Esempio n. 1
	virtual void setup( const OFX::RenderArguments& args )
		// destination view
		_dst.reset( _clipDst->fetchImage( args.time ) );
		if( !_dst.get() )
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( exception::ImageNotReady() );
		if( _dst->getRowBytes() == 0 )
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( exception::WrongRowBytes() );
		//		_dstPixelRod = _dst->getRegionOfDefinition(); // bug in nuke, returns bounds
		_dstPixelRod       = _clipDst->getPixelRod( args.time, args.renderScale );
		_dstPixelRodSize.x = ( this->_dstPixelRod.x2 - this->_dstPixelRod.x1 );
		_dstPixelRodSize.y = ( this->_dstPixelRod.y2 - this->_dstPixelRod.y1 );
		_dstView           = getView( _dst.get(), _dstPixelRod );

		// init dst buffer with red to highlight uninitialized pixels
		const OfxRectI dstBounds = this->translateRoWToOutputClipCoordinates( _dst->getBounds() );
		View dstToFill           = boost::gil::subimage_view( _dstView,
		                                                      dstBounds.x1, dstBounds.y1,
		                                                      dstBounds.x2 - dstBounds.x1, dstBounds.y2 - dstBounds.y1 );
		const boost::gil::rgba32f_pixel_t errorColor( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
		fill_pixels( dstToFill, errorColor );