double run() { Setup(lattice).setup(); Solver solver(lattice); TimeTracker tt; tt.start();; tt.stop(); return tt.elapsedSeconds(); }
// Very simple void greedy() { TimeTracker tt; tt.start(); // Could be optimized a LOT bool changed; do{ changed = false; for(node_ptr n = lattice.begin(); n != lattice.end(); ++n) { if(n->gain > 0) { flipNode<3>(n); changed = true; } } }while(changed); tt.stop(); cout << "Greedy finished in " << tt.asString() << "." << endl; }
template <int nd, typename Kernel> void run_benchmark(char mode, size_t edge_size, size_t random_seed) { typedef typename Indexer<nd>::index_vect index_vect; vector<dtype> X; ImageOptions opt; construct_random_bitmap<nd>(X, edge_size, opt, 10000 + random_seed); index_vect dimensions(edge_size); // Now run it... TimeTracker tt; tt.start(); _LatticeEnergy<nd, Kernel, dtype> le_qbp(dimensions); GraphCutEnergyWrapper<nd> le_gc(dimensions); make<nd>(&le_qbp, &le_gc, mode, opt, X, edge_size); tt.stop(); cout << "Time taken in setup = " << tt.asString() << "." << endl; cout << "Starting LatticeEnergy version." << endl; tt.reset(); tt.start();; tt.stop(); cout << "Time taken in QBP optimization = " << tt.asString() << "." << endl; cout << "Starting GraphCuts version." << endl; tt.reset(); tt.start();; tt.stop(); cout << "Time taken in GC optimization = " << tt.asString() << "." << endl; size_t n_pos = 0; size_t n_neg = 0; size_t fpos_mismatch_count = 0; size_t fneg_mismatch_count = 0; for(IndexIterator<nd> idxit(dimensions); !idxit.done(); ++idxit) { bool q_on = le_qbp.on(idxit.coords()); bool gc_on = le_gc.on(idxit.coords()); if(!q_on && gc_on) ++fneg_mismatch_count; if(q_on && !gc_on) ++fpos_mismatch_count; ++(q_on ? n_pos : n_neg); } if( (fneg_mismatch_count + fpos_mismatch_count) != 0) { cout << "WARNING: mismatch count between QBP and GC is " << (fneg_mismatch_count + fpos_mismatch_count) << " (false negatives = " << fneg_mismatch_count << ", false positives = " << fpos_mismatch_count << ", total negatives = " << n_neg << ", total positives = " << n_pos << ")" << "!" << endl; } else { cout << "Solutions exactly match." << endl; } }
static void runESL(const ESLOptions& opt) { TimeTracker timer; timer.resume(); { // early test that we have permission to write to output file OutStream outs(opt.outputFilename); } typedef std::shared_ptr<bam_streamer> stream_ptr; std::vector<stream_ptr> bamStreams; // setup all data for main alignment loop: for (const std::string& afile : opt.alignFileOpt.alignmentFilename) { stream_ptr tmp(new bam_streamer(afile.c_str(), (opt.region.empty() ? NULL : opt.region.c_str()))); bamStreams.push_back(tmp); } const unsigned bamCount(bamStreams.size()); assert(0 != bamCount); // check bam header compatibility: if (bamCount > 1) { /// TODO: provide a better error exception for failed bam header check: const bam_header_t* compareHeader(bamStreams[0]->get_header()); for (unsigned bamIndex(1); bamIndex<bamCount; ++bamIndex) { const bam_header_t* indexHeader(bamStreams[bamIndex]->get_header()); if (! check_header_compatibility(compareHeader,indexHeader)) { log_os << "ERROR: incompatible bam headers between files:\n" << "\t" << opt.alignFileOpt.alignmentFilename[0] << "\n" << "\t" << opt.alignFileOpt.alignmentFilename[bamIndex] << "\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } // assume headers compatible after this point.... const bam_header_t& header(*(bamStreams[0]->get_header())); const bam_header_info bamHeader(header); int32_t tid(0), beginPos(0), endPos(0); parse_bam_region(bamHeader,opt.region,tid,beginPos,endPos); const GenomeInterval scanRegion(tid,beginPos,endPos); #ifdef DEBUG_ESL static const std::string log_tag("EstimateSVLoci"); log_os << log_tag << " scanRegion= " << scanRegion << "\n"; #endif // grab the reference for segment we're estimating plus a buffer around the segment edges: static const unsigned refEdgeBufferSize(500); reference_contig_segment refSegment; getIntervalReferenceSegment(opt.referenceFilename, bamHeader, refEdgeBufferSize, scanRegion, refSegment); SVLocusSetFinder locusFinder(opt, scanRegion, bamHeader, refSegment); input_stream_data sdata; for (unsigned bamIndex(0); bamIndex<bamCount; ++bamIndex) { sdata.register_reads(*bamStreams[bamIndex],bamIndex); } // loop through alignments: input_stream_handler sinput(sdata); while ( { const input_record_info current(sinput.get_current()); if (current.itype != INPUT_TYPE::READ) { log_os << "ERROR: invalid input condition.\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } const bam_streamer& readStream(*bamStreams[current.sample_no]); const bam_record& read(*(readStream.get_record_ptr())); locusFinder.update(read, current.sample_no); } // finished updating: locusFinder.flush(); timer.stop(); const CpuTimes totalTimes(timer.getTimes()); #ifdef DEBUG_ESL log_os << log_tag << " found " << locusFinder.getLocusSet().size() << " loci. \n"; log_os << log_tag << " totalTime: "; totalTimes.reportHr(log_os); log_os << "\n"; #endif locusFinder.setBuildTime(totalTimes); locusFinder.getLocusSet().save(opt.outputFilename.c_str()); }