPaintingFamous(Painting &painting)
	// Setup Local Vars
	// Deafult, assume not famous
	bool isFamous = false;
	const int NUM = 4;
	string artists[NUM] = {
	// Changed to int, no need for char
	// Fixed arraym cause segmentation fault in CC not in clang/g++
	for (int x = 0; x < NUM; x++)
		// Use passed in data, update how array displays variable
		if (painting.getArtist() == artists[x])
			// If match, fame is true
			isFamous = true;
	return isFamous;