// Update the controller
void GazeboQuadrotorAerodynamics::Update()
  // Get simulator time
  Time current_time = world->GetSimTime();
  Time dt = current_time - last_time_;
  last_time_ = current_time;
  if (dt <= 0.0) return;

  // Get new commands/state

  // fill input vector u for drag model
  geometry_msgs::Quaternion orientation;
  fromQuaternion(link->GetWorldPose().rot, orientation);

  geometry_msgs::Twist twist;
  fromVector(link->GetWorldLinearVel(), twist.linear);
  fromVector(link->GetWorldAngularVel(), twist.angular);

  // update the model

  // get wrench from model
  Vector3 force, torque;
  toVector(model_.getWrench().force, force);
  toVector(model_.getWrench().torque, torque);

  // set force and torque in gazebo
  link->AddRelativeTorque(torque - link->GetInertial()->GetCoG().Cross(force));
// Update the controller
void AckermannPlugin::UpdateChild()
  // TODO: Step should be in a parameter of this function
  double wd, wsw, wsl;
  double d1, d2, a;
  double dr, da, r;
  Time stepTime;



  wd = **(wheelDiamP);
  wsw = **(wheelSepWidthP);
  wsl = **(wheelSepLengthP);

  //stepTime = World::Instance()->GetPhysicsEngine()->GetStepTime();
  stepTime = Simulator::Instance()->GetSimTime() - prevUpdateTime;
  prevUpdateTime = Simulator::Instance()->GetSimTime();

  // Distance traveled by each back wheel
  d1 = stepTime.Double() * wd / 2 * joints[LEFT]->GetVelocity(0);
  d2 = stepTime.Double() * wd / 2 * joints[RIGHT]->GetVelocity(0);

  // Get steering angle
  a = joints[STEER]->GetAngle(0).GetAsRadian();

  // compute radius of curvature
  // may be infinite. that's ok
  r = wsl * tan(TAU/4 - a);

  // compute displacement along arc
  dr = (d1 + d2) / 2;
  da = dr / r;

  // Compute odometric pose
  odomPose[0] += dr * cos(odomPose[2]);
  odomPose[1] += dr * sin(odomPose[2]);
  odomPose[2] += da;

  // Compute odometric instantaneous velocity
  odomVel[0] = dr / stepTime.Double();
  odomVel[1] = 0.0;
  odomVel[2] = da / stepTime.Double();

  if (enableMotors)
    joints[LEFT]->SetVelocity(0, wheelSpeed[LEFT] / (**(wheelDiamP) / 2.0));

    joints[RIGHT]->SetVelocity(0, wheelSpeed[RIGHT] / (**(wheelDiamP) / 2.0));

    // FIXME: come up with something nicer for doing position control
    // than this simple proportional controller
    joints[STEER]->SetVelocity(0, (steerAngle - a) / stepTime.Double());

    joints[LEFT]->SetMaxForce(0, **(driveTorqueP));
    joints[RIGHT]->SetMaxForce(0, **(driveTorqueP));
    joints[STEER]->SetMaxForce(0, **(steerTorqueP));


// Update the controller
void GazeboQuadrotorPropulsion::Update()
  // Get simulator time
  Time current_time = world->GetSimTime();
  Time dt = current_time - last_time_;
  last_time_ = current_time;
  if (dt <= 0.0) return;

  // Send trigger
  bool trigger = controlTimer.getUpdatePeriod() > 0.0 ? controlTimer.update() : false;
  if (trigger && trigger_publisher_) {
    rosgraph_msgs::Clock clock;
    clock.clock = ros::Time(current_time.sec, current_time.nsec);

    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("quadrotor_propulsion", "Sent a trigger message at t = " << current_time.Double() << " (dt = " << (current_time - last_trigger_time_).Double() << ")");
    last_trigger_time_ = current_time;

  // Get new commands/state

  // Process input queue
  model_.processQueue(ros::Time(current_time.sec, current_time.nsec), control_tolerance_, control_delay_, (model_.getMotorStatus().on && trigger) ? ros::WallDuration(1.0) : ros::WallDuration(), &callback_queue_);

  // fill input vector u for propulsion model
  geometry_msgs::Twist twist;
  fromVector(link->GetRelativeLinearVel(), twist.linear);
  fromVector(link->GetRelativeAngularVel(), twist.angular);

  // update the model

  // get wrench from model
  Vector3 force, torque;
  toVector(model_.getWrench().force, force);
  toVector(model_.getWrench().torque, torque);

  // publish wrench
  if (wrench_publisher_) {
    geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped wrench_msg;
    wrench_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time(current_time.sec, current_time.nsec);
    wrench_msg.header.frame_id = frame_id_;
    wrench_msg.wrench = model_.getWrench();

  // publish motor status
  if (motor_status_publisher_ && motorStatusTimer.update() /* && current_time >= last_motor_status_time_ + control_period_ */) {
    hector_uav_msgs::MotorStatus motor_status = model_.getMotorStatus();
    motor_status.header.stamp = ros::Time(current_time.sec, current_time.nsec);
    last_motor_status_time_ = current_time;

  // publish supply
  if (supply_publisher_ && current_time >= last_supply_time_ + 1.0) {
    last_supply_time_ = current_time;

  // set force and torque in gazebo
  link->AddRelativeTorque(torque - link->GetInertial()->GetCoG().Cross(force));