Esempio n. 1
ServerPasswd::getKeys(string_list_t& keys)
	map_array_t entries;
	if (getEntries(entries) && entries.size() > 0)
		map_array_t::iterator it;
		for (it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); it++)
			keys.push_back(it->second[SP_KEY].c_str() + 1);
		return true;
	return false;
Esempio n. 2
   Try to find the specified file in any of the possible directories
   where mime files can be located.  This code is shamelessly stolen
   from xdg_run_command_on_dirs.

   \param list Full file paths will be appended to this list.
   \param f The relative filename search for the the data directories.
   \param all If zero, then stop after the first filename.
   \return The number of filenames added to the list.
static int append_filenames( string_list_t &list, const char *f, int all )
	size_t prev_count = list.size();
	char *result;
	const char *xdg_data_home;
	const char *xdg_data_dirs;
	const char *ptr;

	xdg_data_home = getenv ("XDG_DATA_HOME");
	if (xdg_data_home)
		result = file_exists( xdg_data_home, f ); 
		if (result)
			if ( !all )
				return 1;
		const char *home;

		home = getenv ("HOME");
		if (home != NULL)
			char *guessed_xdg_home;

			guessed_xdg_home = (char *)my_malloc (strlen (home) + strlen ("/.local/share") + 1);
			if( !guessed_xdg_home )
				return 0;
			strcpy (guessed_xdg_home, home);
			strcat (guessed_xdg_home, "/.local/share");
			result = file_exists( guessed_xdg_home, f ); 
			free (guessed_xdg_home);

			if (result)
				if ( !all )
					return 1;

	xdg_data_dirs = getenv ("XDG_DATA_DIRS");
	if (xdg_data_dirs == NULL)
		xdg_data_dirs = "/usr/local/share:/usr/share";

	ptr = xdg_data_dirs;

	while (*ptr != '\000')
		const char *end_ptr;
		char *dir;
		int len;

		end_ptr = ptr;
		while (*end_ptr != ':' && *end_ptr != '\000')
			end_ptr ++;

		if (end_ptr == ptr)

        len = end_ptr - ptr;
		dir = (char *)my_malloc (len + 1);
		if( !dir )
			return 0;
		strncpy (dir, ptr, len);
		dir[len] = '\0';
		result = file_exists( dir, f ); 
		free (dir);

		if (result)
			if ( !all ) {
				return 1;

		ptr = end_ptr;
	return list.size() - prev_count;