Esempio n. 1
bool Sphere::intersect(const Ray &r, Hit &h) const {

  // ==========================================
  // ==========================================

  // a = d (dot) d
  double a = r.getDirection().Dot3(r.getDirection());

  // b = 2d (dot) (orginPoint - centerPoint)
  double b = (2*(r.getDirection())).Dot3(r.getOrigin() - center);

  // c = (p_0 - p_c) dot (p_0-p_c) - r^2
  double c = (r.getOrigin() - center).Dot3(r.getOrigin() - center) - (radius*radius);

  // t = (-b +/- sqrt(b2 - 4 a c)) / (2 a)
  // if inside is negative, then it doesn't intersect the sphere
  // if zero just a slight glance of sphere
  // if two then you interect and leave

  double inside = (b*b) - 4*a*c;

  if(inside >= 0 ){ 

    // get the first intersection point
    double t = ((-1*b) - sqrt(inside)) / (2*a);

    if(t < 0) return false;

    // get pt collision
    Vec3f pt = r.getOrigin() + t * r.getDirection();

    if(pt.Distance3f(r.getOrigin()) < EPSILON) return false;

    Vec3f norm((pt.x() - center.x())/radius, (pt.y() - center.y())/radius, (pt.z() - center.z())/radius);

    return true;


    // Negative and therefore missed
    return false;

  // return true if the sphere was intersected, and update
  // the hit data structure to contain the value of t for the ray at
  // the intersection point, the material, and the normal
  return false;