bool mazeMe(int row, int column, int plane) { int nNewRow, nNewColumn, nNewPlane = 0; if (not mazeSolved()) { for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex <= 26; nIndex++) { nNewRow = row + aMoves[nIndex].row; nNewColumn = column + aMoves[nIndex].column; nNewPlane = plane + aMoves[nIndex].plane; if (validMove(nNewRow, nNewColumn, nNewPlane)) { aBoard[nNewRow][nNewColumn][nNewPlane].value = '-'; objScreen.printChar('-', aBoard[nNewRow][nNewColumn][nNewPlane].x, aBoard[nNewRow][nNewColumn][nNewPlane].y, 32, 0, 0, 25000); if (not mazeMe(nNewRow, nNewColumn, nNewPlane)) { aBoard[nNewRow][nNewColumn][nNewPlane].value = 'B'; objScreen.printChar('B', aBoard[nNewRow][nNewColumn][nNewPlane].x, aBoard[nNewRow][nNewColumn][nNewPlane].y, 31, 0, 0, 25000); } else nIndex = 27; } } } return mazeSolved(); }
// Function that displays a screen for the experience and levels // gained from the previous battle void reward() { display.Clear(); cout << "Previous Level: " << Play1.level << " Previous XP: " << Play1.experience << endl; cout << "Gained " << Enem1.xpvalue << " experience!!!" << endl; Play1.setXP(Enem1.xpvalue); cout << endl << "Current Experience: " << Play1.experience << endl; display.pause(); };
void setDingy( screen &green_grid, screen &red_grid, bool ship_locations[4][4] ) { reset_locations( ship_locations ); green_grid.clearGrid(); unsigned char input_direction; //var used to move ship on board unsigned char row, col; //coordinate variables row = 0; col = 0; green_grid.addLight( row, col ); //lights up coordinate ( 1, A ) while ( 1 ) { input_direction = getInput( green_grid, red_grid ); if ( input_direction == 0 && row != 0 ) { green_grid.subLight( row, col ); row--; } else if ( input_direction == 1 && row != 3 ) { green_grid.subLight( row, col ); row++; } else if ( input_direction == 2 && col != 0 ) { green_grid.subLight( row, col ); col--; } else if ( input_direction == 3 && col != 3 ) { green_grid.subLight( row, col ); col++; } if ( input_direction == 4 ) { ship_locations[row][col] = true; break; } green_grid.addLight( row, col ); green_grid.flicker(); } }
void representation::draw(screen& pscreen, bool skip_take) { if(visible && (skip_take || is_in_focus(pscreen.get_box()))) { if(pscreen.has_camera()) { pscreen.reset_clip(); } pre_render_transform(pscreen.get_draw_info()); do_draw(); } //Es importante que esto siempre esté presente... glLoadIdentity(); }
void createLevel () { scrn.clearScreen(); bricks.clear(); enemies.clear(); bombs.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++) { switch ( lvls[NUM_LVL][i][j]) { case 2: { bricks.push_back(brick (calculateCoordinates(j - 1), calculateCoordinates(j), calculateCoordinates(i-1), calculateCoordinates(i), scrn)); } break; case 3: { enemies.push_back(enemy (calculateCoordinates(j - 1), calculateCoordinates(j), calculateCoordinates(i-1), calculateCoordinates(i), scrn)); } break; } } } lvlup = portal (10, 50, 410, 450, scrn); Main = hero (scrn); }
void representation::draw(screen& pscreen, const camera& pcamera, bool skip_take) { if(visible && (skip_take || is_in_focus(pcamera.get_focus_box()))) { pscreen.set_camera(pcamera); pre_render_transform(pcamera.get_draw_info()); do_draw(); } //Es importante que esto siempre esté presente... glLoadIdentity(); }
void eventsInGame(sf::Event &event, sf::RenderWindow &window) { switch (event.type) { case sf::Event::Closed: { window.close(); } break; //========================================================================================= Keyboard case sf::Event::KeyPressed: { switch (event.key.code) { case (sf::Keyboard::Left): Main.MoveL(scrn, lvlup); break; case (sf::Keyboard::Right): Main.MoveR(scrn, lvlup); break; case (sf::Keyboard::Up): Main.MoveU(scrn, lvlup); break; case (sf::Keyboard::Down): Main.MoveD(scrn, lvlup); break; case (sf::Keyboard::Space): bombs.push_back(bomb (Main.l, Main.r, Main.b, Main.t)); break; case (sf::Keyboard::E): { scrn.print(); } break; case (sf::Keyboard::Escape): { window.close(); } break; case (sf::Keyboard::A): { //NUM_LVL++; enemies.clear(); //scrn.clearScreen(); } break; } } } }
void printArray() { for (int plane = 0; plane <= 4; plane++) { for (int row = 0; row <= 9; row++) { for (int column = 0; column <= 9; column++) { objScreen.printChar(aBoard[row][column][plane].value, aBoard[row][column][plane].x, aBoard[row][column][plane].y); } } } }
void buildArray() { ifstream is; char file[256]; objScreen.printString("Please input file name: ", 1, 1, 25000); cin.get(file, 256);; int x[5] = {20, 32, 44, 56, 68}; int y[5] = {5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; for (int plane = 0; plane <= 4; plane++) { for (int row = 0; row <= 9; row++) { for (int column = 0; column <= 10; column++) { aBoard[row][column][plane].value = is.get(); aBoard[row][column][plane].x = x[plane] + column; aBoard[row][column][plane].y = y[plane] + row; } x[plane]--; } } is.close(); int nIndex = 0; for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) { for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) { for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++) { aMoves[nIndex].row = i; aMoves[nIndex].column = j; aMoves[nIndex].plane = k; nIndex++; } } } }
int main() { bool bCont = true; char strCont = 'y'; while (bCont) { objScreen.clearScreen(); objScreen.moveCursor(0, 0); cout.flush(); buildArray(); printArray(); if (aBoard[0][0][0].value == ' ') { objScreen.printChar('-', aBoard[0][0][0].x, aBoard[0][0][0].y, 32, 0, 0, 25000); } if (mazeMe(0, 0, 0)) { objScreen.printString("Puzzled Solved!", 1, 22, 25000); } else { objScreen.printString("Puzzle Unsolvable.", 1, 22, 25000); } objScreen.moveCursor(0, 23); cout.flush(); objScreen.printString("Do you want to play another game (y/n)? ", 1, 23, 25000); cin >> strCont; if (strCont == 'n') { bCont = false; } cin.ignore(1000, '\n'); } return 0; }
void conn::game_thread(std::shared_ptr<tcp::socket> socket, bool &gameover, bots & bots, bot::team_id &id, boost::mutex & state_mutex, bot::field_size &field_width, bot::field_size &field_height, int &win_width, int &win_height, bool &connected) { superbots superbots(bots); boost::asio::streambuf buf; while(!gameover) { superbots.ejecutar(5); for(auto b : bots.team_bots(id)) { std::stringstream stream; stream << "move " << b->get_x() << " " << b->get_y() << " " << b->get_next_direction(); send(*socket, stream.str()); } read_until(*socket, buf, "\n"); std::string data; std::istream is(&buf); std::getline(is, data); std::istringstream stream(data); std::string command; stream >> command; if(command == "welcome") { stream >> id; superbots.set_team(id); stream >> field_width; stream >> field_height; bots.set_size(field_width, field_height); MYscreen.set_screen(win_width, win_height, field_width, field_height); connected = true; } else if(command == "state") {
void eventsAfterWin(sf::Event &event, sf::RenderWindow &window, bool &in_menu, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { switch(event.type) { case sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed: { if (sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left)) { sf::Vector2i mPos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(window); if ( mPos.x >= x1 && mPos.x <= 500 && mPos.y >= y1 && mPos.y <= y1 + 100 ) { scrn.setRun(true); in_menu = true; } if ( mPos.x >= x2 && mPos.x <= 500 && mPos.y >= y2 && mPos.y <= y2 + 100) { window.close(); } } } } }
void eventsAfterLosing(sf::Event &event, sf::RenderWindow &window, bool &in_menu) { switch(event.type) { case sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed: { if (sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left)) { sf::Vector2i mPos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(window); if ( mPos.x >= 100 && mPos.x <= 200 && mPos.y >= 250 && mPos.y <= 350 ) { scrn.setRun(true); in_menu = true; } if ( mPos.x >= 250 && mPos.x <= 350 && mPos.y >= 250 && mPos.y <= 300 ) { window.close(); } } } } }
void setTriDingy( screen &green_grid, screen &red_grid, bool ship_locations[4][4] ) { unsigned char input_direction; //var used to move ship on board unsigned char row, col; //coordinate variables row = 0; col = 0; green_grid.addLight( row, col ); //lights up coordinate ( 1, 1 ) green_grid.addLight( row, col + 1 ); //lights up coordinate ( 2, 1 ) green_grid.addLight( row, col + 2 ); while ( 1 ) { input_direction = getInput( green_grid, red_grid ); if ( input_direction == 0 && row != 0 ) { green_grid.subLight( row, col ); green_grid.subLight( row, col + 1 ); green_grid.subLight( row, col + 2 ); row--; green_grid.addLight( row, col ); green_grid.addLight( row, col + 1 ); green_grid.addLight( row, col + 2 ); } else if ( input_direction == 1 && row != 3 ) { green_grid.subLight( row, col ); green_grid.subLight( row, col + 1 ); green_grid.subLight( row, col + 2 ); row++; green_grid.addLight( row, col ); green_grid.addLight( row, col + 1 ); green_grid.addLight( row, col + 2 ); } else if ( input_direction == 2 && col != 0 ) { green_grid.subLight( row, col + 2); col--; green_grid.addLight( row, col ); } else if ( input_direction == 3 && col != 1 ) { green_grid.subLight( row, col ); col++; green_grid.addLight( row, col + 2 ); } else if ( input_direction == 4 ) { if ( green_grid.collisionCheck( 6 ) == false ) { ship_locations[row][col] = true; ship_locations[row][col + 1] = true; ship_locations[row][col + 2] = true; break; } else { setDingy( green_grid, red_grid, ship_locations ); setDualDingy( green_grid, red_grid, ship_locations ); row = 0; col = 0; green_grid.addLight( row, col ); //lights up coordinate ( 1, 1 ) green_grid.addLight( row, col + 1 ); //lights up coordinate ( 2, 1 ) green_grid.addLight( row, col + 2 ); //lights up coordinate ( 3, 1 ) } } green_grid.flicker(); } }
int main ( int argc, char** argv) { sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(wW, wH), "MyDynablaster", sf::Style::Titlebar); sf::Clock clock; //==================================================================================================== Textures for objects sf::Texture texMainHero; texMainHero.loadFromFile("main_hero.png"); sf::Sprite sprMainHero; sprMainHero.setTexture(texMainHero); sf::Texture texBrick; texBrick.loadFromFile("brick.png"); sf::Sprite sprBrick; sprBrick.setTexture(texBrick); sf::Texture texEnemy; texEnemy.loadFromFile("enemy.png"); sf::Sprite sprEnemy; sprEnemy.setTexture(texEnemy); sf::Texture texBomb; texBomb.loadFromFile("bomb.png"); sf::Sprite sprBomb; sprBomb.setTexture(texBomb); sf::Texture texPortal; texPortal.loadFromFile("portal.png"); sf::Sprite sprPortal; sprPortal.setTexture(texPortal); sf::Texture texFire; texFire.loadFromFile("fire.png"); sf::Sprite sprFire; sprFire.setTexture(texFire); sf::Font font; if (!font.loadFromFile("font.ttf")) { return 3; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boolean variables bool lvl_is_completed = false; bool in_menu = true; bool gamer_lose = false; // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Game while (window.isOpen()) { sf::Event event; while ( in_menu) { window.clear(sf::Color::White); sf::Text txt1, txt2; const int txt1_x = 100, txt1_y=100; txt1.setFont(font); txt1.setString("Start game"); txt1.setColor(sf::Color::Black); txt1.setPosition(txt1_x, txt1_y); txt1.setCharacterSize(72); window.draw(txt1); const int txt2_x = 100, txt2_y=180; txt2.setFont(font); txt2.setString("Exit"); txt2.setColor(sf::Color::Black); txt2.setPosition(txt2_x,txt2_y); txt2.setCharacterSize(72); window.draw(txt2); window.display(); while ( window.pollEvent(event)) { eventsInMenu( event, window, in_menu, txt1_x, txt1_y, txt2_x, txt2_y); } } while ( window.pollEvent(event) ) { if(scrn.getRun()) { eventsInGame(event, window); } else { if(gamer_lose) { eventsAfterLosing (event, window, in_menu); } else { eventsAfterWin (event, window, in_menu, 100, 150, 100, 250); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Draw window.clear(sf::Color::White); if (scrn.getRun() == true) { sprPortal.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(lvlup.l, lvlup.b)); window.draw(sprPortal); if (! bricks.empty()) { for (list<brick>::iterator i = bricks.begin(); i != bricks.end(); ++i) { sprBrick.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(i->l, i->b)); window.draw(sprBrick); } } if (! enemies.empty()) { sf::Time elapsed1 = clock.getElapsedTime(); if (elapsed1.asSeconds() >= 0.5f) { for (list<enemy>::iterator i = enemies.begin(); i != enemies.end(); ++i) { i->motion(scrn, Main); } sf::Time elapsed1 = clock.restart(); } for (list<enemy>::iterator i = enemies.begin(); i != enemies.end(); ++i) { sprEnemy.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(i->l, i->b)); window.draw(sprEnemy); } } if ( !bombs.empty()) { for (list<bomb>::iterator i = bombs.begin(); i != bombs.end(); ++i) { sprBomb.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(i->l, i->b)); if ( (i->clock).getElapsedTime().asSeconds() >= 3.0) { i->damage(window, sprFire); if ( (i->clock).getElapsedTime().asSeconds() > 5.0) { lst_iter.push_back(i); } } window.draw(sprBomb); } } sprMainHero.setPosition (sf::Vector2f (Main.l, Main.b)); window.draw (sprMainHero); if ( enemies.empty() && Main.b == lvlup.b && Main.r ==lvlup.r) { std::cout<<NUM_LVL<<std::endl; if ( NUM_LVL < max_num_lvls -1) { levelUp(); } else { std::cout<<"I'm here"<< std::endl; scrn.setRun(false); } } } else { bricks.clear(); bombs.clear(); enemies.clear(); scrn.clearScreen(); scrn.setRun(false); sf::Text txt1, txt2, txt3, txt4; if ( NUM_LVL >= max_num_lvls - 1) { getText(txt1, font, "You Win!!", 100, 50, 72); window.draw(txt1); getText(txt2, font, "Back in menu", 100, 150, 72); window.draw(txt2); getText(txt3, font, "Exit", 100, 250, 72); window.draw(txt3); } else { gamer_lose = true; getText(txt1, font, "You lose", 100, 50, 72); window.draw(txt1); getText(txt2, font, "Try again?", 100, 150, 72); window.draw(txt2); getText(txt3, font, "Yes", 100, 250, 72); window.draw(txt3); getText(txt4, font, "No", 250, 250, 72); window.draw(txt4); } } window.display(); if ( bombs.size() != 0) { for (list<list<bomb>::iterator>::iterator i = lst_iter.begin(); i != lst_iter.end(); ++i) { bombs.remove( *(*i)); } lst_iter.clear(); } } //while (window.isOpen()) return 0; }
//----------------------------------- void bomb::damage(sf::RenderWindow& window, sf::Sprite& sprFire) { if (scrn.getArrayElement(calculateIndex(b),calculateIndex(l)+1) != 4) { for (int i=0; i <= dst; ++i) { if (scrn.getArrayElement(calculateIndex(b), calculateIndex(l)+i) == 2 ) { if (first) { bricks.remove(brick(l+i*step, r+(i*step), b, t, scrn)); scrn.setArrayElement(0, calculateIndex(b), calculateIndex(l)+i); } break; } if (scrn.getArrayElement(calculateIndex(b), calculateIndex(l)+i) == 3) { enemies.remove( enemy ( l + i*step, r + i*step, b, t, scrn) ); scrn.setArrayElement(0, calculateIndex(b), calculateIndex(l) + i); } sprFire.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(l + i*step, b)); window.draw(sprFire); } } if (scrn.getArrayElement(calculateIndex(b), calculateIndex(l)-1) != 4) { for (int i=0; i <= dst; ++i) { if (scrn.getArrayElement(calculateIndex(b), calculateIndex(l) - i) == 2 && first) { if(first) { bricks.remove(brick( l - i*step, r - i*step, b, t, scrn)); scrn.setArrayElement(0, calculateIndex(b), calculateIndex(l) - i); } break; } if (scrn.getArrayElement(calculateIndex(b), calculateIndex(l) - i - 1) == 3 ) { enemies.remove( enemy (l-i*step, r-i*step, b, t, scrn) ); scrn.setArrayElement(0, calculateIndex(b), calculateIndex(l) - i - 1); } sprFire.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(l- i*step, b)); window.draw(sprFire); } } if (scrn.getArrayElement(calculateIndex(b)+1, calculateIndex(l)) != 4 ) { for (int i=0; i <= dst; ++i) { if (scrn.getArrayElement(calculateIndex(b)+i, calculateIndex(l)) == 2 && first) { if(first) { bricks.remove(brick(l, r, b+i*step, t+i*step, scrn)); scrn.setArrayElement(0, calculateIndex(b)+i, calculateIndex(l)); } break; } if (scrn.getArrayElement(calculateIndex(b)+i, calculateIndex(l)) == 3) { enemies.remove( enemy (l, r, b+i*step, t+i*step, scrn) ); scrn.setArrayElement(0, calculateIndex(b)+i, calculateIndex(l)); } sprFire.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(l, b+ i*step)); window.draw(sprFire); } } if (scrn.getArrayElement(calculateIndex(b)-1, calculateIndex(l)) != 4) { for (int i = 0; i <= dst; i++) { if (scrn.getArrayElement(calculateIndex(b)-i, calculateIndex(l)) == 2) { if (first) { bricks.remove(brick (l, r, b-i*step, t-i*step, scrn)); scrn.setArrayElement(0, calculateIndex(b)-i, calculateIndex(l)); } break; } if (scrn.getArrayElement(calculateIndex(b)-i, calculateIndex(l)) == 3) { enemies.remove (enemy (l, r, b-i*step, t-i*step, scrn)); scrn.setArrayElement (0, calculateIndex(b)-i, calculateIndex(l)); } sprFire.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(l , b - i*step)); window.draw(sprFire); } } if (first) { first = false; } return; }
void conn::conecta(std::string server,std::string port){ bot::team_id id = 1000; boost::asio::io_service io_service; tcp::resolver resolver(io_service); auto endpoint_iterator = resolver.resolve({ server, port }); std::shared_ptr<tcp::socket> socket(new tcp::socket(io_service)); boost::asio::connect(*socket, endpoint_iterator); bot::field_size field_width; bot::field_size field_height; int win_width = 500; int win_height = 500; bots Mundo; boost::mutex state_mutex; SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); atexit(SDL_Quit); SDL_WM_SetCaption("Superbots", "Superbots"); SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5 ); SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 5 ); SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5 ); SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16 ); SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 ); MYscreen.set_screen(win_width, win_height); SDL_Event event; bool gameover = false; bool connected = false; boost::thread t = boost::thread([this,socket, &state_mutex, &gameover, &connected, &Mundo, &id, &field_width, &field_height, &win_width, &win_height] () { game_thread(socket, gameover, Mundo, id, state_mutex, field_width, field_height, win_width, win_height, connected); } ); while (!gameover) { if(connected) { if (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: gameover = true; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: switch (event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: case SDLK_q: gameover = true; break; default: break; } break; case SDL_VIDEORESIZE: win_width = event.resize.w; win_height = event.resize.h; MYscreen.set_screen(win_width, win_height, field_width, field_height); break; } } glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(state_mutex); Mundo.for_each_bot([&Mundo] (const bot & the_bot) { auto t = the_bot.get_team() + 1; glColor3f(t * 0.2, 1 - t * 0.3, t * 0.1); const bot::position & pos = the_bot.get_position(); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(pos.first, pos.second, 0); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); glEnd(); }); } SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); } } if(Mundo.bot_count().size() != 1) { std::cout << "Shit!" << std::endl; } else { for(auto inmortal : Mundo.bot_count()) { std::cout << inmortal.first << " se ha pulido a todos!" << std::endl; } } }
// CurGame's primary method, this encapsulates the entire battle // routine, the routine ends as soon as the enemy or the player // reach 0 or less hit points. Returns a boolean to determine if // the player died during combat or an attempt to run away. bool battle() { // Initialize battle()'s variables to NULL // maxhp stores the players original max health so the value // can be restored if the player survives the encounter int select=0,; bool playDeath=false, enemDeath=false; // Keep fighting until the player runs or someone dies do { // Clear the display to draw the next frame display.Clear(); // Display the battle screen select = battleMenu(); // Check which option was chosen // The enemy is implemented without AI and will follow // suit with the player, a simple AI would evaluate // which of its stats are greater than the player's switch( select ) { // Strength based attack case 1: enemDeath = playAttRound(1); playDeath = enemAttRound(1); display.pause(); break; // Dexterity based attack case 2: enemDeath = playAttRound(2); playDeath = enemAttRound(2); display.pause(); break; // Spellcasting (Intelligence based attack) case 3: enemDeath = playAttRound(3); playDeath = enemAttRound(3); display.pause(); break; // Attempt to run away from combat case 4: // If they successfully run away if ( run() ) { Enem1.xpvalue = 0; cout << "\nYou ran away successfully!!!\n"; display.pause(); return true; } // Or else the enemy gets a free attack on the player else { cout << "\nYou failed to get away, the enemy hits you!\n"; playDeath = enemAttRound( randnum(3, 127) ); display.pause(); } break; // Let the user know their input is invalid default: cout << "\nPlease enter a correct choice!!!\n"; display.pause(); break; } // Check to see if either or both of our competitors have died if( playDeath && enemDeath ) { cout << "\n\nYou simultaneously strike each other fatally!!! A true warrior's death...\n"; display.pause(); return false; } else if( playDeath && !enemDeath ) { cout << "\n\nYou died!!!\n"; display.pause(); return false; } else if( enemDeath && !playDeath ) { cout << "\n\nYou have slain the " << Enem1.ename << "!!!\n"; // Reset the players health to maximum after combat; display.pause(); return true; } }while( !playDeath && !enemDeath ); };