Esempio n. 1
/// \brief Given a protocol \p Proto, a member method \p Member and a concrete
/// class type \p ConcreteTy, search the witness tables and return the static
/// function that matches the member with any specializations may be
/// required. Notice that we do not scan the class hierarchy, just the concrete
/// class type.
std::tuple<SILFunction *, SILWitnessTable *, ArrayRef<Substitution>>
SILModule::lookUpFunctionInWitnessTable(const ProtocolConformance *C,
                                        SILDeclRef Member) {
  // Look up the witness table associated with our protocol conformance from the
  // SILModule.
  auto Ret = lookUpWitnessTable(C);

  // If no witness table was found, bail.
  if (!Ret.first) {
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        Failed speculative lookup of witness for: ";
          if (C) C->dump(); else Member.dump());
    return std::make_tuple(nullptr, nullptr, ArrayRef<Substitution>());
Esempio n. 2
/// \brief Given a conformance \p C and a protocol requirement \p Requirement,
/// search the witness table for the conformance and return the witness thunk
/// for the requirement.
std::pair<SILFunction *, SILWitnessTable *>
SILModule::lookUpFunctionInWitnessTable(ProtocolConformanceRef C,
                                        SILDeclRef Requirement) {
  // Look up the witness table associated with our protocol conformance from the
  // SILModule.
  auto Ret = lookUpWitnessTable(C);

  // If no witness table was found, bail.
  if (!Ret) {
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        Failed speculative lookup of witness for: ";
          C.dump(); Requirement.dump());
    return std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);