Esempio n. 1
// Complexity: O(nr lg(nr) + nr^2), where n = locs.size(), r = radius.
// The nr^2 term is bounded by the size of the board.
void get_tiles_radius(const gamemap& map, const std::vector<map_location>& locs,
                      size_t radius, std::set<map_location>& result,
                      bool with_border)
	// Make sure the provided locations are included.
	// This would be needed in case some of the provided locations are off-map.
	// It also allows simpler processing if the radius is zero.
	// For efficiency, do this first since locs is potentially unsorted.
	result.insert(locs.begin(), locs.end());

	if ( radius != 0  &&  !locs.empty() )
		const int border = with_border ? map.border_size() : 0;
		column_ranges collected_tiles;

		// Collect the hexes within the desired disks into collected_tiles.
		// This maps each x-value to a set of ranges of y-values that
		// are covered by the disks around each element of locs.
		// (So the data size at this point is proportional to the number
		// of x-values involved, which is O(nr). The lg(nr) factor comes
		// from the data being sorted.)
		get_column_ranges(collected_tiles, locs, radius, -border, map.w() + border);

		// Now that all the tiles have been collected, add them to result.
		// (There are O(nr^2) hexes to add.) By collecting before adding, each
		// hex will be processed only once, even when disks overlap. This is
		// how we can get good performance if there is significant overlap, and
		// how the work required can be bound by the size of the board.
		ranges_to_tiles(result, collected_tiles, -border, map.h() + border);
Esempio n. 2
bool move_result::test_route(const unit &un, const team &my_team, const unit_map &units, const std::vector<team> &teams, const gamemap &map, bool)
	if (from_== to_) {
		if (!remove_movement_ || (un.movement_left() == 0) ) {
			return false;
		return true;

	if (un.movement_left() == 0 ) {
		return false;

	if (!to_.valid()) {
		return false;
	const pathfind::shortest_path_calculator calc(un, my_team, units, teams,map);

	//allowed teleports
	std::set<map_location> allowed_teleports = pathfind::get_teleport_locations(un, units, my_team, true);//@todo 1.9: see_all -> false

	//do an A*-search
	route_ = pathfind::a_star_search(un.get_location(), to_, 10000.0, &calc, map.w(), map.h(), &allowed_teleports);
	if (route_.steps.empty()) {
		return false;
	return true;
gamemap editor_map::mask_to(const gamemap& target) const
	if (target.w() != w() || target.h() != h()) {
		throw editor_action_exception(_("The size of the target map is different from the current map"));
	gamemap mask(target);
	map_location iter;
	for (iter.x = -border_size(); iter.x < w() + border_size(); ++iter.x) {
		for (iter.y = -border_size(); iter.y < h() + border_size(); ++iter.y) {
			if (target.get_terrain(iter) == get_terrain(iter)) {
				mask.set_terrain(iter, t_translation::FOGGED);
	return mask;
Esempio n. 4
static void find_routes(const gamemap& map, const unit_map& units,
		const unit& u, const map_location& loc,
		int move_left, paths::dest_vect &destinations,
		std::vector<team> const &teams,
		bool force_ignore_zocs, bool allow_teleport, int turns_left,
		const team &viewing_team,
		bool see_all, bool ignore_units)
	const team& current_team = teams[u.side() - 1];
	std::set<map_location> teleports;
	if (allow_teleport) {
		teleports = get_teleport_locations(u, units, viewing_team, see_all, ignore_units);

	const int total_movement = u.total_movement();

	std::vector<map_location> locs(6 + teleports.size());
	std::copy(teleports.begin(), teleports.end(), locs.begin() + 6);

	search_counter += 2;
	if (search_counter == 0) search_counter = 2;

	static std::vector<node> nodes;
	nodes.resize(map.w() * map.h());

	indexer index(map.w(), map.h());
	comp node_comp(nodes);

	int xmin = loc.x, xmax = loc.x, ymin = loc.y, ymax = loc.y, nb_dest = 1;

	nodes[index(loc)] = node(move_left, turns_left, map_location::null_location, loc);
	std::vector<int> pq;

	while (!pq.empty()) {
		node& n = nodes[pq.front()];
		std::pop_heap(pq.begin(), pq.end(), node_comp);
		pq.pop_back(); = search_counter;

		get_adjacent_tiles(n.curr, &locs[0]);
		for (int i = teleports.count(n.curr) ? locs.size() : 6; i-- > 0; ) {
			if (!locs[i].valid(map.w(), map.h())) continue;

			node& next = nodes[index(locs[i])];

			bool next_visited = - search_counter <= 1u;

			// Classic Dijkstra allow to skip chosen nodes (with
			// But the cost function and hex grid allow to also skip visited nodes:
			// if next was visited, then we already have a path 'src-..-n2-next'
			// - n2 was chosen before n, meaning that it is nearer to src.
			// - the cost of 'n-next' can't be smaller than 'n2-next' because
			//   cost is independent of direction and we don't have more MP at n
			//   (important because more MP may allow to avoid waiting next turn)
			// Thus, 'src-..-n-next' can't be shorter.
			if (next_visited) continue;

			const int move_cost = u.movement_cost(map[locs[i]]);

			node t = node(n.movement_left, n.turns_left, n.curr, locs[i]);
			if (t.movement_left < move_cost) {
				t.movement_left = total_movement;

			if (t.movement_left < move_cost || t.turns_left < 0) continue;

			t.movement_left -= move_cost;

			if (!ignore_units) {
				const unit *v =
					get_visible_unit(units, locs[i], viewing_team, see_all);
				if (v && current_team.is_enemy(v->side()))

				if (!force_ignore_zocs && t.movement_left > 0
						&& enemy_zoc(units, teams, locs[i], viewing_team, u.side(), see_all)
						&& !u.get_ability_bool("skirmisher", locs[i])) {
					t.movement_left = 0;

			int x = locs[i].x;
			if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
			if (xmax < x) xmax = x;
			int y = locs[i].y;
			if (y < ymin) ymin = y;
			if (ymax < y) ymax = y;

			bool in_list = == search_counter + 1; = search_counter + 1;
			next = t;

			// if already in the priority queue then we just update it, else push it.
			if (in_list) { // never happen see next_visited above
				std::push_heap(pq.begin(), std::find(pq.begin(), pq.end(), index(locs[i])) + 1, node_comp);
			} else {
				std::push_heap(pq.begin(), pq.end(), node_comp);

	// Build the routes for every map_location that we reached.
	// The ordering must be compatible with map_location::operator<.
	for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; ++x) {
		for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; ++y)
			const node &n = nodes[index(map_location(x, y))];
			if ( - search_counter > 1u) continue;
			paths::step s =
				{ n.curr, n.prev, n.movement_left + n.turns_left * total_movement };
Esempio n. 5
surface getMinimap(int w, int h, const gamemap &map, const team *vw)
	const int scale = 8;

	DBG_DP << "creating minimap " << int(map.w()*scale*0.75) << "," << map.h()*scale << "\n";

	const size_t map_width = map.w()*scale*3/4;
	const size_t map_height = map.h()*scale;
	if(map_width == 0 || map_height == 0) {
		return surface(NULL);

	surface minimap(create_neutral_surface(map_width, map_height));
	if(minimap == NULL)
		return surface(NULL);

	typedef mini_terrain_cache_map cache_map;
	cache_map *normal_cache = &mini_terrain_cache;
	cache_map *fog_cache = &mini_fogged_terrain_cache;

	for(int y = 0; y != map.total_height(); ++y) {
		for(int x = 0; x != map.total_width(); ++x) {

			surface surf(NULL);

			const map_location loc(x,y);
			if(map.on_board(loc)) {

				const bool shrouded = (vw != NULL && vw->shrouded(loc));
				// shrouded hex are not considered fogged (no need to fog a black image)
				const bool fogged = (vw != NULL && !shrouded && vw->fogged(loc));
				const t_translation::t_terrain terrain = shrouded ?
						t_translation::VOID_TERRAIN : map[loc];
				const terrain_type& terrain_info = map.get_terrain_info(terrain);

				bool need_fogging = false;

				cache_map* cache = fogged ? fog_cache : normal_cache;
				cache_map::iterator i = cache->find(terrain);

				if (fogged && i == cache->end()) {
					// we don't have the fogged version in cache
					// try the normal cache and ask fogging the image
					cache = normal_cache;
					i = cache->find(terrain);
					need_fogging = true;

				if(i == cache->end()) {
					std::string base_file =
							"terrain/" + terrain_info.minimap_image() + ".png";
					surface tile = get_image(base_file,image::HEXED);

					//Compose images of base and overlay if necessary
					// NOTE we also skip overlay when base is missing (to avoid hiding the error)
					if(tile != NULL && map.get_terrain_info(terrain).is_combined()) {
						std::string overlay_file =
								"terrain/" + terrain_info.minimap_image_overlay() + ".png";
						surface overlay = get_image(overlay_file,image::HEXED);

						if(overlay != NULL && overlay != tile) {
							surface combined = create_neutral_surface(tile->w, tile->h);
							SDL_Rect r = create_rect(0,0,0,0);
							sdl_blit(tile, NULL, combined, &r);
							r.x = std::max(0, (tile->w - overlay->w)/2);
							r.y = std::max(0, (tile->h - overlay->h)/2);
							//blit_surface needs neutral surface
							surface overlay_neutral = make_neutral_surface(overlay);
							blit_surface(overlay_neutral, NULL, combined, &r);
							tile = combined;

					surf = scale_surface_sharp(tile, scale, scale);

					i = normal_cache->insert(cache_map::value_type(terrain,surf)).first;

				surf = i->second;

				if (need_fogging) {
					surf = adjust_surface_color(surf,-50,-50,-50);

				// we need a balanced shift up and down of the hexes.
				// if not, only the bottom half-hexes are clipped
				// and it looks asymmetrical.

				// also do 1-pixel shift because the scaling
				// function seems to do it with its rounding
				SDL_Rect maprect = create_rect(
						  x * scale * 3 / 4 - 1
						, y * scale + scale / 4 * (is_odd(x) ? 1 : -1) - 1
						, 0
						, 0);

				if(surf != NULL)
					sdl_blit(surf, NULL, minimap, &maprect);

	double wratio = w*1.0 / minimap->w;
	double hratio = h*1.0 / minimap->h;
	double ratio = std::min<double>(wratio, hratio);

	minimap = scale_surface_sharp(minimap,
		static_cast<int>(minimap->w * ratio), static_cast<int>(minimap->h * ratio));

	DBG_DP << "done generating minimap\n";

	return minimap;
Esempio n. 6
void gamemap::overlay(const gamemap& m, const config& rules_cfg, int xpos, int ypos, bool border)
	const config::const_child_itors &rules = rules_cfg.child_range("rule");
	int actual_border = (m.border_size() == border_size()) && border ? border_size() : 0;

	const int xstart = std::max<int>(-actual_border, -xpos - actual_border);
	const int ystart = std::max<int>(-actual_border, -ypos - actual_border - ((xpos & 1) ? 1 : 0));
	const int xend = std::min<int>(m.w() + actual_border, w() + actual_border - xpos);
	const int yend = std::min<int>(m.h() + actual_border, h() + actual_border - ypos);
	for(int x1 = xstart; x1 < xend; ++x1) {
		for(int y1 = ystart; y1 < yend; ++y1) {
			const int x2 = x1 + xpos;
			const int y2 = y1 + ypos +
				((xpos & 1) && (x1 & 1) ? 1 : 0);

			const t_translation::t_terrain t = m[x1][y1 + m.border_size_];
			const t_translation::t_terrain current = (*this)[x2][y2 + border_size_];

			if(t == t_translation::FOGGED || t == t_translation::VOID_TERRAIN) {

			// See if there is a matching rule
			config::const_child_iterator rule = rules.first;
			for( ; rule != rules.second; ++rule)
				static const std::string src_key = "old", dst_key = "new";
				const config &cfg = *rule;
				const t_translation::t_list& src = t_translation::read_list(cfg[src_key]);

				if(!src.empty() && t_translation::terrain_matches(current, src) == false) {

				const t_translation::t_list& dst = t_translation::read_list(cfg[dst_key]);

				if(!dst.empty() && t_translation::terrain_matches(t, dst) == false) {


			if (rule != rules.second)
				const config &cfg = *rule;
				const t_translation::t_list& terrain = t_translation::read_list(cfg["terrain"]);

				terrain_type_data::tmerge_mode mode = terrain_type_data::BOTH;
				if (cfg["layer"] == "base") {
					mode = terrain_type_data::BASE;
				else if (cfg["layer"] == "overlay") {
					mode = terrain_type_data::OVERLAY;

				t_translation::t_terrain new_terrain = t;
				if(!terrain.empty()) {
					new_terrain = terrain[0];

				if (!cfg["use_old"].to_bool()) {
					set_terrain(map_location(x2, y2), new_terrain, mode, cfg["replace_if_failed"].to_bool());

			} else {

	for(const map_location* pos = m.startingPositions_;
			pos != m.startingPositions_ + sizeof(m.startingPositions_)/sizeof(*m.startingPositions_);
			++pos) {

		if(pos->valid()) {
			startingPositions_[pos - m.startingPositions_] = *pos;
bool editor_map::same_size_as(const gamemap& other) const
	return h() == other.h()
		&& w() == other.w();
surface getMinimap(int w, int h, const gamemap &map, const team *vw)
	const int scale = 8;

	DBG_DP << "creating minimap " << int(map.w()*scale*0.75) << "," << int(map.h()*scale) << "\n";

	const size_t map_width = map.w()*scale*3/4;
	const size_t map_height = map.h()*scale;
	if(map_width == 0 || map_height == 0) {
		return surface(NULL);

	surface minimap(create_neutral_surface(map_width, map_height));
	if(minimap == NULL)
		return surface(NULL);

	typedef mini_terrain_cache_map cache_map;
	cache_map *normal_cache = &mini_terrain_cache;
	cache_map *fog_cache = &mini_fogged_terrain_cache;

	for(int y = 0; y != map.total_height(); ++y) {
		for(int x = 0; x != map.total_width(); ++x) {

			surface surf(NULL);

			const map_location loc(x,y);
			if(map.on_board(loc)) {
				const bool shrouded = vw != NULL && vw->shrouded(loc);
				// shrouded hex are not considered fogged (no need to fog a black image)
				const bool fogged = vw != NULL && !shrouded && vw->fogged(loc);
				const t_translation::t_terrain terrain = shrouded ?
					t_translation::VOID_TERRAIN : map[loc];

				bool need_fogging = false;

				cache_map* cache = fogged ? fog_cache : normal_cache;
				cache_map::iterator i = cache->find(terrain);

				if (fogged && i == cache->end()) {
					// we don't have the fogged version in cache
					// try the normal cache and ask fogging the image
					cache = normal_cache;
					i = cache->find(terrain);
					need_fogging = true;

				if(i == cache->end()) {
					surface tile(get_image("terrain/" + map.get_terrain_info(terrain).minimap_image() + ".png",image::HEXED));

					if(tile == 0) {
						utils::string_map symbols;
						symbols["terrain"] = t_translation::write_terrain_code(terrain);
						const std::string msg =
							vgettext("Could not get image for terrain: $terrain.", symbols);
						VALIDATE(false, msg);

					//Compose images of base and overlay if neccessary
					if(map.get_terrain_info(terrain).is_combined()) {
						surface overlay(get_image("terrain/" + map.get_terrain_info(terrain).minimap_image_overlay() + ".png", image::HEXED));
						if(overlay != 0 && overlay != tile) {
							surface combined = create_compatible_surface(tile, tile->w, tile->h);
							SDL_Rect r;
							r.x = 0;
							r.y = 0;
							SDL_BlitSurface(tile, NULL, combined, &r);
							r.x = std::max(0, (tile->w - overlay->w)/2);
							r.y = std::max(0, (tile->h - overlay->h)/2);
                            if ((overlay->flags & SDL_RLEACCEL) == 0) {
                                blit_surface(overlay, NULL, combined, &r);
                            } else {
                                WRN_DP << map.get_terrain_info(terrain).minimap_image_overlay() << ".png overlay is RLE-encoded, creating a neutral surface\n";
                                surface overlay_neutral = make_neutral_surface(overlay);
							    blit_surface(overlay_neutral, NULL, combined, &r);
							tile = combined;


					surf = surface(scale_surface_blended(tile,scale,scale));

					VALIDATE(surf != NULL, _("Error creating or aquiring an image."));

					i = normal_cache->insert(cache_map::value_type(terrain,surf)).first;

				surf = i->second;

				if (need_fogging) {
					surf = surface(adjust_surface_colour(surf,-50,-50,-50));

				VALIDATE(surf != NULL, _("Error creating or aquiring an image."));

				// we need a balanced shift up and down of the hexes.
				// if not, only the bottom half-hexes are clipped
				// and it looks asymmetrical.

				// also do 1-pixel shift because the scaling
				// function seems to do it with its rounding
				SDL_Rect maprect = {x * scale*3/4 - 1,
					y*scale + scale/4 * (is_odd(x) ? 1 : -1) - 1,
					0, 0};
				SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, minimap, &maprect);

	double wratio = w*1.0 / minimap->w;
	double hratio = h*1.0 / minimap->h;
	double ratio = std::min<double>(wratio, hratio);

	minimap = scale_surface(minimap,
		static_cast<int>(minimap->w * ratio), static_cast<int>(minimap->h * ratio));

	DBG_DP << "done generating minimap\n";

	return minimap;