void Output::fixLeafOffsets( TBranch * b)
  // recalculates the addresses for all the leaves.
  // when constructing a branch with containing a variable length array with the index
  // variable in the same branch it is not possible to specify the span of the index variable
  // This span defaults to zero. When the addresses are asigned to the various leaves in the branch
  // it calculates the size of the particular leaf (variable length array) in the buffer by looking 
  // at the span of the index variable - 0 in this case! using the method TLeaf::GetLen(). 
  // The following code shoudl be applied to the branch after the spans of the index variables have been
  // specified manually using the TLeaf::SetMaximum method. This time the GetLen method calculates the correct offset.

  TObjArray * leaves = b->GetListOfLeaves();
  char * addr = b->GetAddress();
  int offset = 0;
  int nleaves = leaves->GetEntriesFast();
  // loop over the leaves:
  for( int i =0; i < nleaves; ++i) {
    TLeaf * leaf = (TLeaf *)leaves->UncheckedAt(i);
    leaf->SetAddress( addr + offset );
    int oldOffset = leaf->GetOffset();
    leaf->SetOffset( offset );
    //std::cout << " offset changed from : " << oldOffset << " to " << offset << std::endl;
    TLeaf * index = leaf->GetLeafCount();
    int nelements = 1;
    if( index ) {
      nelements = index->GetMaximum(); // deal with variable length arrays
    } else {
      nelements = leaf->GetLenStatic(); // deal with single variables and fixed length arrays
    offset += leaf->GetLenType() * nelements;
Esempio n. 2
map<TString, vector<TString> >GetCounterBranchListMap(TTree *t)
  map<TString, vector<TString> > m;
  TObjArray *l = t->GetListOfLeaves(); //sometimes leave can be named wrong - rely on branches
  int n = l->GetEntries();// cout<<t->GetName()<<" has "<<n<<" leaves"<<endl;
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
    TLeaf * leaf = (TLeaf *)(*l)[i];
    TLeaf *lc = leaf->GetLeafCount();
    if (lc!=0) {
      m[lc->GetBranch()->GetName()].push_back(leaf->GetBranch()->GetName()); //get leaf's branch name
      if (VERBOSE) cout<<lc->GetBranch()->GetName()<<" _ "<<leaf->GetBranch()->GetName()<<endl;

  return m;
Esempio n. 3
//std::mutex mtx;
void ProcessFilePar(TString fileIn, TString fileOut, TString treename,  vector<TString> friends, vector<TString> branches, vector<TString> newbranches, unsigned jobid = 0, unsigned NPAR = 1)
  //mtx.lock(); //for threads
  TFile *fin = new TFile(fileIn);
  TTree *tjet = (TTree*)fin->Get(treename);

  vector<TTree *> friendTrees;
  vector<bool> sameFileFriend;
  for (auto f:friends) {
    auto fr = tokenize(f,":");
    if (fr.size()==1) {tjet->AddFriend(fr[0]); sameFileFriend.push_back(true);}
    else if (fr.size()==2) {tjet->AddFriend(fr[1],fr[0]); sameFileFriend.push_back(false);}

    TTree *tfriend = (TTree*)fin->Get(f);

  AddBranchesByCounter(tjet, branches);
  for (unsigned i=0;i<friendTrees.size();i++) AddBranchesByCounter(friendTrees[i],branches);

  //sort branches into categories
  for (auto bName:branches) {
    TBranch *b=tjet->GetBranch(bName);
    if (b==0) cout <<"Branch "<<bName<<" doesn't exist!"<<endl;

    //parse in case there is a tree name in the branch
    auto branchtoken = tokenize(bName,".");
    auto leafname = branchtoken[branchtoken.size()-1];

    TObjArray *bl = b->GetListOfLeaves();
    if (bl->GetEntries()>1)
      cout <<" Branch "<<b->GetTitle()<<" has more than 1 leave. Taking first..."<<endl;
    if (bl->GetEntries()==0) {
      cout <<" Branch "<<b->GetTitle()<<" has no leaves! Skipping..."<<endl;

    TLeaf * l = (TLeaf *)(*bl)[0];
    //what's the type?
    TString type = l->GetTypeName();
    if (VERBOSE) cout<<l->GetTitle()<<endl;

    bool array = l->GetLeafCount()!=0;
    TString counter;
    if (array) counter = l->GetLeafCount()->GetBranch()->GetName();

    if (type=="Float_t")
      {  if (array) {brVFloat.push_back(bName); brVFloatCounter.push_back(counter); }else brFloat.push_back(bName);}
    else if (type=="Int_t")
      {  if (array) {brVInt.push_back(bName); brVIntCounter.push_back(counter); }else brInt.push_back(bName);}
    else cout << "Unsupported branch type "<<type<<" for branch "<<bName<<". Skipping..."<<endl;

  //treat counters as ints only
  AppendToListUniquely(brVIntCounter, brInt);
  AppendToListUniquely(brVFloatCounter, brInt);

  //too keep track of old branches, which cannot be read (todo: just check it...)
  int noldbrInt = brInt.size(), noldbrFloat = brFloat.size(), noldbrVInt = brVInt.size(), noldbrVIntCounter = brVIntCounter.size(), noldbrVFloat = brVFloat.size(), noldbrVFloatCounter = brVFloatCounter.size();
  //add new branches
  ParseNewBranches(newbranches, brInt, brFloat, brVInt, brVIntCounter, brVFloat, brVFloatCounter);

  //print for debugging
  if (VERBOSE) {
    cout<<"int       : "; for (auto s:brInt) cout <<s<<", "; cout<<endl;
    cout<<"float     : "; for (auto s:brFloat) cout <<s<<", "; cout<<endl;
    cout<<"Vint      : "; for (auto s:brVInt) cout <<s<<", "; cout<<endl;
    cout<<"Vfloat    : "; for (auto s:brVFloat) cout <<s<<", "; cout<<endl;
    cout<<"Vintcnt   : "; for (auto s:brVIntCounter) cout <<s<<", "; cout<<endl;
    cout<<"Vfloatcnt : "; for (auto s:brVFloatCounter) cout <<s<<", "; cout<<endl;

  for (auto b:brVFloat) if (tjet->GetBranch(b)!=0) tjet->SetBranchStatus(b,0);
  for (auto b:brFloat)  if (tjet->GetBranch(b)!=0) tjet->SetBranchStatus(b,0);
  for (auto b:brVInt)   if (tjet->GetBranch(b)!=0) tjet->SetBranchStatus(b,0);
  for (auto b:brInt)    if (tjet->GetBranch(b)!=0) {unsigned f=0; tjet->SetBranchStatus(b,0,&f); if (VERBOSE) cout<<"turning off "<<b<<", found = "<<f<<endl;}

  TFile *fout = new TFile(fileOut,"recreate");
  TTree *tjetout;

  //in case of one-to-many event - do not copy branches automatically!
  if (useOneToOne) tjetout = tjet->CloneTree(0);
  else tjetout = new TTree(tjet->GetName(),tjet->GetTitle());

  //think about memory tree
  // tjetout->SetDirectory(0);
  //TTree *tjetout = new TTree("t","t");

  //to see what is copied...

  for (auto b:brVFloat) if (tjet->GetBranch(b)!=0) tjet->SetBranchStatus(b,1);
  for (auto b:brFloat)  if (tjet->GetBranch(b)!=0) tjet->SetBranchStatus(b,1);
  for (auto b:brVInt)   if (tjet->GetBranch(b)!=0) tjet->SetBranchStatus(b,1);
  for (auto b:brInt)    if (tjet->GetBranch(b)!=0) tjet->SetBranchStatus(b,1);

  vector<int> valIntIn(brInt.size()), valIntOut(brInt.size());
  vector<float> valFloatIn(brFloat.size()), valFloatOut(brFloat.size());
  vector<vector<int> >valVIntIn (brVInt.size());  vector<vector<int> >valVIntOut (brVInt.size());
  vector<vector<float> >valVFloatIn (brVFloat.size());  vector<vector<float> >valVFloatOut (brVFloat.size());

  for (unsigned i=0;i<brInt.size();i++) {
    if (tjet->GetBranch(brInt[i])!=0)

    if (tjetout->GetBranch(brInt[i])!=0) {//why would it?
      cout<<"branch "<<brInt[i]<<" already exist for some reason..."<<endl; 
    else //logical...
      if (NonFriendBranch(tjet, brInt[i])) 

  for (unsigned i=0;i<brFloat.size();i++) {
    if (tjet->GetBranch(brFloat[i])!=0) 
    if (NonFriendBranch(tjet, brFloat[i]))

  for (unsigned i=0;i<brVFloat.size();i++) {
    if (tjet->GetBranch(brVFloat[i])!=0) {
      valVFloatIn[i] = vector<float>(NMAX);

    valVFloatOut[i] = vector<float>(NMAX);
    if (NonFriendBranch(tjet, brVFloat[i]))

  for (unsigned i=0;i<brVInt.size();i++) {
    if (tjet->GetBranch(brVInt[i])) {
      valVIntIn[i] = vector<int>(NMAX);
    valVIntOut[i] = vector<int>(NMAX);
    if (NonFriendBranch(tjet, brVInt[i]))

  Long64_t nentries = tjet->GetEntries();
  int nentries1 = nentries/NPAR*jobid;
  int nentries2 = nentries/NPAR*(jobid+1);
  nentries = nentries2-nentries1; 
  int oneperc = nentries/100; if (oneperc==0) oneperc = 1;

  cout<<"Start processing..."<<endl;
  TStopwatch s;
  TTimeStamp t0;
  double readTime = 0, processingTime = 0, copyToTime = 0, cloneTime=0, copyFromTime=0, fillTime = 0;

  for (Long64_t i=0; i<nentries;i++) {
    if (jobid==0 && i % oneperc == 0 && i>0) {
      std::cout << std::fixed;
      TTimeStamp t1; cout<<" \r"<<i/oneperc<<"%   "<<" est. time "<<setprecision(2) <<(t1-t0)*nentries/(i+.1)<<" s ";
      cout<<";Processing:"<<setprecision(2)<<processingTime/(t1-t0)*100<<" %";
      cout<<";Copy1:"<<setprecision(2) <<copyToTime/(t1-t0)*100<<" %";
      cout<<";Clone:"<<setprecision(2) <<cloneTime/(t1-t0)*100<<" %";
      cout<<";Copy2:"<<setprecision(2) <<copyFromTime/(t1-t0)*100<<" %";
      cout<<";Fill:"<<setprecision(2) <<fillTime/(t1-t0)*100<<" %";
      cout<<";Read:"<<setprecision(2) <<readTime/(t1-t0)*100<<" %";
    TTimeStamp tsRead0;
    TTimeStamp tsRead1;

    Everything ev;
    TTimeStamp tsCpTo0;
    for (unsigned j=0;j<brInt.size();j++) ev.PutInt(brInt[j],valIntIn[j]);
    for (unsigned j=0;j<brFloat.size();j++) ev.PutFloat(brFloat[j],valFloatIn[j]);
    for (unsigned j=0;j<brVFloat.size();j++) ev.PutVFloat(brVFloat[j],brVFloatCounter[j],valVFloatIn[j]);
    for (unsigned j=0;j<brVInt.size();j++) ev.PutVInt(brVInt[j],brVIntCounter[j],valVIntIn[j]);
    TTimeStamp tsCpTo1;

    TTimeStamp tsCl0;
    //think about: copy object (timing 10% ->3%) 
    //but it copies vectors, so push_back will add in the end...
    //    Everything evout = ev;
    //or even reference(in place?) (->0.2%)
    //Everything &evout = ev;
    Everything evout = ev.CloneStructure();
    TTimeStamp tsCl1;

    bool exitEvent = false;
    int counter = 0;

    while (!exitEvent) {
    TTimeStamp tsPr0;
    if (useOneToOne) {
      fProcessOneToOne(ev, evout);
      exitEvent = true;
    } else {
      exitEvent = fProcessOneToMany(ev, evout, counter); 
      //      if (!exitEvent) cout<<"event to write "<<counter<<endl;

    TTimeStamp tsPr1;  
    //Everything evout = ev;
    TTimeStamp tsCpFrom0;
    for (unsigned j=0;j<brInt.size();j++) valIntOut[j] = evout.GetInt(brInt[j]);
    for (unsigned j=0;j<brFloat.size();j++) {valFloatOut[j] = evout.GetFloat(brFloat[j]); 
      //  cout<<brFloat[j]<<" "<<evout.GetFloat(brFloat[j])<<endl;
    for (unsigned j=0;j<brVFloat.size();j++) valVFloatOut[j] = evout[brVFloat[j]];
    for (unsigned j=0;j<brVInt.size();j++) valVIntOut[j] = evout.GetVInt(brVInt[j]);
    TTimeStamp tsCpFrom1;

    TTimeStamp tsFill0;
    TTimeStamp tsFill1;

  cout<<"Done in ";s.Print();
  cout<<"Copying other trees..."<<endl;

  for (unsigned i=0;i<friendTrees.size();i++) {
    TTree *t = friendTrees[i];
    if (sameFileFriend[i]) {
      //TTree *triendout = t->CloneTree(-1,"fast");
      TTree *triendout = t->CopyTree("","",nentries,nentries1);
