Esempio n. 1
Void TEncEntropy::xEncodeTransform( Bool& bCodeDQP, Bool& codeChromaQpAdj, TComTU &rTu )
//pcCU, absPartIdxCU, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth+1, uiTrIdx+1, quadrant,
  TComDataCU *pcCU=rTu.getCU();
  const UInt uiAbsPartIdx=rTu.GetAbsPartIdxTU();
  const UInt numValidComponent = pcCU->getPic()->getNumberValidComponents();
  const Bool bChroma = isChromaEnabled(pcCU->getPic()->getChromaFormat());
  const UInt uiTrIdx = rTu.GetTransformDepthRel();
  const UInt uiDepth = rTu.GetTransformDepthTotal();
  const Bool bDebugRQT=pcCU->getSlice()->getFinalized() && DebugOptionList::DebugRQT.getInt()!=0;
  if (bDebugRQT)
    printf("x..codeTransform: offsetLuma=%d offsetChroma=%d absPartIdx=%d, uiDepth=%d\n width=%d, height=%d, uiTrIdx=%d, uiInnerQuadIdx=%d\n",
           rTu.getCoefficientOffset(COMPONENT_Y), rTu.getCoefficientOffset(COMPONENT_Cb), uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth, rTu.getRect(COMPONENT_Y).width, rTu.getRect(COMPONENT_Y).height, rTu.GetTransformDepthRel(), rTu.GetSectionNumber());
  const UInt uiSubdiv = pcCU->getTransformIdx( uiAbsPartIdx ) > uiTrIdx;// + pcCU->getDepth( uiAbsPartIdx ) > uiDepth;
  const UInt uiLog2TrafoSize = rTu.GetLog2LumaTrSize();

  UInt cbf[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT] = {0,0,0};
  Bool bHaveACodedBlock       = false;
  Bool bHaveACodedChromaBlock = false;

  for(UInt ch=0; ch<numValidComponent; ch++)
    const ComponentID compID = ComponentID(ch);

    cbf[compID] = pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, compID , uiTrIdx );
    if (cbf[ch] != 0)
      bHaveACodedBlock = true;
      if (isChroma(compID))
        bHaveACodedChromaBlock = true;

  if( pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx) && pcCU->getPartitionSize(uiAbsPartIdx) == SIZE_NxN && uiDepth == pcCU->getDepth(uiAbsPartIdx) )
    assert( uiSubdiv );
  else if( pcCU->isInter(uiAbsPartIdx) && (pcCU->getPartitionSize(uiAbsPartIdx) != SIZE_2Nx2N) && uiDepth == pcCU->getDepth(uiAbsPartIdx) &&  (pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter() == 1) )
    if ( uiLog2TrafoSize > pcCU->getQuadtreeTULog2MinSizeInCU(uiAbsPartIdx) )
      assert( uiSubdiv );
      assert(!uiSubdiv );
  else if( uiLog2TrafoSize > pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize() )
    assert( uiSubdiv );
  else if( uiLog2TrafoSize == pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQuadtreeTULog2MinSize() )
    assert( !uiSubdiv );
  else if( uiLog2TrafoSize == pcCU->getQuadtreeTULog2MinSizeInCU(uiAbsPartIdx) )
    assert( !uiSubdiv );
    assert( uiLog2TrafoSize > pcCU->getQuadtreeTULog2MinSizeInCU(uiAbsPartIdx) );
    m_pcEntropyCoderIf->codeTransformSubdivFlag( uiSubdiv, 5 - uiLog2TrafoSize );

  const UInt uiTrDepthCurr = uiDepth - pcCU->getDepth( uiAbsPartIdx );
  const Bool bFirstCbfOfCU = uiTrDepthCurr == 0;

  for(UInt ch=COMPONENT_Cb; ch<numValidComponent; ch++)
    const ComponentID compID=ComponentID(ch);
    if( bFirstCbfOfCU || rTu.ProcessingAllQuadrants(compID) )
      if( bFirstCbfOfCU || pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, compID, uiTrDepthCurr - 1 ) )
        m_pcEntropyCoderIf->codeQtCbf( rTu, compID, (uiSubdiv == 0) );
      assert( pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, compID, uiTrDepthCurr ) == pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, compID, uiTrDepthCurr - 1 ) );

  if( uiSubdiv )
    TComTURecurse tuRecurseChild(rTu, true);
      xEncodeTransform( bCodeDQP, codeChromaQpAdj, tuRecurseChild );
    } while (tuRecurseChild.nextSection(rTu));
      DTRACE_CABAC_VL( g_nSymbolCounter++ );
      DTRACE_CABAC_T( "\tTrIdx: abspart=" );
      DTRACE_CABAC_V( uiAbsPartIdx );
      DTRACE_CABAC_T( "\tdepth=" );
      DTRACE_CABAC_V( uiDepth );
      DTRACE_CABAC_T( "\ttrdepth=" );
      DTRACE_CABAC_V( pcCU->getTransformIdx( uiAbsPartIdx ) );
      DTRACE_CABAC_T( "\n" );

    if( !pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx) && uiDepth == pcCU->getDepth( uiAbsPartIdx ) && (!bChroma || (!pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, COMPONENT_Cb, 0 ) && !pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, COMPONENT_Cr, 0 ) ) ) )
      assert( pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, COMPONENT_Y, 0 ) );
      //      printf( "saved one bin! " );
      m_pcEntropyCoderIf->codeQtCbf( rTu, COMPONENT_Y, true ); //luma CBF is always at the lowest level

    if ( bHaveACodedBlock )
      // dQP: only for CTU once
      if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getUseDQP() )
        if ( bCodeDQP )
          encodeQP( pcCU, rTu.GetAbsPartIdxCU() );
          bCodeDQP = false;

      if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getUseChromaQpAdj() )
        if ( bHaveACodedChromaBlock && codeChromaQpAdj && !pcCU->getCUTransquantBypass(rTu.GetAbsPartIdxCU()) )
          encodeChromaQpAdjustment( pcCU, rTu.GetAbsPartIdxCU() );
          codeChromaQpAdj = false;

      const UInt numValidComp=pcCU->getPic()->getNumberValidComponents();

      for(UInt ch=COMPONENT_Y; ch<numValidComp; ch++)
        const ComponentID compID=ComponentID(ch);

        if (rTu.ProcessComponentSection(compID))
          if (bDebugRQT)
            printf("Call NxN for chan %d width=%d height=%d cbf=%d\n", compID, rTu.getRect(compID).width, rTu.getRect(compID).height, 1);

          if (rTu.getRect(compID).width != rTu.getRect(compID).height)
            //code two sub-TUs
            TComTURecurse subTUIterator(rTu, false, TComTU::VERTICAL_SPLIT, true, compID);

              const UChar subTUCBF = pcCU->getCbf(subTUIterator.GetAbsPartIdxTU(compID), compID, (uiTrIdx + 1));

              if (subTUCBF != 0)
                if (bDebugRQT)
                  printf("Call NxN for chan %d width=%d height=%d cbf=%d\n", compID, subTUIterator.getRect(compID).width, subTUIterator.getRect(compID).height, 1);
                m_pcEntropyCoderIf->codeCoeffNxN( subTUIterator, (pcCU->getCoeff(compID) + subTUIterator.getCoefficientOffset(compID)), compID );
            while (subTUIterator.nextSection(rTu));
            if (isChroma(compID) && (cbf[COMPONENT_Y] != 0))
              m_pcEntropyCoderIf->codeCrossComponentPrediction( rTu, compID );

            if (cbf[compID] != 0)
              m_pcEntropyCoderIf->codeCoeffNxN( rTu, (pcCU->getCoeff(compID) + rTu.getCoefficientOffset(compID)), compID );
Esempio n. 2
UInt  PositionCode_Predict(TComYuv *pcResiYuv, TComTU&     rTu, const ComponentID compID, TCoeff* pcCoeff /*,Bool bMV,bool bNoResidual*/)
	if (!rTu.ProcessComponentSection(compID)) return -1;

	TComDataCU *pcCU = rTu.getCU();
	UInt  uiCUAddr = pcCU->getCtuRsAddr();
	UInt  uiFrameWidthInCU = pcCU->getPic()->getFrameWidthInCtus();
	UInt  uiCUAboveAddr = uiCUAddr - uiFrameWidthInCU;
	UInt  uiCULeftAddr = uiCUAddr - 1;
	UInt  uiCUAboveLeftAddr = uiCUAddr - 1 - uiFrameWidthInCU;
	UInt  uiCUAboveRightAddr = uiCUAddr + 1 - uiFrameWidthInCU;
	UInt  uiCUArray[4] = { uiCULeftAddr, uiCUAboveAddr, uiCUAboveLeftAddr, uiCUAboveRightAddr };
	UInt  uiCUHandleAddr;
	Int curindex, minibits, temp/*,truebits*/;
	TCoeff  pcCoeffTemp[MAX_BUFFER];
	TComYuv *pcComYuv = new TComYuv;
	const TComRectangle &rect = rTu.getRect(compID);
	UInt uiTempStride, uiSrcStride;

	uiSrcStride = pcResiYuv->getStride(compID);

	UInt uiHeight = pcResiYuv->getHeight(compID);
	UInt uiWidth = pcResiYuv->getWidth(compID);
	pcComYuv->create(uiWidth, uiHeight, pcCU->getPic()->getChromaFormat());
	uiTempStride = pcComYuv->getStride(compID);
	minibits = MAX_INT;
	for (UInt index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
		uiCUHandleAddr = uiCUArray[index];
		if ((int)uiCUHandleAddr < 0) continue;
		for (UInt y = 0; y < uiHeight; y++) {
			for (UInt x = 0; x<uiWidth; x++) {
				*(pcComYuv->getAddr(compID) + y*uiTempStride + x) = *(pcResiYuv->getAddr(compID) + y*uiSrcStride + x);
		//pcResiYuv->copyToPartComponent ( compID, pcComYuv, 0);

		memset(pcCoeffTemp, 0, sizeof(TCoeff)*MAX_BUFFER);
		//_CrtMemState s1,s2,s3;
		//_CrtMemCheckpoint( &s1 );
		temp = GolombCode_Predict_SingleNeighbor(pcComYuv, rTu, compID, uiCUHandleAddr, index, pcCoeffTemp);
		if (temp> -1 && temp < minibits) {
			curindex = index;//uiCUHandleAddr;

			minibits = temp;

			//truebits = minibits  / GOLOMB_EXP_BUFFER + ( (minibits % GOLOMB_EXP_BUFFER==0) ? 0:1  );
			memcpy(pcCoeff, pcCoeffTemp, sizeof(TCoeff)*rect.height*rect.width/* truebits*/);
		//_CrtMemCheckpoint( &s2 );
		//if ( _CrtMemDifference( &s3, &s1, &s2) )
		//      _CrtMemDumpStatistics( &s3 );
		//       _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks();
	delete pcComYuv;
	pcComYuv = NULL;

	if (minibits != MAX_INT) {
		assert(uiCUArray[curindex] >= 0);
		return minibits;

	return MAX_UINT;
Esempio n. 3
//index== 0 above 1 left 2 above and left 3 above and right
Int  GolombCode_Predict_SingleNeighbor(TComYuv *pcResiYuv, TComTU&     rTu, const ComponentID compID, UInt uiCUHandleAddr, UInt uiAIndex, TCoeff* pcCoeff)
	const Bool       bIsLuma = isLuma(compID);
	const TComRectangle &rect = rTu.getRect(compID);
	TComDataCU *pcCU = rTu.getCU();
	UInt  uiCUAddr = pcCU->getCtuRsAddr();

	//if  ((int)uiCUHandleAddr < 0)     return -1;

	TComPicYuv *pcPicYuvResi = pcCU->getPic()->getPicYuvResi();
	if (pcPicYuvResi == NULL)  return -1;
	const UInt uiAbsPartIdx = rTu.GetAbsPartIdxTU();
	//    const UInt  uiZOrder      = pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() +uiAbsPartIdx;

	const UInt uiTrDepth = rTu.GetTransformDepthRelAdj(compID);
	const UInt uiFullDepth = rTu.GetTransformDepthTotal();
	const UInt uiLog2TrSize = rTu.GetLog2LumaTrSize();
	const ChromaFormat chFmt = pcCU->getPic()->getChromaFormat();

	const UInt    uiWidth = rect.width;
	const UInt    uiHeight = rect.height;
	const UInt    uiStride = pcResiYuv->getStride(compID);

	UInt   uiAddr = pcCU->getCtuRsAddr();

	TComYuv  *pcTemp;
	pcTemp = new TComYuv;
	UInt  uiSrc1Stride = pcPicYuvResi->getStride(compID);
	UInt  CUPelX, CUPelY;
	CUPelX = (uiCUHandleAddr % pcCU->getPic()->getFrameWidthInCtus()) * g_uiMaxCUWidth;
	CUPelY = (uiCUHandleAddr / pcCU->getPic()->getFrameWidthInCtus()) * g_uiMaxCUHeight;
	CUPelX = CUPelX + g_auiRasterToPelX[g_auiZscanToRaster[uiAbsPartIdx]];
	CUPelY = CUPelY + g_auiRasterToPelY[g_auiZscanToRaster[uiAbsPartIdx]];
	//for(int m=0;m<256;m++) cout<<g_auiZscanToRaster[m] <<" ";cout<<endl;
	//for(int m=0;m<256;m++) cout<<g_auiRasterToPelX[m] <<" ";cout<<endl;
	//for(int m=0;m<256;m++) cout<<g_auiRasterToPelY[m] <<" ";cout<<endl;
	//Pel *pSrc1 = pcPicYuvResi->getAddr(compID) +CUPelY * uiSrc1Stride + CUPelX;
	Pel  *pSrc1 = pcPicYuvResi->getAddr(compID, uiCUHandleAddr, uiAbsPartIdx + pcCU->getZorderIdxInCtu());
	/*       if( compID != COMPONENT_Y)
		   pSrc1 = pcPicYuvResi->getAddr(COMPONENT_Y, uiCUHandleAddr, uiAbsPartIdx + pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU());
	pcTemp->create(uiWidth, uiHeight, chFmt);
	//       pcTemp->copyFromPicComponent(compID,pcPicYuvResi,uiCUHandleAddr, pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU()+uiAbsPartIdx);

	UInt  uiTempStride = pcTemp->getStride(compID);
	Pel  *pTemp = pcTemp->getAddr(compID);
	for (Int y = 0; y < uiHeight; y++)
		for (Int x = 0; x < uiWidth; x++)
			pTemp[x] = pSrc1[x];
		pTemp += uiTempStride;
		pSrc1 += uiSrc1Stride;

	int srclx = 0; int srcly = 0; int srclv = 0;
	int srchasleft = 1;
	Pel  srcpel;
	int  srclist[3][64 * 64];
	int  srcindex = 0;
	memset(srclist, -1, 3 * 64 * 64 * sizeof(int));
	int cursrclistindex = 0;

	Pel*  piSrc = pcTemp->getAddr(compID);
	//Pel*  piSrc     = pcTemp->getAddr(compID, uiAbsPartIdx);
	Pel*  pSrc = piSrc;
	//found the source list
	while (srchasleft) {
		int ndis = 1000;
		int nx = -1; int ny = -1;
		pSrc = piSrc;
		for (UInt y = 0; y < uiHeight; y++) {
			for (UInt x = 0; x<uiWidth; x++) {
				assert(pSrc[x] >-256 && pSrc[x] < 256);
				if (pSrc[x] != 0) {
					int dis = 0;
					dis += getG0Bits((x - srclx));
					dis += getG0Bits((y - srcly));
					if (dis < ndis) {
						nx = x;
						ny = y;
						ndis = dis;
			pSrc += uiTempStride;
		if (nx != -1 && ny != -1) {
			srcpel = *(piSrc + ny*uiTempStride + nx);
			srclx = nx; srcly = ny; srclv = srcpel;
			srclist[0][srcindex] = srclx;
			srclist[1][srcindex] = srcly;
			srclist[2][srcindex] = srcpel;
			*(piSrc + ny*uiTempStride + nx) = 0;
		else {
			srchasleft = 0;
	if (srcindex == 0)  {
		delete pcTemp;
		pcTemp = NULL;
		return -1;
	TComPicYuv *pcPicOrg = pcCU->getPic()->getPicYuvOrg();
	Pel*  piOrg = pcPicOrg->getAddr(compID, pcCU->getCtuRsAddr(), pcCU->getZorderIdxInCtu() + uiAbsPartIdx);
	const UInt   uiOrgStride = pcPicOrg->getStride(compID);
	Pel*  piResi = pcResiYuv->getAddr(compID, uiAbsPartIdx);
	Pel*  pResi = piResi;
	int dstindex = 0;
	int  indexlist[64 * 64][5];
	memset(indexlist, 0, 5 * 64 * 64 * sizeof(int));
	int contz = 0;
	int contnz = 0;
	int cs = 0;
	int bits = 0;
	//        int temp;
	int lx = 0; int ly = 0; int lv = 0;
	int hasleft = 1;
	Pel  pel;

	while (hasleft) {
		//found the least distance point
		int ndis = 1000;
		int nx = -1; int ny = -1;
		pResi = piResi;
		for (UInt y = 0; y < uiHeight; y++) {
			for (UInt x = 0; x < uiWidth; x++) {
				if (pResi[x] != 0) {
					int dis = 0;
					dis += getG0Bits((x - lx));
					dis += getG0Bits((y - ly));
					if (dis < ndis) {
						nx = x;
						ny = y;
						ndis = dis;
			pResi += uiStride;
		if (nx != -1 && ny != -1) {
			pel = *(piResi + ny*uiStride + nx);

			int srcdis = 1024 * 4;
			int srccur = -1;
			for (UInt s = 0; s < srcindex; s++) {
				int curdis = 0;

				curdis += getG0Bits((nx - srclist[0][s]));
				curdis += getG0Bits((ny - srclist[1][s]));
				//                          curdis += getG0Bits( (pel-srclist[2][s]));// getG0Bits can handle -512 && 512

				if (curdis < srcdis) {
					srccur = s;
					srcdis = curdis;
			if (srccur != -1) {
				indexlist[dstindex][0] = nx - srclist[0][srccur];
				indexlist[dstindex][1] = ny - srclist[1][srccur];
				assert(pel != 0);

				indexlist[dstindex][4] = srccur;

				cursrclistindex = srccur;
			else {
			lx = nx; ly = ny; lv = pel;
			*(piResi + ny*uiStride + nx) = 0;
		else {
			hasleft = 0;

	delete pcTemp;
	pcTemp = NULL;

	if (dstindex == 0) {
		assert(bits == 0);
		return bits;
	qsort(indexlist, dstindex, sizeof(int)* 5, compare5);

	for (UInt x = dstindex - 1; x > 0; x--) {
		indexlist[x][4] -= indexlist[x - 1][4];

	//bits += getG0Bits( (indexlist[0][0]));
	//bits += getG0Bits( (indexlist[0][1]));

	int maxlength = 0;
	UInt truebits = 0;
	bool  vlcf[3] = { false, false, false };// dx & dy   residual  srcindex
	int z01 = 0;
	for (UInt x = 1; x < dstindex; x++) {
		if (indexlist[x][0] == indexlist[x - 1][0] && indexlist[x][1] == indexlist[x - 1][1]) {
		else {
			bits += getG0Bits((maxlength));
			bits += getG0Bits((indexlist[x - 1][0]));
			bits += getG0Bits((indexlist[x - 1][1]));
			maxlength = 0;
		if (indexlist[x][0] == 0 && indexlist[x][1] == 0) z01++;

	bits += getG0Bits((maxlength));
	bits += getG0Bits((indexlist[dstindex - 1][0]));
	bits += getG0Bits((indexlist[dstindex - 1][1]));
	UInt sbits = 0;
	for (UInt x = 0; x < dstindex; x++) {
		sbits += getG0Bits((indexlist[x][0]));
		sbits += getG0Bits((indexlist[x][1]));
	//   printf("gain %6d position before %6d after %6d\n",sbits-bits,sbits,bits);

	if (sbits < bits)  {
		vlcf[0] = true;
		bits = sbits;

	sbits = bits + 1;
	//bits += getG0Bits( PTable(compID,indexlist[0][2]));
		maxlength = 0;
		for (UInt x = 1; x < dstindex; x++) {
			if (indexlist[x][2] == indexlist[x - 1][2] && indexlist[x][3] == indexlist[x - 1][3]) {
			else {
				bits += getG0Bits((maxlength));
				bits += getG0Bits(indexlist[x - 1][3]);

				bits += getG0Bits(indexlist[x - 1][2]);
				maxlength = 0;
		bits += getG0Bits((maxlength));
		bits += getG0Bits(indexlist[dstindex - 1][3]);
		bits += getG0Bits((indexlist[dstindex - 1][2]));
	UInt vbits = 0;
	sbits = bits - sbits;
	for (UInt x = 0; x < dstindex; x++) {
			vbits += getG0Bits(indexlist[x][2]);
			vbits += getG0Bits(indexlist[x][3]);
	//        printf("gain %6d delta resi before %6d after %6d\n",vbits-sbits,vbits,sbits);
	if (vbits < sbits) {
		vlcf[1] = true;
		bits = bits - sbits + vbits;
	sbits = bits + 1;
	//bits += getG0Bits( (indexlist[0][3]));
	Int srcPosIndex;

	srcPosIndex = 4;

	maxlength = 0;

	for (UInt x = 1; x < dstindex; x++) {
		if (indexlist[x][srcPosIndex] == indexlist[x - 1][srcPosIndex]) {
		else {
			bits += getG0Bits((maxlength));
			bits += getG0Bits((indexlist[x - 1][srcPosIndex]));
			maxlength = 0;

	bits += getG0Bits((maxlength));
	bits += getG0Bits((indexlist[dstindex - 1][srcPosIndex]));

	sbits = bits - sbits;
	vbits = 0;
	for (UInt x = 0; x < dstindex; x++) {
		vbits += getG0Bits((indexlist[x][srcPosIndex]));
	//        printf("gain %6d delta index before %6d after %6d\n",vbits-sbits,vbits,sbits);
	if (vbits < sbits) {
		vlcf[2] = true;
		bits = bits - sbits + vbits;
	//        if( pcCU->getAddr()==INTRA_PR_CUNUM )
	//            printf("position distance zero  %6d of %6d  total bits %6d\n",z01,dstindex,bits+1);
	truebits = 0;
	ExpGolombEncode(uiAIndex, pcCoeff, truebits);
	//--------------encode  srcindex

	if (vlcf[2]) {
		ExpGolombEncode(0, pcCoeff, truebits);
		for (UInt x = 0; x < dstindex; x++) {
			//cout<<"  "<<indexlist[x][3]  ;
			ExpGolombEncode((indexlist[x][srcPosIndex]), pcCoeff, truebits);
		ExpGolombEncode(1, pcCoeff, truebits);
		maxlength = 0;
		for (UInt x = 1; x<dstindex; x++) {
			if (indexlist[x][srcPosIndex] == indexlist[x - 1][srcPosIndex]) {
			else {
				ExpGolombEncode((maxlength), pcCoeff, truebits);
				ExpGolombEncode((indexlist[x - 1][srcPosIndex]), pcCoeff, truebits);
				maxlength = 0;
		ExpGolombEncode((maxlength), pcCoeff, truebits);
		ExpGolombEncode((indexlist[dstindex - 1][srcPosIndex]), pcCoeff, truebits);
	ExpGolombEncode(-1, pcCoeff, truebits);
	//---------------encode  residual

	if (vlcf[1]) {
		ExpGolombEncode(0, pcCoeff, truebits);
		for (UInt x = 0; x < dstindex; x++) {
				ExpGolombEncode(indexlist[x][2], pcCoeff, truebits);
				//  if( !bNoResidual)
				//      ExpGolombEncode( indexlist[x][3],pcCoeff,truebits);
		ExpGolombEncode(1, pcCoeff, truebits);
		//ExpGolombEncode( (indexlist[0][2]),pcCoeff,truebits);
		maxlength = 0;
			for (UInt x = 1; x < dstindex; x++) {
				if (indexlist[x][2] == indexlist[x - 1][2] && indexlist[x][3] == indexlist[x - 1][3]) {
				else {
					ExpGolombEncode((maxlength), pcCoeff, truebits);
					//assert( (maxlength)>=0);
					ExpGolombEncode(indexlist[x - 1][2], pcCoeff, truebits);
					//   if( !bNoResidual)
					//       ExpGolombEncode( indexlist[x-1][3],pcCoeff,truebits);

					maxlength = 0;
			ExpGolombEncode((maxlength), pcCoeff, truebits);
			ExpGolombEncode(indexlist[dstindex - 1][2], pcCoeff, truebits);
			//if( !bNoResidual)
			//    ExpGolombEncode( indexlist[dstindex-1][3] , pcCoeff, truebits);
	//--------------encode dx and dy -----------
	if (vlcf[0])  {
		ExpGolombEncode(0, pcCoeff, truebits);
		for (UInt x = 0; x < dstindex; x++) {
			ExpGolombEncode((indexlist[x][0]), pcCoeff, truebits);
			ExpGolombEncode((indexlist[x][1]), pcCoeff, truebits);
		ExpGolombEncode(1, pcCoeff, truebits);
		//ExpGolombEncode( (indexlist[0][0]),pcCoeff,truebits);
		//ExpGolombEncode( (indexlist[0][1]),pcCoeff,truebits);

		maxlength = 0;

		for (UInt x = 1; x < dstindex; x++) {
			if (indexlist[x][0] == indexlist[x - 1][0] && indexlist[x][1] == indexlist[x - 1][1]) {
			else {
				ExpGolombEncode((maxlength), pcCoeff, truebits);
				ExpGolombEncode((indexlist[x - 1][0]), pcCoeff, truebits);
				ExpGolombEncode((indexlist[x - 1][1]), pcCoeff, truebits);
				maxlength = 0;
		ExpGolombEncode((maxlength), pcCoeff, truebits);
		ExpGolombEncode((indexlist[dstindex - 1][0]), pcCoeff, truebits);
		ExpGolombEncode((indexlist[dstindex - 1][1]), pcCoeff, truebits);
	return   truebits;/* bits +1*/;
Esempio n. 4
Void getTUEntropyCodingParameters(      TUEntropyCodingParameters &result,
                                        TComTU                    &rTu,
                                        const ComponentID                component)

    //set the local parameters

    TComDataCU    *const pcCU            = rTu.getCU();
    const TComRectangle &      area            = rTu.getRect(component);
    const UInt                 uiAbsPartIdx    = rTu.GetAbsPartIdxTU(component);
    const UInt                 log2BlockWidth  = g_aucConvertToBit[area.width]  + 2;
    const UInt                 log2BlockHeight = g_aucConvertToBit[area.height] + 2;
    const ChannelType          channelType     = toChannelType(component);

    result.scanType = COEFF_SCAN_TYPE(pcCU->getCoefScanIdx(uiAbsPartIdx, area.width, area.height, component));


    //set the group layout

    result.widthInGroups  = area.width  >> MLS_CG_LOG2_WIDTH;
    result.heightInGroups = area.height >> MLS_CG_LOG2_HEIGHT;


    //set the scan orders

    const UInt log2WidthInGroups  = g_aucConvertToBit[result.widthInGroups  * 4];
    const UInt log2HeightInGroups = g_aucConvertToBit[result.heightInGroups * 4];

    result.scan   = g_scanOrder[ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ result.scanType ][ log2BlockWidth    ][ log2BlockHeight    ];
    result.scanCG = g_scanOrder[ SCAN_UNGROUPED   ][ result.scanType ][ log2WidthInGroups ][ log2HeightInGroups ];


    //set the significance map context selection parameters

    if (pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getUseSingleSignificanceMapContext()
            && (pcCU->getCUTransquantBypass(uiAbsPartIdx) || (pcCU->getTransformSkip(uiAbsPartIdx, component) != 0)))
        result.firstSignificanceMapContext = significanceMapContextSetStart[channelType][CONTEXT_TYPE_SINGLE];
        if ((area.width == 4) && (area.height == 4))
            result.firstSignificanceMapContext = significanceMapContextSetStart[channelType][CONTEXT_TYPE_4x4];
        else if ((area.width == 8) && (area.height == 8))
            result.firstSignificanceMapContext = significanceMapContextSetStart[channelType][CONTEXT_TYPE_8x8];
            if (result.scanType != SCAN_DIAG) result.firstSignificanceMapContext += nonDiagonalScan8x8ContextOffset[channelType];
            result.firstSignificanceMapContext = significanceMapContextSetStart[channelType][CONTEXT_TYPE_NxN];
