double crush(vector2 s, vector2 p, vector2 center, int r) { // 이차 방정식 ax^2+bx+c=0 형태를 만든다 double a =; double b = 2*(s-center).dot(p); double c =*r-2*; double d = b*b - 4*a*c; // 전혀 안부딪힘 if(d < 0) { return INFITY; } // 시간t의 근은 무조건 양수 2개가 나와야 된다(또는 양수 중근) // 그 중 작은 값만 취하기 때문에 큰 값은 버린다 double solv = (-b - sqrt(d)) / 2*a; // 음수가 하나라도 나오면 공은 장애물에 부딪히지 않는다 if(solv < 0) { return INFITY; } else { return solv; } }
static vector2 trunk(const vector2& v, number smallestVal) { vector2 t; t.x() = smallestVal * round(v.x() / smallestVal); t.y() = smallestVal * round(v.y() / smallestVal); return t; }
const vector2 vector2::operator / (const vector2 &v2) const { vector2 r; r.x() = x() / v2.x(); r.y() = y() / v2.y(); return r; }
vector2 vector2::Transform(const vector2& v, const matrix& m) { vector2 result = vector2( (v.x() * m(0,0)) + (v.y() * m(0,1)) + m(3,0), (v.x() * m(1,0)) + (v.y() * m(1,1)) + m(3,1)); return result; }
double hitCircle(vector2 here, vector2 dir, vector2 center, double radius) { double a =; double b = 2 * - center); double c = + - 2 * - radius * radius; vector<double> sols = equation(a, b, c); if (sols.empty() || sols[0] < EPSILON) return INF; return sols[0]; }
vector4 vector4::Transform(const vector2& v, const matrix& m) { vector4 result = vector4( (v.x() * m(0,0)) + (v.y() * m(1,0)) + m(3,0), (v.x() * m(0,1)) + (v.y() * m(1,1)) + m(3,1), (v.x() * m(0,2)) + (v.y() * m(1,2)) + m(3,2), (v.x() * m(0,3)) + (v.y() * m(1,3)) + m(3,3)); return result; }
vector<double> solve(vector2 here, vector2 dir, vector<vector2>& center, vector<double>& radius) { double n = center.size(); dir = dir.normalize(); vector<double> ret; double cnt=0; while (cnt < 100) { double circle = -1; double time = INF*0.5; for (double i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double cand = hitCircle(here, dir, center[i], radius[i] + 1); if (cand < time) { time = cand; circle = i; } } if (circle == -1) break; cnt++; ret.push_back(circle); vector2 contact = here + dir * time; dir = reflect(here, dir, center[circle], contact); here = contact; } return ret; }
bool QtWindowSystem::init(const vector2<int>& r, int /*bpp*/, bool /*fullscreen*/) { if (view_ == nullptr) { // check for Qt Application class instance if (QApplication::instance() == nullptr) { int argc = 0; static QApplication application(argc, nullptr); } view_ = new QtView; view_->setGeometry(0, 0, r.x(), r.y()); set_format(WindowContextFormat()); } return true; }
edge::edge(vector2 a, vector2 uv_a, float z_a, vector2 b, vector2 uv_b, float z_b) { if (a.get_y() > b.get_y()) { this->a = b; this->uv_a = uv_b; this->b = a; this->uv_b = uv_a; this->z_b = z_a; this->z_a = z_b; } else { this->a = a; this->b = b; this->uv_a = uv_a; this->uv_b = uv_b; this->z_a = z_a; this->z_b = z_b; } }
void MyCB(system::UINT32 msg, system::UINT64 wParam, system::UINT64 lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_DESTROY: case WM_QUIT: g_quit = true; break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: g_mousePos.set((float)GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), (float)GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)); g_mouseLButtonDown = (wParam & MK_RBUTTON); break; } }
void fn(vector2 W) { W.push_back(111); return; }
// Equality operations bool vector2::operator == (const vector2 &v) const { return ((x() == v.x()) && (y() == v.y())); }
float vector2::Dot(const vector2& v1, const vector2& v2) { return v1.Dot(v2); }
// Returns the dot product of two vectors float vector2::Dot(const vector2 &v2) const { return ((x() * v2.x()) + (y() * v2.y())); }
vector3::vector3(const vector2& source, float z) { v[0] = source.x(), v[1] = source.y(), v[2] = z; }
inline bool operator ==(const vector2 &lhs, const vector2 &rhs) { return lhs.get_x() == rhs.get_x() && lhs.get_y() == rhs.get_y(); }
// 사영을 이용해 반사 방향벡터를 구한다 vector2 reflect(vector2 p, vector2 b) { // 단위벡터로 만들어야 제대로된 답이 나온다 return (p-p.project(b)*2).normalize(); }
int main() { freopen ("in.txt", "r", stdin); int n, m, x, y, z, p; scanf ("%d %d %d %d %d %d", &n, &m, &x, &y, &z, &p); x %= 4; y %= 2; z %= 4; center = vector2((float)(n) / 2.0f, (float) (m) / 2.0f); vector2 v; vector2 location; printf ("center: "); center.print_debug(); for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) { input.get(); if (input.x < center.x) input.x += 0.5f; else if (input.x > center.x) input.x -= 0.5f; if (input.y < center.y) input.y += 0.5f; else if (input.y > center.y) input.y -= 0.5f; printf ("input: "); input.print_debug(); v.x = input.x - center.x; v.y = input.y - center.y; printf ("v: "); v.print_debug(); v.clockwise(x); v.print_debug(); input.x = v.x + center.x; input.y = v.y + center.y; if (y > 0 && !cmp (input.y, center.y)) input.y = center.y - input.y + center.y; v.x = input.x - center.x; v.y = input.y - center.y; v.counter_clockwise(z); location.x = center.x + v.x; location.y = center.y + v.y; location.print_debug(); } return 0; }
vector2 reflect(vector2 here, vector2 dir, vector2 center, vector2 contact) { return (dir - dir.project(contact - center) * 2).normalize(); }
// 원점에서 벡터 b 가 벡터 a 의 반시계 방향이면 양수, 시계 방향이면 음수, 평행이면 0 을 반환한다 double ccw(vector2 a, vector2 b) { return a.cross(b); }
vector2 project(const vector2& rhs) const { vector2 r = rhs.normalize(); return r **this); }