Esempio n. 1
// calculate the recursive prerequisites for an Action, storing them in allPre
// assumes that prerequisites have already been calculated
void ActionTypeData::CalculateRecursivePrerequisites(PrerequisiteSet & allPre, const ActionTypeData & action)
	PrerequisiteSet pre = action.getPrerequisites();

    if (action.gasPrice() > 0)
        if (action.raceID == Races::Protoss)
            pre.add(ActionType(Races::Protoss, GetActionID(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Assimilator)));
        else if (action.raceID == Races::Terran)
            pre.add(ActionType(Races::Terran, GetActionID(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Refinery)));
        if (action.raceID == Races::Zerg)
            pre.add(ActionType(Races::Zerg, GetActionID(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Extractor)));

	for (size_t a(0); a < pre.size(); ++a)
        const ActionType & actionType = pre.getActionType(a);

        if (!allPre.contains(actionType))
            CalculateRecursivePrerequisites(allPre, GetActionTypeData(actionType.getRace(), actionType.ID()));
Esempio n. 2
const PrerequisiteSet UnitData::getPrerequistesInProgress(const ActionType & action) const
    PrerequisiteSet inProgress;

    for (size_t a(0); a<action.getPrerequisites().size(); ++a)
        const ActionType & actionType = action.getPrerequisites().getActionType(a);
        if (getNumInProgress(actionType) > 0 && getNumCompleted(actionType) == 0)

    return inProgress;
Esempio n. 3
void Tools::CalculatePrerequisitesRequiredToBuild(const GameState & state, const PrerequisiteSet & needed, PrerequisiteSet & added)
    // if anything needed gas and we don't have a refinery, we need to add one
    PrerequisiteSet allNeeded(needed);
    const ActionType & refinery = ActionTypes::GetRefinery(state.getRace());
    if (!needed.contains(refinery) && (state.getUnitData().getNumCompleted(refinery) == 0) && !added.contains(refinery))
        for (size_t n(0); n<needed.size(); ++n)
            if (needed.getActionType(n).gasPrice() > 0)

    for (size_t n(0); n<allNeeded.size(); ++n)
        const ActionType & neededType = allNeeded.getActionType(n);

        // if we already have the needed type completed we can skip it
        if (added.contains(neededType) || state.getUnitData().getNumCompleted(neededType) > 0)
        // if we have the needed type in progress we can add that time
        else if (state.getUnitData().getNumInProgress(neededType) > 0)
        // otherwise we need to recurse on the needed type to build its prerequisites
            CalculatePrerequisitesRequiredToBuild(state, neededType.getPrerequisites(), added);
Esempio n. 4
// returns an PrerequisiteSet of prerequisites for a given action
PrerequisiteSet ActionTypeData::CalculatePrerequisites(const ActionTypeData & action)
	PrerequisiteSet pre;
	// if it's a UnitType
	if (action.getType() == ActionTypeData::UnitType)
		std::map<BWAPI::UnitType, int> requiredUnits = action.getUnitType().requiredUnits();
		BWAPI::UnitType actionType = action.getUnitType();

		// if it's a protoss building that isn't a Nexus or Assimilator, we need a pylon (indirectly)
		if (actionType.getRace() == BWAPI::Races::Protoss && actionType.isBuilding() && !actionType.isResourceDepot() && 
			!(actionType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon) && !(actionType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Assimilator))
            pre.add(ActionType(Races::Protoss, GetActionID(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon)), 1);

		// for each of the required UnitTypes
		for (std::map<BWAPI::UnitType, int>::iterator unitIt = requiredUnits.begin(); unitIt != requiredUnits.end(); unitIt++)
			//if (DEBUG_StarcraftData) printf("\tPRE: %s\n", unitIt->first.getName().c_str());
			BWAPI::UnitType type = unitIt->first;
            int count = unitIt->second;

			// add the action to the PrerequisiteSet if it is not a larva
			if (type != BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Larva)
				//printf("\t\tAdding %s\n", type.getName().c_str());
				pre.add(ActionType(action.getRaceID(), GetActionID(type)), count);

		// if there is a TechType required
		if (action.getUnitType().requiredTech() != BWAPI::TechTypes::None)
			//if (DEBUG_StarcraftData) printf("\tPRE: %s\n", action.getUnitType().requiredTech().getName().c_str());
            BWAPI::TechType required = action.getUnitType().requiredTech();
			// add it to the PrerequisiteSet
			pre.add(ActionType(action.getRaceID(), GetActionID(required)), 1);

	// if it's a TechType
	if (action.getType() == ActionTypeData::TechType)
		if (action.getTechType().whatResearches() != BWAPI::UnitTypes::None)
			//if (DEBUG_StarcraftData) printf("\tPRE: %s\n", action.getTechType().whatResearches().getName().c_str());

			// add what researches it
			pre.add(ActionType(action.getRaceID(), GetActionID(action.getTechType().whatResearches())), 1);

	// if it's an UpgradeType
	if (action.getType() == ActionTypeData::UpgradeType)
		if (action.getUpgradeType().whatUpgrades() != BWAPI::UnitTypes::None)
			//if (DEBUG_StarcraftData) printf("\tPRE: %s\n", action.getUpgradeType().whatUpgrades().getName().c_str());

			// add what upgrades it
			pre.add(ActionType(action.getRaceID(), GetActionID(action.getUpgradeType().whatUpgrades())), 1);

	//printf("Finish Prerequisites\n");
	return pre;