Esempio n. 1
	void Prioritize()
		// XXX: Load the DB here because the order in which modules are init()ed at boot is
		// alphabetical, this means we must wait until all modules have done their init()
		// to be able to set the modes they provide (e.g.: m_stripcolor is inited after us)
		// Prioritize() is called after all module initialization is complete, consequently
		// all modes are available now
		if (loaded)

		loaded = true;

		// Load only when there are no linked servers - we set the TS of the channels we
		// create to the current time, this can lead to desync because spanningtree has
		// no way of knowing what we do
		ProtocolInterface::ServerList serverlist;
		if (serverlist.size() < 2)
			catch (CoreException& e)
				ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Error loading permchannels database: " + std::string(e.GetReason()));
Esempio n. 2
/** Handle /LUSERS
CmdResult CommandLusers::Handle (const std::vector<std::string>&, User *user)
	unsigned int n_users = ServerInstance->Users->RegisteredUserCount();
	ProtocolInterface::ServerList serverlist;
	unsigned int n_serv = serverlist.size();
	unsigned int n_local_servs = 0;
	for (ProtocolInterface::ServerList::const_iterator i = serverlist.begin(); i != serverlist.end(); ++i)
		if (i->parentname == ServerInstance->Config->ServerName)
	// fix for default GetServerList not returning us
	if (!n_serv)
		n_serv = 1;


	user->WriteNumeric(251, "%s :There are %d users and %d invisible on %d servers",user->nick.c_str(),
			n_users - counters.invisible, counters.invisible, n_serv);

	if (ServerInstance->Users->OperCount())
		user->WriteNumeric(252, "%s %d :operator(s) online",user->nick.c_str(),ServerInstance->Users->OperCount());

	if (ServerInstance->Users->UnregisteredUserCount())
		user->WriteNumeric(253, "%s %d :unknown connections",user->nick.c_str(),ServerInstance->Users->UnregisteredUserCount());

	user->WriteNumeric(254, "%s %ld :channels formed",user->nick.c_str(),ServerInstance->ChannelCount());
	user->WriteNumeric(255, "%s :I have %d clients and %d servers",user->nick.c_str(),ServerInstance->Users->LocalUserCount(),n_local_servs);
	user->WriteNumeric(265, "%s :Current Local Users: %d  Max: %d", user->nick.c_str(), ServerInstance->Users->LocalUserCount(), counters.max_local);
	user->WriteNumeric(266, "%s :Current Global Users: %d  Max: %d", user->nick.c_str(), n_users, counters.max_global);

	return CMD_SUCCESS;