Esempio n. 1
 * Sink IncRefs consumed off trace.
 * Assumptions: Flow graph must not have critical edges, and the instructions
 * have been annotated already by the DCE algorithm.  This pass uses
 * the REFCOUNT_CONSUMED* flags to copy IncRefs from the main trace to each
 * exit trace that consumes the incremented pointer.
 * 1. toSink = {}
 * 2. iterate forwards over the main trace:
 *    * when a movable IncRef is found, insert into toSink list and mark
 *      it as DEAD.
 *    * If a decref of a dead incref is found, remove the corresponding
 *      incref from toSink, and mark the decref DEAD because too.
 *    * the first time we see a branch to an exit trace, process the
 *      exit tace.
 * 3. to process an exit trace:
 *    * clone each IncRef found in toSink then prepend to the exit trace.
 *    * replace each use of the original incref's result with the new
 *      incref's result.
void sinkIncRefs(Trace* trace, IRFactory* irFactory, DceState& state) {

  auto copyPropTrace = [] (Trace* trace) {
    forEachInst(trace, copyProp);

  WorkList toSink;

  auto processExit = [&] (Trace* exit) {
    // Sink REFCOUNT_CONSUMED_OFF_TRACE IncRefs before the first non-label
    // instruction, and create a mapping between the original tmps to the sunk
    // tmps so that we can later replace the original ones with the sunk ones.
    std::vector<SSATmp*> sunkTmps(irFactory->numTmps(), nullptr);
    for (auto* inst : boost::adaptors::reverse(toSink)) {
      // prepend inserts an instruction to the beginning of a block, after
      // the label. Therefore, we iterate through toSink in the reversed order.
      IRInstruction* sunkInst = irFactory->gen(IncRef, inst->getSrc(0));

      auto dstId = inst->getDst()->getId();
      sunkTmps[dstId] = sunkInst->getDst();
    forEachInst(exit, [&](IRInstruction* inst) {
      // Replace the original tmps with the sunk tmps.
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inst->getNumSrcs(); ++i) {
        SSATmp* src = inst->getSrc(i);
        if (SSATmp* sunkTmp = sunkTmps[src->getId()]) {
          inst->setSrc(i, sunkTmp);
    // Do copyProp at last, because we need to keep REFCOUNT_CONSUMED_OFF_TRACE
    // Movs as the prototypes for sunk instructions.

  // An exit trace may be entered from multiple exit points. We keep track of
  // which exit traces we already pushed sunk IncRefs to, so that we won't push
  // them multiple times.
  boost::dynamic_bitset<> pushedTo(irFactory->numBlocks());
  forEachInst(trace, [&](IRInstruction* inst) {
    if (inst->getOpcode() == IncRef) {
      // otherwise, it should be already removed in optimizeRefCount.
      if (state[inst].countConsumedOffTrace()) {
        // Mark them as dead so that they'll be removed later.
        // Put all REFCOUNT_CONSUMED_OFF_TRACE IncRefs to the sinking list.
      } else if (!state[inst].isDead()) {
    if (inst->getOpcode() == DecRefNZ) {
      IRInstruction* srcInst = inst->getSrc(0)->getInstruction();
      if (state[srcInst].isDead()) {
        // This may take O(I) time where I is the number of IncRefs
        // in the main trace.
    if (Block* target = inst->getTaken()) {
      if (!pushedTo[target->getId()]) {
        pushedTo[target->getId()] = 1;
        Trace* exit = target->getTrace();
        if (exit != trace) processExit(exit);

  // Do copyProp at last, because we need to keep REFCOUNT_CONSUMED_OFF_TRACE
  // Movs as the prototypes for sunk instructions.