Gui::MDIView* ViewProviderDocumentObject::getInventorView() const
    App::Document* pAppDoc = pcObject->getDocument();
    Gui::Document* pGuiDoc = Gui::Application::Instance->getDocument(pAppDoc);

    Gui::MDIView* mdi = pGuiDoc->getEditingViewOfViewProvider(const_cast<ViewProviderDocumentObject*>(this));
    if (!mdi) {
        mdi = pGuiDoc->getViewOfViewProvider(const_cast<ViewProviderDocumentObject*>(this));

    return mdi;
Esempio n. 2
void ViewProviderBody::updateOriginDatumSize () {
    PartDesign::Body *body = static_cast<PartDesign::Body *> ( getObject() );
    // Use different bounding boxes for datums and for origins:
    Gui::Document* gdoc = Gui::Application::Instance->getDocument(getObject()->getDocument());
    Gui::MDIView* view = gdoc->getViewOfViewProvider(this);
    Gui::View3DInventorViewer* viewer = static_cast<Gui::View3DInventor*>(view)->getViewer();
    SoGetBoundingBoxAction bboxAction(viewer->getSoRenderManager()->getViewportRegion());

    const auto & model = body->getFullModel ();

    // BBox for Datums is calculated from all visible objects but treating datums as their basepoints only
    SbBox3f bboxDatums = ViewProviderDatum::getRelevantBoundBox ( bboxAction, model );
    // BBox for origin should take into account datums size also
    SbBox3f bboxOrigins = bboxDatums;

    for(App::DocumentObject* obj : model) {
        if ( obj->isDerivedFrom ( Part::Datum::getClassTypeId () ) ) {
            ViewProvider *vp = Gui::Application::Instance->getViewProvider(obj);
            if (!vp) { continue; }

            ViewProviderDatum *vpDatum = static_cast <ViewProviderDatum *> (vp) ;

            vpDatum->setExtents ( bboxDatums );

            bboxAction.apply ( vp->getRoot () );
            bboxOrigins.extendBy ( bboxAction.getBoundingBox () );

    // get the bounding box values
    SbVec3f max = bboxOrigins.getMax();
    SbVec3f min = bboxOrigins.getMin();

    // obtain an Origin and it's ViewProvider
    App::Origin* origin = 0;
    Gui::ViewProviderOrigin* vpOrigin = 0;
    try {
        origin = body->getOrigin ();
        assert (origin);

        Gui::ViewProvider *vp = Gui::Application::Instance->getViewProvider(origin);
        if (!vp) {
            throw Base::Exception ("No view provider linked to the Origin");
        assert ( vp->isDerivedFrom ( Gui::ViewProviderOrigin::getClassTypeId () ) );
        vpOrigin = static_cast <Gui::ViewProviderOrigin *> ( vp );
    } catch (const Base::Exception &ex) {
        Base::Console().Error ("%s\n", ex.what() );

    // calculate the desired origin size
    Base::Vector3d size;

    for (uint_fast8_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
        size[i] = std::max ( fabs ( max[i] ), fabs ( min[i] ) );
        if (size[i] < Precision::Confusion() ) {
            size[i] = Gui::ViewProviderOrigin::defaultSize();

    vpOrigin->Size.setValue ( size*1.2 );