Esempio n. 1
void unity_sgraph::fast_validate_add_edges(const sframe& edges,
    std::string src_field,
    std::string dst_field,
    size_t groupa, size_t groupb) const {

  if (!edges.contains_column(src_field)) {
    log_and_throw("Input sframe does not contain source id column: " + src_field);
  if (!edges.contains_column(dst_field)) {
    log_and_throw("Input sframe does not contain target id column: " + dst_field);

  flex_type_enum src_id_type = edges.column_type(edges.column_index(src_field));
  flex_type_enum dst_id_type = edges.column_type(edges.column_index(dst_field));

  if (src_id_type != dst_id_type) {
    std::string msg = "Source and target ids have different types: ";
    msg += std::string(flex_type_enum_to_name(src_id_type)) + " != " + flex_type_enum_to_name(dst_id_type);

  if (src_id_type != flex_type_enum::INTEGER && src_id_type != flex_type_enum::STRING) {
        std::string("Invalid id column type : ")
        + flex_type_enum_to_name(src_id_type)
        + ". Supported types are: integer and string."
Esempio n. 2
void unity_sgraph::fast_validate_add_vertices(const sframe& vertices,
    std::string id_field, size_t group) const {
  if (!vertices.contains_column(id_field)) {
    log_and_throw("Input sframe does not contain id column: " + id_field);
  flex_type_enum id_type = vertices.column_type(vertices.column_index(id_field));

  if (id_type != flex_type_enum::INTEGER && id_type != flex_type_enum::STRING) {
        std::string("Invalid id column type : ")
        + flex_type_enum_to_name(id_type) 
        + ". Supported types are: integer and string."
sframe groupby_aggregate(const sframe& source,
      const std::vector<std::string>& keys,
      const std::vector<std::string>& output_column_names,
      const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<std::string>,
                                  std::shared_ptr<group_aggregate_value>>>& groups,
      size_t max_buffer_size) {
  // first, sanity checks
  // check that group keys exist
  if (output_column_names.size() != groups.size()) {
    log_and_throw("There must be as many output columns as there are groups");
    // check that output column names are all unique, and do not intersect with
    // keys. Since empty values will be automatically assigned, we will skip
    // those.
    std::set<std::string> all_output_columns(keys.begin(), keys.end());
    size_t named_column_count = 0;
    for (auto s: output_column_names) {
      if (!s.empty()) {
    if (all_output_columns.size() != keys.size() + named_column_count) {
      log_and_throw("Output columns names are not unique");

  for (const auto& key: keys) {
    // check that the column name is valid
    if (!source.contains_column(key)) {
      log_and_throw("SFrame does not contain column " + key);

  // check that each group is valid
  for (const auto& group: groups) {
    // check that the column name is valid
    if (group.first.size() > 0) {
      for(size_t index = 0; index < group.first.size();index++) { 
        auto& col_name = group.first[index];
        if (!source.contains_column(col_name)) {
          log_and_throw("SFrame does not contain column " + col_name);

        if(graphlab::registered_arg_functions.count(group.second->name()) != 0 && index > 0) 
        // check that the types are valid
        size_t column_number = source.column_index(col_name);
        if (!group.second->support_type(source.column_type(column_number))) {
          log_and_throw("Requested operation: " + group.second->name() +
                        " not supported on the type of column " + col_name);

  // key should not have repeated columns
  std::set<std::string> key_columns;
  std::set<std::string> group_columns;
  for (const auto& key: keys) key_columns.insert(key);
  for (const auto& group: groups) {
    for(auto& col_name : group.first) {
  if (key_columns.size() != keys.size()) {
      log_and_throw("Group by key cannot have repeated column names");

  // ok. select out just the columns I care about
  // begin with the key columns
  std::vector<std::string> all_columns(key_columns.begin(), key_columns.end());
  // then all the group columns (as long as they are not also key columns)
  for (const auto& group_column: group_columns) {
    if (group_column != "" && key_columns.count(group_column) == 0) {
  sframe frame_with_relevant_cols = source.select_columns(all_columns);

  // prepare the output frame
  sframe output;
  std::vector<std::string> column_names;
  std::vector<flex_type_enum> column_types;
  // output frame has the key column name and types
  for (const auto& key: key_columns) {

  // then for each group, make a unique name and determine the output group type
  for (size_t i = 0;i < groups.size(); ++i) {
    const auto& group = groups[i];
    std::string candidate_name = output_column_names[i];
    if (candidate_name.empty()) {
      std::string root_candidate_name;
      if(graphlab::registered_arg_functions.count(group.second->name()) == 0) { 
        for (auto& col_name: group.first) {
          if (root_candidate_name.empty()) {
            root_candidate_name += " of " + col_name;
          } else {
            root_candidate_name += "_" + col_name;
        root_candidate_name = group.second->name() + root_candidate_name;
      } else {
        if(group.first.size() != 2) 
          log_and_throw("arg functions takes exactly two arguments");
        root_candidate_name += group.first[1] + " for " + group.second->name() + " of " + group.first[0];  
      candidate_name = root_candidate_name;
      size_t ctr = 1;
      // keep trying to come up with a unique column name
      while (std::find(column_names.begin(),
                       candidate_name) != column_names.end()) {
        candidate_name = root_candidate_name + "." + std::to_string(ctr);

    std::vector<flex_type_enum> input_types;
    for(auto col_name : group.first) {
    // this statement is valid for argmax and argmin as well, because their 
    // set_input_types(...) simply return input_types. 
    auto output_type = group.second->set_input_types(input_types);

  // done! now we can start on the groupby
  size_t nsegments = frame_with_relevant_cols.num_segments();
  // either nsegments, or n*log n buckets
  nsegments = std::max(nsegments,
                       thread::cpu_count() * std::max<size_t>(1, log2(thread::cpu_count())));


      container(max_buffer_size, nsegments);

  // ok the input sframe (frame_with_relevant_cols) contains all the values
  // we care about. However, the challenge here is to figure out how the keys
  // and values line up. By construction, all the key columns come first.
  // which is good. But group columns can be pretty much anywhere.
  size_t num_keys = keys.size();
  for (const auto& group: groups) {
    std::vector<size_t> column_numbers;
    for(auto& col_name : group.first) {

    container.define_group(column_numbers, group.second);
  // done. now we can begin parallel processing

  // shuffle the rows based on the value of the key column.
  auto input_reader = frame_with_relevant_cols.get_reader(thread::cpu_count());
  graphlab::timer ti;
  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Filling group container: " << std::endl;
  parallel_for (0, input_reader->num_segments(),
                [&](size_t i) {
                  auto iter = input_reader->begin(i);
                  auto enditer = input_reader->end(i);
                  while(iter != enditer) {
                    auto& row = *iter;
                    container.add(row, num_keys);

  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Group container filled in " << ti.current_time() << std::endl;
  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Writing output: " << std::endl;
  logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Output written in: " << ti.current_time() << std::endl;
  return output;