Esempio n. 1
TArray<FPropertySoftPath> DiffUtils::GetVisiblePropertiesInOrderDeclared(const UObject* ForObj, const TArray<FName>& Scope /*= TArray<FName>()*/)
	TArray<FPropertySoftPath> Ret;
	if (ForObj)
		const UClass* Class = ForObj->GetClass();
		TSet<FString> HiddenCategories = FEditorCategoryUtils::GetHiddenCategories(Class);
		for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> PropertyIt(Class); PropertyIt; ++PropertyIt)
			FName CategoryName = FObjectEditorUtils::GetCategoryFName(*PropertyIt);
			if (!HiddenCategories.Contains(CategoryName.ToString()))
				if (PropertyIt->PropertyFlags&CPF_Edit)
					TArray<FName> NewPath(Scope);
					if (const UObjectProperty* ObjectProperty = Cast<UObjectProperty>(*PropertyIt))
						const UObject* const* BaseObject = reinterpret_cast<const UObject* const*>( ObjectProperty->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void>(ForObj) );
						if (BaseObject && *BaseObject)
							Ret.Append( GetVisiblePropertiesInOrderDeclared(*BaseObject, NewPath) );
	return Ret;
void FBlueprintNativeCodeGenModule::Convert(UPackage* Package, ESavePackageResult CookResult, const TCHAR* PlatformName)
	// Find the struct/enum to convert:
	UStruct* Struct = nullptr;
	UEnum* Enum = nullptr;
	GetFieldFormPackage(Package, Struct, Enum);

	// First we gather information about bound functions.
	UClass* AsClass = Cast<UClass>(Struct);
	UBlueprint* BP = AsClass ? Cast<UBlueprint>(AsClass->ClassGeneratedBy) : nullptr;
	if (BP)

	if (CookResult != ESavePackageResult::ReplaceCompletely && CookResult != ESavePackageResult::GenerateStub)
		// nothing to convert

	if (Struct == nullptr && Enum == nullptr)

	if (CookResult == ESavePackageResult::GenerateStub)
		if (ensure(BP))
		check(CookResult == ESavePackageResult::ReplaceCompletely);
		if (AsClass)
			if (ensure(BP))
			UField* ForConversion = Struct ? (UField*)Struct : (UField*)Enum;
			GenerateSingleAsset(ForConversion, PlatformName);
Esempio n. 3
FText STileLayerList::GenerateDuplicatedLayerName(const FString& InputNameRaw, UPaperTileMap* TileMap)
	// Create a set of existing names
	TSet<FString> ExistingNames;
	for (UPaperTileLayer* ExistingLayer : TileMap->TileLayers)

	FString BaseName = InputNameRaw;
	int32 TestIndex = 0;
	bool bAddNumber = false;

	// See if this is the result of a previous duplication operation, and change the desired name accordingly
	int32 SpaceIndex;
	if (InputNameRaw.FindLastChar(' ', /*out*/ SpaceIndex))
		FString PossibleDuplicationSuffix = InputNameRaw.Mid(SpaceIndex + 1);

		if (PossibleDuplicationSuffix == TEXT("copy"))
			bAddNumber = true;
			BaseName = InputNameRaw.Left(SpaceIndex);
			TestIndex = 2;
			int32 ExistingIndex = FCString::Atoi(*PossibleDuplicationSuffix);

			const FString TestSuffix = FString::Printf(TEXT(" copy %d"), ExistingIndex);

			if (InputNameRaw.EndsWith(TestSuffix))
				bAddNumber = true;
				BaseName = InputNameRaw.Left(InputNameRaw.Len() - TestSuffix.Len());
				TestIndex = ExistingIndex + 1;

	// Find a good name
	FString TestLayerName = BaseName + TEXT(" copy");

	if (bAddNumber || ExistingNames.Contains(TestLayerName))
			TestLayerName = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s copy %d"), *BaseName, TestIndex++);
		} while (ExistingNames.Contains(TestLayerName));

	return FText::FromString(TestLayerName);
Esempio n. 4
static void GetActorsToIgnore( AActor* Actor, TSet< TWeakObjectPtr<AActor> >& ActorsToIgnore )
	if( !ActorsToIgnore.Contains( Actor ) )
		ActorsToIgnore.Add( Actor );

		// We cannot snap to any attached children or actors in the same group as moving this actor will also move the children as we are snapping to them, 
		// causing a cascading effect and unexpected results
		TArray<USceneComponent*>& AttachedChildren = Actor->GetRootComponent()->AttachChildren;

		for( int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < AttachedChildren.Num(); ++ChildIndex )
			USceneComponent* Child = AttachedChildren[ChildIndex];
			if( Child && Child->GetOwner() )
				ActorsToIgnore.Add( Child->GetOwner() );

		AGroupActor* ParentGroup = AGroupActor::GetRootForActor(Actor, true, true);
		if( ParentGroup ) 
			TArray<AActor*> GroupActors;
			ParentGroup->GetGroupActors(GroupActors, true);
			for( int32 GroupActorIndex = 0; GroupActorIndex < GroupActors.Num(); ++GroupActorIndex )
				ActorsToIgnore.Add( GroupActors[GroupActorIndex] );
void FComponentEditorUtils::PropagateTransformPropertyChange(
	class USceneComponent* InSceneComponentTemplate,
	const FTransformData& OldDefaultTransform,
	const FTransformData& NewDefaultTransform,
	TSet<class USceneComponent*>& UpdatedComponents)
	check(InSceneComponentTemplate != nullptr);

	TArray<UObject*> ArchetypeInstances;
	FComponentEditorUtils::GetArchetypeInstances(InSceneComponentTemplate, ArchetypeInstances);
	for(int32 InstanceIndex = 0; InstanceIndex < ArchetypeInstances.Num(); ++InstanceIndex)
		USceneComponent* InstancedSceneComponent = FComponentEditorUtils::GetSceneComponent(ArchetypeInstances[InstanceIndex], InSceneComponentTemplate);
		if(InstancedSceneComponent != nullptr && !UpdatedComponents.Contains(InstancedSceneComponent))
			static const UProperty* RelativeLocationProperty = FindFieldChecked<UProperty>( USceneComponent::StaticClass(), "RelativeLocation" );
			if(RelativeLocationProperty != nullptr)
				PropagateTransformPropertyChange(InstancedSceneComponent, RelativeLocationProperty, OldDefaultTransform.Trans, NewDefaultTransform.Trans, UpdatedComponents);

			static const UProperty* RelativeRotationProperty = FindFieldChecked<UProperty>( USceneComponent::StaticClass(), "RelativeRotation" );
			if(RelativeRotationProperty != nullptr)
				PropagateTransformPropertyChange(InstancedSceneComponent, RelativeRotationProperty, OldDefaultTransform.Rot, NewDefaultTransform.Rot, UpdatedComponents);

			static const UProperty* RelativeScale3DProperty = FindFieldChecked<UProperty>( USceneComponent::StaticClass(), "RelativeScale3D" );
			if(RelativeScale3DProperty != nullptr)
				PropagateTransformPropertyChange(InstancedSceneComponent, RelativeScale3DProperty, OldDefaultTransform.Scale, NewDefaultTransform.Scale, UpdatedComponents);
Esempio n. 6
void SWidget::FindChildGeometries_Helper( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const TSet< TSharedRef<SWidget> >& WidgetsToFind, TMap<TSharedRef<SWidget>, FArrangedWidget>& OutResult ) const
	// Perform a breadth first search!

	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	this->ArrangeChildren( MyGeometry, ArrangedChildren );
	const int32 NumChildren = ArrangedChildren.Num();

	// See if we found any of the widgets on this level.
	for(int32 ChildIndex=0; ChildIndex < NumChildren; ++ChildIndex )
		const FArrangedWidget& CurChild = ArrangedChildren[ ChildIndex ];
		if ( WidgetsToFind.Contains(CurChild.Widget) )
			// We found one of the widgets for which we need geometry!
			OutResult.Add( CurChild.Widget, CurChild );

	// If we have not found all the widgets that we were looking for, descend.
	if ( OutResult.Num() != WidgetsToFind.Num() )
		// Look for widgets among the children.
		for( int32 ChildIndex=0; ChildIndex < NumChildren; ++ChildIndex )
			const FArrangedWidget& CurChild = ArrangedChildren[ ChildIndex ];
			CurChild.Widget->FindChildGeometries_Helper( CurChild.Geometry, WidgetsToFind, OutResult );
Esempio n. 7
bool FName::IsValidXName( FString InvalidChars/*=INVALID_NAME_CHARACTERS*/, FText* Reason/*=NULL*/ ) const
    FString Name = ToString();

    // See if the name contains invalid characters.
    TCHAR CharString[] = { '\0', '\0' };
    FString MatchedInvalidChars;
    TSet<TCHAR> AlreadyMatchedInvalidChars;
    for( int32 x = 0; x < InvalidChars.Len() ; ++x )
        TCHAR CharToTest = InvalidChars[x];
        CharString[0] = CharToTest;
        if( !AlreadyMatchedInvalidChars.Contains( CharToTest ) && Name.Contains( CharString ) )
            MatchedInvalidChars += CharString;
            AlreadyMatchedInvalidChars.Add( CharToTest );

    if ( MatchedInvalidChars.Len() )
        if ( Reason )
            FFormatNamedArguments Args;
            Args.Add(TEXT("IllegalNameCharacters"), FText::FromString(MatchedInvalidChars));
            *Reason = FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("Core", "NameContainsInvalidCharacters", "Name may not contain the following characters: {IllegalNameCharacters}"), Args );
        return false;

    return true;
void FMoveKeys::OnBeginDrag(const FVector2D& LocalMousePos, TSharedPtr<FTrackNode> SequencerNode)
	check( SelectedKeys.Num() > 0 )

	// Begin an editor transaction and mark the section as transactional so it's state will be saved
	GEditor->BeginTransaction( NSLOCTEXT("Sequencer", "MoveKeysTransaction", "Move Keys") );

	TSet<UMovieSceneSection*> ModifiedSections;
	for( FSelectedKey SelectedKey : SelectedKeys )
		UMovieSceneSection* OwningSection = SelectedKey.Section;

		// Only modify sections once
		if( !ModifiedSections.Contains( OwningSection ) )
			OwningSection->SetFlags( RF_Transactional );

			// Save the current state of the section

			// Section has been modified
			ModifiedSections.Add( OwningSection );
void FBlueprintNativeCodeGenModule::GenerateStubs()
	TSet<TAssetPtr<UBlueprint>> AlreadyGenerated;
	while (AlreadyGenerated.Num() < StubsRequiredByGeneratedCode.Num())
		const int32 OldGeneratedNum = AlreadyGenerated.Num();
		for (TAssetPtr<UBlueprint>& BPPtr : StubsRequiredByGeneratedCode)
			bool bAlreadyGenerated = false;
			AlreadyGenerated.Add(BPPtr, &bAlreadyGenerated);
			if (bAlreadyGenerated)

			ensureMsgf(AllPotentialStubs.Contains(BPPtr), TEXT("A required blueprint doesn't generate stub: %s"), *BPPtr.ToString());
			for (auto& PlatformName : TargetPlatformNames)
				GenerateSingleStub(BPPtr.LoadSynchronous(), *PlatformName);

		if (!ensure(OldGeneratedNum != AlreadyGenerated.Num()))

	UE_LOG(LogBlueprintCodeGen, Log, TEXT("GenerateStubs - all unconverted bp: %d, generated wrapers: %d"), AllPotentialStubs.Num(), StubsRequiredByGeneratedCode.Num());
static bool ParseFramesFromSpriteArray(const TArray<TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>>& ArrayBlock, TArray<FSpriteFrame>& OutSpriteFrames, TSet<FName>& FrameNames)
	GWarn->BeginSlowTask(NSLOCTEXT("Paper2D", "PaperJsonImporterFactory_ParsingSprites", "Parsing Sprite Frame"), true, true);
	bool bLoadedSuccessfully = true;

	// Parse all of the frames
	for (int32 FrameCount = 0; FrameCount < ArrayBlock.Num(); ++FrameCount)
		GWarn->StatusUpdate(FrameCount, ArrayBlock.Num(), NSLOCTEXT("Paper2D", "PaperJsonImporterFactory_ParsingSprites", "Parsing Sprite Frames"));
		bool bReadFrameSuccessfully = true;
		FSpriteFrame Frame;

		const TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>& FrameDataAsValue = ArrayBlock[FrameCount];
		if (FrameDataAsValue->Type == EJson::Object)
			TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> FrameData;
			FrameData = FrameDataAsValue->AsObject();

			FString FrameFilename = FPaperJSONHelpers::ReadString(FrameData, TEXT("filename"), TEXT(""));
			if (!FrameFilename.IsEmpty())
				Frame.FrameName = FName(*FrameFilename); // case insensitive
				if (FrameNames.Contains(Frame.FrameName))
					bReadFrameSuccessfully = false;

				bReadFrameSuccessfully = bReadFrameSuccessfully && ParseFrame(FrameData, /*out*/Frame);
				bReadFrameSuccessfully = false;
			bReadFrameSuccessfully = false;

		if (bReadFrameSuccessfully)
			UE_LOG(LogPaperSpriteSheetImporter, Warning, TEXT("Frame %s is in an unexpected format"), *Frame.FrameName.ToString());
			bLoadedSuccessfully = false;

	return bLoadedSuccessfully;
Esempio n. 11
// Reconcile other pin links:
//   - Links between nodes within the copied set are fine
//   - Links to nodes that were not copied need to be fixed up if the copy-paste was in the same graph or broken completely
// Call PostPasteNode on each node
void FEdGraphUtilities::PostProcessPastedNodes(TSet<UEdGraphNode*>& SpawnedNodes)
	// Run thru and fix up the node's pin links; they may point to invalid pins if the paste was to another graph
	for (TSet<UEdGraphNode*>::TIterator It(SpawnedNodes); It; ++It)
		UEdGraphNode* Node = *It;
		UEdGraph* CurrentGraph = Node->GetGraph();

		for (int32 PinIndex = 0; PinIndex < Node->Pins.Num(); ++PinIndex)
			UEdGraphPin* ThisPin = Node->Pins[PinIndex];

			for (int32 LinkIndex = 0; LinkIndex < ThisPin->LinkedTo.Num(); )
				UEdGraphPin* OtherPin = ThisPin->LinkedTo[LinkIndex];

				if (OtherPin == NULL)
					// Totally bogus link
				else if (!SpawnedNodes.Contains(OtherPin->GetOwningNode()))
					// It's a link across the selection set, so it should be broken
				else if (!OtherPin->LinkedTo.Contains(ThisPin))
					// The link needs to be reciprocal
					check(OtherPin->GetOwningNode()->GetGraph() == CurrentGraph);
					// Everything seems fine but sanity check the graph
					check(OtherPin->GetOwningNode()->GetGraph() == CurrentGraph);

	// Give every node a chance to deep copy associated resources, etc...
	for (TSet<UEdGraphNode*>::TIterator It(SpawnedNodes); It; ++It)
		UEdGraphNode* Node = *It;


		// Ensure we have RF_Transactional set on all pasted nodes, as its not copied in the T3D format
Esempio n. 12
void FRichCurve::ScaleCurve(float ScaleOrigin, float ScaleFactor, TSet<FKeyHandle>& KeyHandles)
	for (auto It = KeyHandlesToIndices.CreateIterator(); It; ++It)
		const FKeyHandle& KeyHandle = It.Key();
		if (KeyHandles.Num() != 0 && KeyHandles.Contains(KeyHandle))
			SetKeyTime(KeyHandle, (GetKeyTime(KeyHandle) - ScaleOrigin) * ScaleFactor + ScaleOrigin);
Esempio n. 13
void FRichCurve::ShiftCurve(float DeltaTime, TSet<FKeyHandle>& KeyHandles)
	for (auto It = KeyHandlesToIndices.CreateIterator(); It; ++It)
		const FKeyHandle& KeyHandle = It.Key();
		if (KeyHandles.Num() != 0 && KeyHandles.Contains(KeyHandle))
			SetKeyTime(KeyHandle, GetKeyTime(KeyHandle)+DeltaTime);
static bool ParseFramesFromSpriteHash(TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> ObjectBlock, TArray<FSpriteFrame>& OutSpriteFrames, TSet<FName>& FrameNames)
	GWarn->BeginSlowTask(NSLOCTEXT("Paper2D", "PaperJsonImporterFactory_ParsingSprites", "Parsing Sprite Frame"), true, true);
	bool bLoadedSuccessfully = true;

	// Parse all of the frames
	int32 FrameCount = 0;
	for (auto FrameIt = ObjectBlock->Values.CreateIterator(); FrameIt; ++FrameIt)
		GWarn->StatusUpdate(FrameCount, ObjectBlock->Values.Num(), NSLOCTEXT("Paper2D", "PaperJsonImporterFactory_ParsingSprites", "Parsing Sprite Frames"));

		bool bReadFrameSuccessfully = true;

		FSpriteFrame Frame;
		Frame.FrameName = *FrameIt.Key();

		if (FrameNames.Contains(Frame.FrameName))
			bReadFrameSuccessfully = false;

		TSharedPtr<FJsonValue> FrameDataAsValue = FrameIt.Value();
		TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> FrameData;
		if (FrameDataAsValue->Type == EJson::Object)
			FrameData = FrameDataAsValue->AsObject();
			bReadFrameSuccessfully = bReadFrameSuccessfully && ParseFrame(FrameData, /*out*/Frame);
			bReadFrameSuccessfully = false;

		if (bReadFrameSuccessfully)
			UE_LOG(LogPaperSpriteSheetImporter, Warning, TEXT("Frame %s is in an unexpected format"), *Frame.FrameName.ToString());
			bLoadedSuccessfully = false;


	return bLoadedSuccessfully;
void FMovieSceneSequenceInstance::RefreshInstanceMap( const TArray<UMovieSceneTrack*>& Tracks, const TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<UObject>>& RuntimeObjects, FMovieSceneInstanceMap& TrackInstances, IMovieScenePlayer& Player  )
	// All the tracks we found during this pass
	TSet< UMovieSceneTrack* > FoundTracks;

	// For every track, check if it has an instance, if not create one, otherwise refresh that instance
	for( int32 TrackIndex = 0; TrackIndex < Tracks.Num(); ++TrackIndex )
		UMovieSceneTrack* Track = Tracks[TrackIndex];

		// A new track has been encountered
		FoundTracks.Add( Track );

		// See if the track has an instance
		TSharedPtr<IMovieSceneTrackInstance> Instance = TrackInstances.FindRef( Track );
		if ( !Instance.IsValid() )
			// The track does not have an instance, create one
			Instance = Track->CreateInstance();
			Instance->RefreshInstance( RuntimeObjects, Player, *this );
			Instance->SaveState(RuntimeObjects, Player, *this);

			TrackInstances.Add( Track, Instance );
			// The track has an instance, refresh it
			Instance->RefreshInstance( RuntimeObjects, Player, *this );
			Instance->SaveState(RuntimeObjects, Player, *this);


	// Remove entries which no longer have a track associated with them
	FMovieSceneInstanceMap::TIterator It = TrackInstances.CreateIterator();
	for( ; It; ++It )
		if( !FoundTracks.Contains( It.Key().Get() ) )
			It.Value()->ClearInstance( Player, *this );

			// This track was not found in the moviescene's track list so it was removed.

	// Sort based on evaluation order
bool FChunkManifestGenerator::SaveAssetRegistry(const FString& SandboxPath, const TArray<FName>* IgnorePackageList)
    UE_LOG(LogChunkManifestGenerator, Display, TEXT("Saving asset registry."));

    TSet<FName> IgnorePackageSet;
    if (IgnorePackageList != nullptr)
        for (const auto& IgnorePackage : *IgnorePackageList)

    // Create asset registry data
    FArrayWriter SerializedAssetRegistry;
    TMap<FName, FAssetData*> GeneratedAssetRegistryData;
    for (auto& AssetData : AssetRegistryData)
        if (IgnorePackageSet.Contains(AssetData.PackageName))

        // Add only assets that have actually been cooked and belong to any chunk
        if (AssetData.ChunkIDs.Num() > 0)
            GeneratedAssetRegistryData.Add(AssetData.ObjectPath, &AssetData);
    AssetRegistry.SaveRegistryData(SerializedAssetRegistry, GeneratedAssetRegistryData);
    UE_LOG(LogChunkManifestGenerator, Display, TEXT("Generated asset registry num assets %d, size is %5.2fkb"), GeneratedAssetRegistryData.Num(), (float)SerializedAssetRegistry.Num() / 1024.f);

    // Save the generated registry for each platform
    for (auto Platform : Platforms)
        FString PlatformSandboxPath = SandboxPath.Replace(TEXT("[Platform]"), *Platform->PlatformName());
        FFileHelper::SaveArrayToFile(SerializedAssetRegistry, *PlatformSandboxPath);

    UE_LOG(LogChunkManifestGenerator, Display, TEXT("Done saving asset registry."));

    return true;
void FShaderPipelineType::Initialize()

	TSet<FName> UsedNames;

	for (TLinkedList<FShaderPipelineType*>::TIterator It(FShaderPipelineType::GetTypeList()); It; It.Next())
		const auto* PipelineType = *It;

		// Validate stages
		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < SF_NumFrequencies; ++Index)
			check(!PipelineType->AllStages[Index] || PipelineType->AllStages[Index]->GetFrequency() == (EShaderFrequency)Index);

		auto& Stages = PipelineType->GetStages();

		// #todo-rco: Do we allow mix/match of global/mesh/material stages?
		// Check all shaders are the same type, start from the top-most stage
		const FGlobalShaderType* GlobalType = Stages[0]->GetGlobalShaderType();
		const FMeshMaterialShaderType* MeshType = Stages[0]->GetMeshMaterialShaderType();
		const FMaterialShaderType* MateriallType = Stages[0]->GetMaterialShaderType();
		for (int32 Index = 1; Index < Stages.Num(); ++Index)
			if (GlobalType)
				checkf(Stages[Index]->GetGlobalShaderType(), TEXT("Invalid combination of Shader types on Pipeline %s"), PipelineType->Name);
			else if (MeshType)
				checkf(Stages[Index]->GetMeshMaterialShaderType(), TEXT("Invalid combination of Shader types on Pipeline %s"), PipelineType->Name);
			else if (MateriallType)
				checkf(Stages[Index]->GetMaterialShaderType(), TEXT("Invalid combination of Shader types on Pipeline %s"), PipelineType->Name);

		FName PipelineName = PipelineType->GetFName();
		checkf(!UsedNames.Contains(PipelineName), TEXT("Two Pipelines with the same name %s found!"), PipelineType->Name);

	bInitialized = true;
void UEnvironmentQueryGraph::SpawnMissingSubNodes(UEnvQueryOption* Option, TSet<UEnvQueryTest*> ExistingTests, UEnvironmentQueryGraphNode* OptionNode)
	TArray<UEnvQueryTest*> TestsCopy = Option->Tests;
	for (int32 SubIdx = 0; SubIdx < TestsCopy.Num(); SubIdx++)
		if (ExistingTests.Contains(TestsCopy[SubIdx]) || (TestsCopy[SubIdx] == nullptr))

		UEnvironmentQueryGraphNode_Test* TestNode = NewObject<UEnvironmentQueryGraphNode_Test>(this);
		TestNode->NodeInstance = TestsCopy[SubIdx];

		OptionNode->AddSubNode(TestNode, this);
		TestNode->NodeInstance = TestsCopy[SubIdx];
void FSubMovieSceneTrackInstance::RefreshInstance( const TArray<UObject*>& RuntimeObjects, class IMovieScenePlayer& Player )
	const TArray<UMovieSceneSection*>& AllSections = SubMovieSceneTrack->GetAllSections();

	// Sections we encountered
	TSet<UMovieSceneSection*> FoundSections;

	// Iterate through each section and create an instance for it if it doesn't exist
	for( int32 SectionIndex = 0; SectionIndex < AllSections.Num(); ++SectionIndex )
		USubMovieSceneSection* Section = CastChecked<USubMovieSceneSection>( AllSections[SectionIndex] );

		// If the section doesn't have a valid movie scene or no longer has one 
		// (e.g user deleted it) then skip adding an instance for it
		if( Section->GetMovieSceneAnimation() )

			TSharedPtr<FMovieSceneSequenceInstance> Instance = SubMovieSceneInstances.FindRef(Section);
			if (!Instance.IsValid())
				Instance = MakeShareable(new FMovieSceneSequenceInstance(*Section->GetMovieSceneAnimation()));

				SubMovieSceneInstances.Add(Section, Instance.ToSharedRef());

			Player.AddOrUpdateMovieSceneInstance(*Section, Instance.ToSharedRef());

			// Refresh the existing instance

	TMap< TWeakObjectPtr<USubMovieSceneSection>, TSharedPtr<FMovieSceneSequenceInstance> >::TIterator It =  SubMovieSceneInstances.CreateIterator();
	for( ; It; ++It )
		// Remove any sections that no longer exist
		if( !FoundSections.Contains( It.Key().Get() ) )
			Player.RemoveMovieSceneInstance( *It.Key().Get(), It.Value().ToSharedRef() );
Esempio n. 20
FText UPaperTileMap::GenerateNewLayerName(UPaperTileMap* TileMap)
	// Create a set of existing names
	TSet<FString> ExistingNames;
	for (UPaperTileLayer* ExistingLayer : TileMap->TileLayers)

	// Find a good name
	FText TestLayerName;
		TestLayerName = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("NewLayerNameFormatString", "Layer {0}"), FText::AsNumber(TileMap->LayerNameIndex, &FNumberFormattingOptions::DefaultNoGrouping()));
	} while (ExistingNames.Contains(TestLayerName.ToString()));

	return TestLayerName;
void FContentBrowserSingleton::SummonNewBrowser(bool bAllowLockedBrowsers)
	TSet<FName> OpenBrowserIDs;

	// Find all currently open browsers to help find the first open slot
	for (int32 BrowserIdx = AllContentBrowsers.Num() - 1; BrowserIdx >= 0; --BrowserIdx)
		const TWeakPtr<SContentBrowser>& Browser = AllContentBrowsers[BrowserIdx];
		if ( Browser.IsValid() )
	FName NewTabName;
	for ( int32 BrowserIdx = 0; BrowserIdx < ARRAY_COUNT(ContentBrowserTabIDs); BrowserIdx++ )
		FName TestTabID = ContentBrowserTabIDs[BrowserIdx];
		if ( !OpenBrowserIDs.Contains(TestTabID) && (bAllowLockedBrowsers || !IsLocked(TestTabID)) )
			// Found the first index that is not currently open
			NewTabName = TestTabID;

	if ( NewTabName != NAME_None )
		const TWeakPtr<FTabManager>& TabManagerToInvoke = BrowserToLastKnownTabManagerMap.FindRef(NewTabName);
		if ( TabManagerToInvoke.IsValid() )
		// No available slots... don't summon anything
FName FNativeClassHierarchy::GetClassPathRootForModule(const FName& InModuleName, const TSet<FName>& InGameModules, const TMap<FName, FName>& InPluginModules)
	static const FName EngineRootNodeName = "Classes_Engine";
	static const FName GameRootNodeName = "Classes_Game";

	// Work out which root this class should go under (anything that isn't a game or plugin module goes under engine)
	FName RootNodeName = EngineRootNodeName;
		RootNodeName = GameRootNodeName;
	else if(InPluginModules.Contains(InModuleName))
		const FName PluginName = InPluginModules.FindRef(InModuleName);
		RootNodeName = FName(*(FString(TEXT("Classes_")) + PluginName.ToString()));

	return RootNodeName;
Esempio n. 23
void FVertexSnappingImpl::GetActorsInsideBox( const FBox& Box, UWorld* World, TArray<FSnapActor>& OutActorsInBox, const TSet< TWeakObjectPtr<AActor> >& ActorsToIgnore, const FSceneView* View )
	for( FActorIterator It(World); It; ++It )
		AActor* Actor = *It;
		// Ignore the builder brush, hidden actors and forcefully ignored actors (actors being moved)
		if( Actor != World->GetDefaultBrush() && It->IsHiddenEd() == false && !ActorsToIgnore.Contains( Actor ) )
			const bool bNonColliding = true;
			FBox ActorBoundingBox = Actor->GetComponentsBoundingBox(true);

			// Actors must be within the bounding box and within the view frustum
			if( Box.Intersect( ActorBoundingBox ) && View->ViewFrustum.IntersectBox( ActorBoundingBox.GetCenter(), ActorBoundingBox.GetExtent() ) ) 
				OutActorsInBox.Add( FSnapActor( Actor, Box ) );
void RecursivelyCreateOriginalPath(UnFbx::FFbxImporter* FbxImporter, TSharedPtr<FFbxNodeInfo> NodeInfo, FString AssetPath, TSet<uint64> &AssetPathDone)
	if (NodeInfo->AttributeInfo.IsValid() && !AssetPathDone.Contains(NodeInfo->AttributeInfo->UniqueId))
		FString AssetName = AssetPath + TEXT("/") + NodeInfo->AttributeInfo->Name;
		FString OriginalFullImportName = PackageTools::SanitizePackageName(AssetName);
		OriginalFullImportName = OriginalFullImportName + TEXT(".") + PackageTools::SanitizePackageName(NodeInfo->AttributeInfo->Name);
	if (NodeInfo->NodeName.Compare("RootNode") != 0)
		AssetPath += TEXT("/") + NodeInfo->NodeName;
	for (TSharedPtr<FFbxNodeInfo> Child : NodeInfo->Childrens)
		RecursivelyCreateOriginalPath(FbxImporter, Child, AssetPath, AssetPathDone);
* Recursively sets expanded items for a node
* @param InNode			The node to set expanded items on
* @param OutExpandedItems	List of expanded items to set
void SetExpandedItems(TSharedPtr<FPropertyNode> InPropertyNode, const TSet<FString>& InExpandedItems)
	if (InExpandedItems.Num() > 0)
		const bool bWithArrayIndex = true;
		FString Path;
		InPropertyNode->GetQualifiedName(Path, bWithArrayIndex);

		if (InExpandedItems.Contains(Path))
			InPropertyNode->SetNodeFlags(EPropertyNodeFlags::Expanded, true);

		for (int32 NodeIndex = 0; NodeIndex < InPropertyNode->GetNumChildNodes(); ++NodeIndex)
			SetExpandedItems(InPropertyNode->GetChildNode(NodeIndex), InExpandedItems);
Esempio n. 26
void FDependsNode::PrintReferencersRecursive(const FString& Indent, TSet<const FDependsNode*>& VisitedNodes) const
	if ( this == NULL )
		UE_LOG(LogAssetRegistry, Log, TEXT("%sNULL"), *Indent);
	else if ( VisitedNodes.Contains(this) )
		UE_LOG(LogAssetRegistry, Log, TEXT("%s[CircularReferenceTo]%s"), *Indent, *PackageName.ToString());
		UE_LOG(LogAssetRegistry, Log, TEXT("%s%s"), *Indent, *PackageName.ToString());

		for (auto ReferencerIt = Referencers.CreateConstIterator(); ReferencerIt; ++ReferencerIt)
			(*ReferencerIt)->PrintReferencersRecursive(Indent + TEXT("  "), VisitedNodes);
FReply FProceduralFoliageComponentDetails::OnResimulateClicked()
	TSet<UProceduralFoliage*> UniqueProceduralFoliages;
	for( TWeakObjectPtr<UProceduralFoliageComponent>& Component : SelectedComponents )
		if( Component.IsValid() && Component->ProceduralFoliage )
			if( !UniqueProceduralFoliages.Contains( Component->ProceduralFoliage ) )
				UniqueProceduralFoliages.Add( Component->ProceduralFoliage );

			TArray <FDesiredFoliageInstance> DesiredFoliageInstances;
			if (Component->SpawnProceduralContent(DesiredFoliageInstances))
				FEdModeFoliage::AddInstances(Component->GetWorld(), DesiredFoliageInstances);
	return FReply::Handled();
Esempio n. 28
void FVertexSnappingImpl::GetPossibleSnapActors( const FBox& AllowedBox, FIntPoint MouseLocation, FLevelEditorViewportClient* ViewportClient, const FSceneView* View, EAxisList::Type CurrentAxis, TSet< TWeakObjectPtr<AActor> >& ActorsToIgnore, TArray<FSnapActor>& OutActorsInBox )
	if( CurrentAxis == EAxisList::Screen && !ViewportClient->IsOrtho() )
		HHitProxy* HitProxy = ViewportClient->Viewport->GetHitProxy( MouseLocation.X, MouseLocation.Y );
		if( HitProxy && HitProxy->IsA(HActor::StaticGetType()) )
			AActor* HitProxyActor = static_cast<HActor*>(HitProxy)->Actor ;
			if( HitProxyActor && !ActorsToIgnore.Contains(HitProxyActor)  )
				ActorsToIgnore.Add( HitProxyActor );
				OutActorsInBox.Add( FSnapActor( HitProxyActor, HitProxyActor->GetComponentsBoundingBox(true) ) );
	if( OutActorsInBox.Num() == 0 )
		GetActorsInsideBox( AllowedBox, ViewportClient->GetWorld(), OutActorsInBox, ActorsToIgnore, View );
Esempio n. 29
void UAIGraph::RemoveOrphanedNodes()
	TSet<UObject*> NodeInstances;


	// Obtain a list of all nodes actually in the asset and discard unused nodes
	TArray<UObject*> AllInners;
	const bool bIncludeNestedObjects = false;
	GetObjectsWithOuter(GetOuter(), AllInners, bIncludeNestedObjects);
	for (auto InnerIt = AllInners.CreateConstIterator(); InnerIt; ++InnerIt)
		UObject* TestObject = *InnerIt;
		if (!NodeInstances.Contains(TestObject) && CanRemoveNestedObject(TestObject))
			TestObject->Rename(NULL, GetTransientPackage(), REN_DontCreateRedirectors | REN_NonTransactional | REN_ForceNoResetLoaders);
void UEnvironmentQueryGraph::RemoveOrphanedNodes()
	UEnvQuery* QueryAsset = CastChecked<UEnvQuery>(GetOuter());

	// Obtain a list of all nodes that should be in the asset
	TSet<UObject*> AllNodes;
	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Nodes.Num(); ++Index)
		UEnvironmentQueryGraphNode_Option* OptionNode = Cast<UEnvironmentQueryGraphNode_Option>(Nodes[Index]);
		if (OptionNode)
			UEnvQueryOption* OptionInstance = Cast<UEnvQueryOption>(OptionNode->NodeInstance);
			if (OptionInstance)
				if (OptionInstance->Generator)

			for (int32 SubIdx = 0; SubIdx < OptionNode->Tests.Num(); SubIdx++)
				if (OptionNode->Tests[SubIdx] && OptionNode->Tests[SubIdx]->NodeInstance)

	// Obtain a list of all nodes actually in the asset and discard unused nodes
	TArray<UObject*> AllInners;
	const bool bIncludeNestedObjects = false;
	GetObjectsWithOuter(QueryAsset, AllInners, bIncludeNestedObjects);
	for (auto InnerIt = AllInners.CreateConstIterator(); InnerIt; ++InnerIt)
		UObject* Node = *InnerIt;
		const bool bEQSNode =
			Node->IsA(UEnvQueryGenerator::StaticClass()) ||
			Node->IsA(UEnvQueryTest::StaticClass()) ||

		if (bEQSNode && !AllNodes.Contains(Node))
			Node->Rename(NULL, GetTransientPackage(), REN_DontCreateRedirectors | REN_NonTransactional | REN_ForceNoResetLoaders);