Esempio n. 1
void Profile::read_from_configuration (Configuration* configuration)
    TiXmlNode* node = 0;

    // insert initial mandatory declaration if not present
    TiXmlNode* decl = 0;
    for (TiXmlNode* child = xmlProfileDoc->FirstChild();
	 child && !decl; child = child->NextSibling() ) {
	decl = child->ToDeclaration ();
    if (! decl) {
	node = xmlProfileDoc->InsertEndChild( TiXmlDeclaration( "1.0", "UTF-8", "no" ) );
	assert (node);

    // for each configuration variable in configuration
    for (std::map<std::string, Variable*>::const_iterator conf_it = configuration->begin();
	 conf_it != configuration->end();
	 conf_it ++) {

	// start from root of DOM
	node = xmlProfileDoc;

	// get the variable name and break it up in its component vector
	std::string variable_name = conf_it->second->get_name ();
	std::vector<std::string> variable_name_vector = Variable::string_to_vector (variable_name);

	// for each component in variable name vector
	for (size_t i = 0; i < variable_name_vector.size(); i++) {

	    // check if component element exists
	    TiXmlElement* existing = node->FirstChildElement (variable_name_vector[i].c_str());
	    if (existing) {
		// carry on with existing component
		node = existing;

	    } else {
		// create missing component element and carry on with new component
		node = node->InsertEndChild (TiXmlElement (variable_name_vector[i].c_str()));
		assert (node);

	// check if a text node for element exists
	TiXmlText* text = 0;
	for(TiXmlNode* child = node->FirstChild(); child && !text; child = child->NextSibling() ) {
	    text = child->ToText ();
	if (text) {
	    // text child already exists, so remove it to set new value
	    node->RemoveChild (text);
	node = node->InsertEndChild (TiXmlText (conf_it->second->get_value ().c_str ()));
	assert (node);
void XMLUtils::LoadXMLFile( TiXmlDocument& doc, bool condenseWhiteSpace, const wxString& path )
	if ( path.empty() )
		THROW_WXFBEX( _("LoadXMLFile needs a path") )

	if ( !::wxFileExists( path ) )
		THROW_WXFBEX( _("The file does not exist.\nFile: ") << path )

	TiXmlBase::SetCondenseWhiteSpace( condenseWhiteSpace );
	doc.SetValue( std::string( path.mb_str( wxConvFile ) ) );
	if ( !doc.LoadFile() )
		// Ask user to all wxFB to convert the file to UTF-8 and add the XML declaration
		wxString msg = _("This xml file could not be loaded. This could be the result of an unsupported encoding.\n");
		msg 		+= _("Would you like wxFormBuilder to backup the file and convert it to UTF-8\?\n");
		msg			+= _("You will be prompted for the original encoding.\n\n");
		msg			+= _("Path: ");
		msg			+= path;
		if ( wxNO == wxMessageBox( msg, _("Unable to load file"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO | wxYES_DEFAULT, wxTheApp->GetTopWindow() ) )
			// User declined, give up
			THROW_WXFBEX( _("Unable to load file: ") << path );

		// User accepted, convert the file
		wxFontEncoding chosenEncoding = StringUtils::GetEncodingFromUser( _("Please choose the original encoding.") );
		if ( wxFONTENCODING_MAX == chosenEncoding )
			THROW_WXFBEX( _("Unable to load file: ") << path );

		ConvertAndAddDeclaration( path, chosenEncoding );

		LoadXMLFile( doc, condenseWhiteSpace, path );

	TiXmlDeclaration* declaration = NULL;
	TiXmlNode* firstChild = doc.FirstChild();
	if ( firstChild )
		declaration = firstChild->ToDeclaration();

	LoadXMLFileImp( doc, condenseWhiteSpace, path, declaration );
Esempio n. 3
void JXmlDocument::GetDeclaration(JString& version, JString& encoding, JString& standlone)
	TiXmlNode* child = NULL;
	while( child = m_xmlDoc.IterateChildren(child) ){
		if( IsDeclarationNode(child) ){
#ifdef UNICODE
			version = Utf8ToWideString(child->ToDeclaration()->Version());
			encoding = Utf8ToWideString(child->ToDeclaration()->Encoding());
			standlone = Utf8ToWideString(child->ToDeclaration()->Standalone());
			version = child->ToDeclaration()->Version();
			encoding = child->ToDeclaration()->Encoding();
			standlone = child->ToDeclaration()->Standalone();
Esempio n. 4
const char* TiXmlDocument::Parse( const char* p, TiXmlParsingData* prevData, TiXmlEncoding encoding )

	// Parse away, at the document level. Since a document
	// contains nothing but other tags, most of what happens
	// here is skipping white space.
	if ( !p || !*p )
		return 0;

	// Note that, for a document, this needs to come
	// before the while space skip, so that parsing
	// starts from the pointer we are given.
	if ( prevData )
		location.row = prevData->cursor.row;
		location.col = prevData->cursor.col;
		location.row = 0;
		location.col = 0;
	TiXmlParsingData data( p, TabSize(), location.row, location.col );
	location = data.Cursor();

	if ( encoding == TIXML_ENCODING_UNKNOWN )
		// Check for the Microsoft UTF-8 lead bytes.
		const unsigned char* pU = (const unsigned char*)p;
		if (	*(pU+0) && *(pU+0) == TIXML_UTF_LEAD_0
			 && *(pU+1) && *(pU+1) == TIXML_UTF_LEAD_1
			 && *(pU+2) && *(pU+2) == TIXML_UTF_LEAD_2 )
			encoding = TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8;
			useMicrosoftBOM = true;

    p = SkipWhiteSpace( p, encoding );
	if ( !p )
		return 0;

	while ( p && *p )
		TiXmlNode* node = Identify( p, encoding );
		if ( node )
			p = node->Parse( p, &data, encoding );
			LinkEndChild( node );

		// Did we get encoding info?
		if (    encoding == TIXML_ENCODING_UNKNOWN
			 && node->ToDeclaration() )
			TiXmlDeclaration* dec = node->ToDeclaration();
			const char* enc = dec->Encoding();
			assert( enc );

			if ( *enc == 0 )
				encoding = TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8;
			else if ( StringEqual( enc, "UTF-8", true, TIXML_ENCODING_UNKNOWN ) )
				encoding = TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8;
			else if ( StringEqual( enc, "UTF8", true, TIXML_ENCODING_UNKNOWN ) )
				encoding = TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8;	// incorrect, but be nice

		p = SkipWhiteSpace( p, encoding );

	// Was this empty?
	if ( !firstChild ) {
		SetError( TIXML_ERROR_DOCUMENT_EMPTY, 0, 0, encoding );
		return 0;

	// All is well.
	return p;
Esempio n. 5
File: Xml.cpp Progetto: Lemm/simbody
 TiXmlDeclaration& updTiXmlDeclaration() {
     TiXmlNode* decl = m_tixml.FirstChild();
     assert(decl && decl->Type()==TiXmlNode::DECLARATION);
     return *decl->ToDeclaration();
Esempio n. 6
const char* TiXmlDocument::Parse
  ( const char* p, TiXmlParsingData* prevData, TiXmlEncoding encoding )

    // Parse away, at the document level. Since a document
    // contains nothing but other tags, most of what happens
    // here is skipping white space.
    // sherm 100319: I changed this so that untagged top-level text is
    // parsed as a Text node rather than a parsing error. CDATA text was
    // already allowed at the top level so this seems more consistent.
    if ( !p || !*p )
        return 0;

    // Note that, for a document, this needs to come
    // before the while space skip, so that parsing
    // starts from the pointer we are given.
    if ( prevData )
        location.row = prevData->cursor.row;
        location.col = prevData->cursor.col;
        location.row = 0;
        location.col = 0;
    TiXmlParsingData data( p, TabSize(), location.row, location.col );
    location = data.Cursor();

    if ( encoding == TIXML_ENCODING_UNKNOWN )
        // Check for the Microsoft UTF-8 lead bytes.
        const unsigned char* pU = (const unsigned char*)p;
        if (    *(pU+0) && *(pU+0) == TIXML_UTF_LEAD_0
             && *(pU+1) && *(pU+1) == TIXML_UTF_LEAD_1
             && *(pU+2) && *(pU+2) == TIXML_UTF_LEAD_2 )
            encoding = TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8;
            useMicrosoftBOM = true;

    // Remember the start of white space in case we end up reading a text
    // element in a "keep white space" mode.
    const char* pWithWhiteSpace = p;
    p = SkipWhiteSpace( p, encoding );
    if ( !p )
        return 0;

    // sherm 100319: ignore all but the first Declaration
    bool haveSeenDeclaration = false;
    while ( p && *p )
        TiXmlNode* node = 0;
        if ( *p != '<' )
        {   // sherm 100319: I added this case by stealing the code from
            // Element parsing; see above comment.
            // Take what we have, make a text element.
            TiXmlText* textNode = new TiXmlText( "" );

            if ( !textNode )
                SetError( TIXML_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0, 0, encoding );
                return 0;

            if ( TiXmlBase::IsWhiteSpaceCondensed() )
                p = textNode->Parse( p, &data, encoding );
                // Special case: we want to keep the white space
                // so that leading spaces aren't removed.
                p = textNode->Parse( pWithWhiteSpace, &data, encoding );

            if ( !textNode->Blank() ) {
                LinkEndChild( textNode );
                node = textNode;
                delete textNode;
        else // We saw a '<', now identify what kind of tag it is.
            TiXmlNode* node = Identify( p, encoding );
            if ( node )
                p = node->Parse( p, &data, encoding );
                if (node->ToDeclaration()) {
                    if (haveSeenDeclaration) {
                        delete node; node=0; // ignore duplicate Declaration
                    } else
                        haveSeenDeclaration = true;
                if (node)
                    LinkEndChild( node );
                // If Identify fails then no further parsing is possible.

        // Did we get encoding info?
        if (    encoding == TIXML_ENCODING_UNKNOWN
             && node && node->ToDeclaration() )
            TiXmlDeclaration* dec = node->ToDeclaration();
            const char* enc = dec->Encoding();
            assert( enc );

            if ( *enc == 0 )
                encoding = TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8;
            else if ( StringEqual( enc, "UTF-8", true, TIXML_ENCODING_UNKNOWN ) )
                encoding = TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8;
            else if ( StringEqual( enc, "UTF8", true, TIXML_ENCODING_UNKNOWN ) )
                encoding = TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8;    // incorrect, but be nice
                encoding = TIXML_ENCODING_LEGACY;

        pWithWhiteSpace = p;
        p = SkipWhiteSpace( p, encoding );

    // Was this empty?
    if ( !firstChild ) {
        SetError( TIXML_ERROR_DOCUMENT_EMPTY, 0, 0, encoding );
        return 0;

    // All is well.
    return p;