Esempio n. 1
/** Compute the context-sensitive FOLLOW set for current rule.
 *  This is set of token types that can follow a specific rule
 *  reference given a specific call chain.  You get the set of
 *  viable tokens that can possibly come next (lookahead depth 1)
 *  given the current call chain.  Contrast this with the
 *  definition of plain FOLLOW for rule r:
 *   FOLLOW(r)={x | S=>*alpha r beta in G and x in FIRST(beta)}
 *  where x in T* and alpha, beta in V*; T is set of terminals and
 *  V is the set of terminals and nonterminals.  In other words,
 *  FOLLOW(r) is the set of all tokens that can possibly follow
 *  references to r in *any* sentential form (context).  At
 *  runtime, however, we know precisely which context applies as
 *  we have the call chain.  We may compute the exact (rather
 *  than covering superset) set of following tokens.
 *  For example, consider grammar:
 *  stat : ID '=' expr ';'      // FOLLOW(stat)=={EOF}
 *       | "return" expr '.'
 *       ;
 *  expr : atom ('+' atom)* ;   // FOLLOW(expr)=={';','.',')'}
 *  atom : INT                  // FOLLOW(atom)=={'+',')',';','.'}
 *       | '(' expr ')'
 *       ;
 *  The FOLLOW sets are all inclusive whereas context-sensitive
 *  FOLLOW sets are precisely what could follow a rule reference.
 *  For input input "i=(3);", here is the derivation:
 *  stat => ID '=' expr ';'
 *       => ID '=' atom ('+' atom)* ';'
 *       => ID '=' '(' expr ')' ('+' atom)* ';'
 *       => ID '=' '(' atom ')' ('+' atom)* ';'
 *       => ID '=' '(' INT ')' ('+' atom)* ';'
 *       => ID '=' '(' INT ')' ';'
 *  At the "3" token, you'd have a call chain of
 *    stat -> expr -> atom -> expr -> atom
 *  What can follow that specific nested ref to atom?  Exactly ')'
 *  as you can see by looking at the derivation of this specific
 *  input.  Contrast this with the FOLLOW(atom)={'+',')',';','.'}.
 *  You want the exact viable token set when recovering from a
 *  token mismatch.  Upon token mismatch, if LA(1) is member of
 *  the viable next token set, then you know there is most likely
 *  a missing token in the input stream.  "Insert" one by just not
 *  throwing an exception.
static pANTLR3_BITSET		
computeCSRuleFollow	    (pANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER recognizer)
    return   recognizer->combineFollows(recognizer, ANTLR3_FALSE);
Esempio n. 2
 * Documentation below is from the Java implementation.
 * Compute the error recovery set for the current rule.  During
 *  rule invocation, the parser pushes the set of tokens that can
 *  follow that rule reference on the stack; this amounts to
 *  computing FIRST of what follows the rule reference in the
 *  enclosing rule. This local follow set only includes tokens
 *  from within the rule; i.e., the FIRST computation done by
 *  ANTLR stops at the end of a rule.
 *  When you find a "no viable alt exception", the input is not
 *  consistent with any of the alternatives for rule r.  The best
 *  thing to do is to consume tokens until you see something that
 *  can legally follow a call to r *or* any rule that called r.
 *  You don't want the exact set of viable next tokens because the
 *  input might just be missing a token--you might consume the
 *  rest of the input looking for one of the missing tokens.
 *  Consider grammar:
 *  a : '[' b ']'
 *    | '(' b ')'
 *    ;
 *  b : c '^' INT ;
 *  c : ID
 *    | INT
 *    ;
 *  At each rule invocation, the set of tokens that could follow
 *  that rule is pushed on a stack.  Here are the various "local"
 *  follow sets:
 *  FOLLOW(b1_in_a) = FIRST(']') = ']'
 *  FOLLOW(b2_in_a) = FIRST(')') = ')'
 *  FOLLOW(c_in_b) = FIRST('^') = '^'
 *  Upon erroneous input "[]", the call chain is
 *  a -> b -> c
 *  and, hence, the follow context stack is:
 *  depth  local follow set     after call to rule
 *    0         <EOF>                    a (from main())
 *    1          ']'                     b
 *    3          '^'                     c
 *  Notice that ')' is not included, because b would have to have
 *  been called from a different context in rule a for ')' to be
 *  included.
 *  For error recovery, we cannot consider FOLLOW(c)
 *  (context-sensitive or otherwise).  We need the combined set of
 *  all context-sensitive FOLLOW sets--the set of all tokens that
 *  could follow any reference in the call chain.  We need to
 *  resync to one of those tokens.  Note that FOLLOW(c)='^' and if
 *  we resync'd to that token, we'd consume until EOF.  We need to
 *  sync to context-sensitive FOLLOWs for a, b, and c: {']','^'}.
 *  In this case, for input "[]", LA(1) is in this set so we would
 *  not consume anything and after printing an error rule c would
 *  return normally.  It would not find the required '^' though.
 *  At this point, it gets a mismatched token error and throws an
 *  exception (since LA(1) is not in the viable following token
 *  set).  The rule exception handler tries to recover, but finds
 *  the same recovery set and doesn't consume anything.  Rule b
 *  exits normally returning to rule a.  Now it finds the ']' (and
 *  with the successful match exits errorRecovery mode).
 *  So, you cna see that the parser walks up call chain looking
 *  for the token that was a member of the recovery set.
 *  Errors are not generated in errorRecovery mode.
 *  ANTLR's error recovery mechanism is based upon original ideas:
 *  "Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs" by Niklaus Wirth
 *  and
 *  "A note on error recovery in recursive descent parsers":
 *  Later, Josef Grosch had some good ideas:
 *  "Efficient and Comfortable Error Recovery in Recursive Descent
 *  Parsers":
 *  Like Grosch I implemented local FOLLOW sets that are combined
 *  at run-time upon error to avoid overhead during parsing.
static pANTLR3_BITSET		
computeErrorRecoverySet	    (pANTLR3_BASE_RECOGNIZER recognizer)
    return   recognizer->combineFollows(recognizer, ANTLR3_FALSE);