Esempio n. 1
   * @param[in] space The list of points in space that need to be iterated.
  void operator() (const pfunc::space_1D& space) const {

    for (size_t i=space.begin(); i<space.end(); ++i) {
      EdgeListType edge_list = (*set_map)(i);
      RandomAccessContainer A (M*edge_list.size());
      RandomAccessContainer X (edge_list.size());

      /* Response is common across all the vertices */
      int response;

      /* Set up A, X, and R */
      EdgeListIteratorType list_iter = edge_list.begin ();
      int index=0;
      while (list_iter != edge_list.end()) {
        edge_type current_entry = (*list_iter);
        const snp_type snp = (*snp_map)(current_entry.source);
        response =;
        const float_type weight = current_entry.weight;

        /* populate A */
        (*materializer)(snp, A.begin()+(index*M));

        /* populate X */
        X[index] = weight;

        /* populate R */
        int int_M = static_cast<int>(M);
        double* Y_ptr = const_cast<double*>(&((*Y)[0])+(response*M));
        double* R_ptr = const_cast<double*>(&((*R)[0])+(response*M));
        dcopy_ (&int_M, Y_ptr, &ONE_STEP, R_ptr, &ONE_STEP);


      /* Now, compute R = AX-R */
      double* A_ptr = &(A[0]);
      double* X_ptr = &(X[0]);
      double* R_ptr = &((*R)[0])+(response*M);
      int LDA = static_cast<int>(M);
      int LDX = static_cast<int>(edge_list.size());
      int LDR = static_cast<int>(M);

      dgemm_ (&NO_TRANS,
      (*l2_norm)[response] = dnrm2_(&LDR, R_ptr, &ONE_STEP);
Esempio n. 2
   * @param[in] space The list of candidates that need to be evaluated.
  void operator() (const pfunc::space_1D& space) {
    /* Loop over each element in the range that is given to us */
    for (size_t i=space.begin(); i<space.end(); ++i) {
      const int candidate = (*map)(i);

      /* pass this candidate through the filter */
      if ((*filter)(candidate)) continue;

      /* Materialize Xg */
      A->materialize_X (candidate, Xg.begin());

      /* Materialize Cholesky (Xg'Xg) */
      factorizer->materialize (candidate, cholesky_XgtXg.begin());

      /* Solve Ax=y, compute cost */
      solver (Xg, cholesky_XgtXg);
      cost (Xg);

      /* Check if the new gain is worth switching over from the previous */
      swap (value_type (candidate, (*weights)[candidate]*cost.get_result()));