void __AudioDoState(PointerWrap &p) { section.lock(); p.Do(eventAudioUpdate); CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(eventAudioUpdate, "AudioUpdate", &hleAudioUpdate); p.Do(eventHostAudioUpdate); CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(eventHostAudioUpdate, "AudioUpdateHost", &hleHostAudioUpdate); p.Do(mixFrequency); outAudioQueue.DoState(p); int chanCount = ARRAY_SIZE(chans); p.Do(chanCount); if (chanCount != ARRAY_SIZE(chans)) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Savestate failure: different number of audio channels."); section.unlock(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < chanCount; ++i) chans[i].DoState(p); section.unlock(); p.DoMarker("sceAudio"); }
void FifoRecorder::StartRecording(s32 numFrames, CallbackFunc finishedCb) { sMutex.lock(); delete m_File; delete []m_Ram; delete []m_ExRam; m_File = new FifoDataFile; m_Ram = new u8[Memory::RAM_SIZE]; m_ExRam = new u8[Memory::EXRAM_SIZE]; memset(m_Ram, 0, Memory::RAM_SIZE); memset(m_ExRam, 0, Memory::EXRAM_SIZE); m_File->SetIsWii(SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bWii); if (!m_IsRecording) { m_WasRecording = false; m_IsRecording = true; m_RecordFramesRemaining = numFrames; } m_RequestedRecordingEnd = false; m_FinishedCb = finishedCb; sMutex.unlock(); }
// numFrames is number of stereo frames. // This is called from *outside* the emulator thread. int __AudioMix(short *outstereo, int numFrames) { // TODO: if mixFrequency != the actual output frequency, resample! section.lock(); int underrun = -1; s16 sampleL = 0; s16 sampleR = 0; bool anythingToPlay = false; for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { if (outAudioQueue.size() >= 2) { sampleL = outAudioQueue.pop_front(); sampleR = outAudioQueue.pop_front(); outstereo[i * 2 + 0] = sampleL; outstereo[i * 2 + 1] = sampleR; anythingToPlay = true; } else { if (underrun == -1) underrun = i; outstereo[i * 2 + 0] = sampleL; // repeat last sample, can reduce clicking outstereo[i * 2 + 1] = sampleR; // repeat last sample, can reduce clicking } } if (anythingToPlay && underrun >= 0) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "Audio out buffer UNDERRUN at %i of %i", underrun, numFrames); } else { // DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "No underrun, mixed %i samples fine", numFrames); } section.unlock(); return underrun >= 0 ? underrun : numFrames; }
u32 __AudioEnqueue(AudioChannel &chan, int chanNum, bool blocking) { u32 ret = 0; section.lock(); if (chan.sampleAddress == 0) return SCE_ERROR_AUDIO_NOT_OUTPUT; if (chan.sampleQueue.size() > chan.sampleCount*2*chanQueueMaxSizeFactor) { // Block! if (blocking) { chan.waitingThread = __KernelGetCurThread(); // WARNING: This changes currentThread so must grab waitingThread before (line above). __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_AUDIOCHANNEL, (SceUID)chanNum, 0, 0, false, "blocking audio waited"); // Fall through to the sample queueing, don't want to lose the samples even though // we're getting full. } else { chan.waitingThread = 0; return SCE_ERROR_AUDIO_CHANNEL_BUSY; } } if (chan.format == PSP_AUDIO_FORMAT_STEREO) { const u32 totalSamples = chan.sampleCount * 2; if (IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN) { s16 *sampleData = (s16 *) Memory::GetPointer(chan.sampleAddress); // Walking a pointer for speed. But let's make sure we wouldn't trip on an invalid ptr. if (Memory::IsValidAddress(chan.sampleAddress + (totalSamples - 1) * sizeof(s16))) { for (u32 i = 0; i < totalSamples; i++) chan.sampleQueue.push(*sampleData++); } } else { for (u32 i = 0; i < totalSamples; i++) chan.sampleQueue.push((s16)Memory::Read_U16(chan.sampleAddress + sizeof(s16) * i)); } ret = chan.sampleCount; } else if (chan.format == PSP_AUDIO_FORMAT_MONO) { for (u32 i = 0; i < chan.sampleCount; i++) { // Expand to stereo s16 sample = (s16)Memory::Read_U16(chan.sampleAddress + 2 * i); chan.sampleQueue.push(sample); chan.sampleQueue.push(sample); } ret = chan.sampleCount; } section.unlock(); return ret; }
int main() { m.lock(); std::thread t(f); std::this_thread::sleep_for(ms(250)); m.unlock(); t.join(); }
void processFdbEntriesForAging() { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); if (!g_recursive_mutex.try_lock()) { return; } SWSS_LOG_INFO("fdb infos to process: %zu", g_fdb_info_set.size()); uint32_t current = (uint32_t)time(NULL); // find aged fdb entries for (auto it = g_fdb_info_set.begin(); it != g_fdb_info_set.end();) { sai_attribute_t attr; attr.id = SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_FDB_AGING_TIME; sai_status_t status = vs_generic_get(SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_SWITCH, it->fdb_entry.switch_id, 1, &attr); if (status != SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { SWSS_LOG_WARN("failed to get FDB aging time for switch %s", sai_serialize_object_id(it->fdb_entry.switch_id).c_str()); ++it; continue; } uint32_t aging_time = attr.value.u32; if (aging_time == 0) { // aging is disabled ++it; continue; } if ((current - it->timestamp) >= aging_time) { fdb_info_t fi = *it; processFdbInfo(fi, SAI_FDB_EVENT_AGED); it = g_fdb_info_set.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } g_recursive_mutex.unlock(); }
// Mix samples from the various audio channels into a single sample queue. // This single sample queue is where __AudioMix should read from. If the sample queue is full, we should // just sleep the main emulator thread a little. void __AudioUpdate() { // Audio throttle doesn't really work on the PSP since the mixing intervals are so closely tied // to the CPU. Much better to throttle the frame rate on frame display and just throw away audio // if the buffer somehow gets full. s32 mixBuffer[hwBlockSize * 2]; memset(mixBuffer, 0, sizeof(mixBuffer)); for (u32 i = 0; i < PSP_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MAX + 1; i++) { if (!chans[i].reserved) continue; __AudioWakeThreads(chans[i], hwBlockSize); if (!chans[i].sampleQueue.size()) { // ERROR_LOG(HLE, "No queued samples, skipping channel %i", i); continue; } for (int s = 0; s < hwBlockSize; s++) { if (chans[i].sampleQueue.size() >= 2) { s16 sampleL = chans[i].sampleQueue.pop_front(); s16 sampleR = chans[i].sampleQueue.pop_front(); mixBuffer[s * 2 + 0] += sampleL; mixBuffer[s * 2 + 1] += sampleR; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Channel %i buffer underrun at %i of %i", i, s, hwBlockSize); break; } } } if (g_Config.bEnableSound) { section.lock(); if (outAudioQueue.room() >= hwBlockSize * 2) { // Push the mixed samples onto the output audio queue. for (int i = 0; i < hwBlockSize; i++) { s16 sampleL = clamp_s16(mixBuffer[i * 2 + 0]); s16 sampleR = clamp_s16(mixBuffer[i * 2 + 1]); outAudioQueue.push((s16)sampleL); outAudioQueue.push((s16)sampleR); } } else { // This happens quite a lot. There's still something slightly off // about the amount of audio we produce. DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "Audio outbuffer overrun! room = %i / %i", outAudioQueue.room(), (u32)outAudioQueue.capacity()); } section.unlock(); } }
void f() { time_point t0 = Clock::now(); m.lock(); time_point t1 = Clock::now(); m.lock(); m.unlock(); m.unlock(); ns d = t1 - t0 - ms(250); assert(d < ns(2500000)); // within 2.5ms }
void FifoPlayerDlg::RecordingFinished() { sMutex.lock(); if (m_EvtHandler) { wxCommandEvent event(RECORDING_FINISHED_EVENT); m_EvtHandler->AddPendingEvent(event); } sMutex.unlock(); }
void FifoPlayerDlg::FileLoaded() { sMutex.lock(); if (m_EvtHandler) { wxPaintEvent event; m_EvtHandler->AddPendingEvent(event); } sMutex.unlock(); }
void FifoPlayerDlg::FrameWritten() { sMutex.lock(); if (m_EvtHandler) { wxCommandEvent event(FRAME_WRITTEN_EVENT); m_EvtHandler->AddPendingEvent(event); } sMutex.unlock(); }
FifoPlayerDlg::FifoPlayerDlg(wxWindow * const parent) : wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, _("FIFO Player"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize), m_FramesToRecord(1) { CreateGUIControls(); sMutex.lock(); m_EvtHandler = GetEventHandler(); sMutex.unlock(); FifoPlayer::GetInstance().SetFileLoadedCallback(FileLoaded); FifoPlayer::GetInstance().SetFrameWrittenCallback(FrameWritten); }
void attemp_10k_increasesR() { int i; mrtx.lock(); mrtx.lock(); // 递归锁,多次调用lock都不会死锁 for (i=0; i<10; ++i) { ++counter; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(1*1000000)); std::cout << "thread Reverse[" << std::this_thread::get_id() <<"]" << "add the counter" << endl; } mrtx.unlock(); }
// Read the Wiimote once void Update(int _WiimoteNumber) { // Try to get a lock and return without doing anything if we fail // This avoids deadlocks when adding a Wiimote during continuous scan if(!g_refresh_lock.try_lock()) return; if (g_wiimotes[_WiimoteNumber]) g_wiimotes[_WiimoteNumber]->Update(); // Wiimote::Update() may remove the Wiimote if it was disconnected. if (!g_wiimotes[_WiimoteNumber]) { Host_ConnectWiimote(_WiimoteNumber, false); } g_refresh_lock.unlock(); }
void FifoRecorder::EndFrame(u32 fifoStart, u32 fifoEnd) { // m_IsRecording is assumed to be true at this point, otherwise this function would not be called sMutex.lock(); m_FrameEnded = true; m_CurrentFrame.fifoStart = fifoStart; m_CurrentFrame.fifoEnd = fifoEnd; if (m_WasRecording) { // If recording a fixed number of frames then check if the end of the recording was reached if (m_RecordFramesRemaining > 0) { --m_RecordFramesRemaining; if (m_RecordFramesRemaining == 0) m_RequestedRecordingEnd = true; } } else { m_WasRecording = true; // Skip the first data which will be the frame copy command m_SkipNextData = true; m_SkipFutureData = false; m_FrameEnded = false; m_FifoData.reserve(1024 * 1024 * 4); m_FifoData.clear(); } if (m_RequestedRecordingEnd) { // Skip data after the next time WriteFifoData is called m_SkipFutureData = true; // Signal video backend that it should not call this function when the next frame ends m_IsRecording = false; } sMutex.unlock(); }
void FifoRecorder::SetVideoMemory(u32 *bpMem, u32 *cpMem, u32 *xfMem, u32 *xfRegs, u32 xfRegsSize) { sMutex.lock(); if (m_File) { memcpy(m_File->GetBPMem(), bpMem, FifoDataFile::BP_MEM_SIZE * 4); memcpy(m_File->GetCPMem(), cpMem, FifoDataFile::CP_MEM_SIZE * 4); memcpy(m_File->GetXFMem(), xfMem, FifoDataFile::XF_MEM_SIZE * 4); u32 xfRegsCopySize = std::min((u32)FifoDataFile::XF_REGS_SIZE, xfRegsSize); memcpy(m_File->GetXFRegs(), xfRegs, xfRegsCopySize * 4); } m_RecordAnalyzer.Initialize(bpMem, cpMem); sMutex.unlock(); }
static int AVCodecMTLockCallback(void** mutex, AVLockOp op) { switch (op) { case AV_LOCK_CREATE: *mutex = &kAVCodecMTLock; break; case AV_LOCK_OBTAIN: kAVCodecMTLock.lock(); break; case AV_LOCK_RELEASE: kAVCodecMTLock.unlock(); break; case AV_LOCK_DESTROY: *mutex = NULL; break; } return 0; }
FifoPlayerDlg::~FifoPlayerDlg() { Disconnect(RECORDING_FINISHED_EVENT, wxCommandEventHandler(FifoPlayerDlg::OnRecordingFinished), NULL, this); Disconnect(FRAME_WRITTEN_EVENT, wxCommandEventHandler(FifoPlayerDlg::OnFrameWritten), NULL, this); // Disconnect Events Disconnect(wxEVT_PAINT, wxPaintEventHandler(FifoPlayerDlg::OnPaint), NULL, this); m_FrameFromCtrl->Disconnect(wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED, wxSpinEventHandler(FifoPlayerDlg::OnFrameFrom), NULL, this); m_FrameToCtrl->Disconnect(wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED, wxSpinEventHandler(FifoPlayerDlg::OnFrameTo), NULL, this); m_ObjectFromCtrl->Disconnect(wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED, wxSpinEventHandler(FifoPlayerDlg::OnObjectFrom), NULL, this); m_ObjectToCtrl->Disconnect(wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED, wxSpinEventHandler(FifoPlayerDlg::OnObjectTo), NULL, this); m_EarlyMemoryUpdates->Disconnect(wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED, wxCommandEventHandler(FifoPlayerDlg::OnCheckEarlyMemoryUpdates), NULL, this); m_RecordStop->Disconnect(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, wxCommandEventHandler(FifoPlayerDlg::OnRecordStop), NULL, this); m_Save->Disconnect(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, wxCommandEventHandler(FifoPlayerDlg::OnSaveFile), NULL, this); m_FramesToRecordCtrl->Disconnect(wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED, wxSpinEventHandler(FifoPlayerDlg::OnNumFramesToRecord), NULL, this); m_Close->Disconnect(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, wxCommandEventHandler(FifoPlayerDlg::OnCloseClick), NULL, this); FifoPlayer::GetInstance().SetFrameWrittenCallback(NULL); sMutex.lock(); m_EvtHandler = NULL; sMutex.unlock(); }
void FifoRecorder::WriteGPCommand(const u8 *data, u32 size) { if (!m_SkipNextData) { m_RecordAnalyzer.AnalyzeGPCommand(data); // Copy data to buffer size_t currentSize = m_FifoData.size(); m_FifoData.resize(currentSize + size); memcpy(&m_FifoData[currentSize], data, size); } if (m_FrameEnded && m_FifoData.size() > 0) { size_t dataSize = m_FifoData.size(); m_CurrentFrame.fifoDataSize = (u32)dataSize; m_CurrentFrame.fifoData = new u8[dataSize]; memcpy(m_CurrentFrame.fifoData, m_FifoData.data(), dataSize); sMutex.lock(); // Copy frame to file // The file will be responsible for freeing the memory allocated for each frame's fifoData m_File->AddFrame(m_CurrentFrame); if (m_FinishedCb && m_RequestedRecordingEnd) m_FinishedCb(); sMutex.unlock(); m_CurrentFrame.memoryUpdates.clear(); m_FifoData.clear(); m_FrameEnded = false; } m_SkipNextData = m_SkipFutureData; }
void FifoRecorder::StartRecording(s32 numFrames, CallbackFunc finishedCb) { sMutex.lock(); delete m_File; m_File = new FifoDataFile; std::fill(m_Ram.begin(), m_Ram.end(), 0); std::fill(m_ExRam.begin(), m_ExRam.end(), 0); m_File->SetIsWii(SConfig::GetInstance().bWii); if (!m_IsRecording) { m_WasRecording = false; m_IsRecording = true; m_RecordFramesRemaining = numFrames; } m_RequestedRecordingEnd = false; m_FinishedCb = finishedCb; sMutex.unlock(); }
LongRunningOperation::~LongRunningOperation() { _operationMutex.unlock(); }
void EndBulkLog(){ add_timestamp = true; log_mutex.unlock(); }
// We will inject the stereo here void sys_glAttachShader(GLuint program, GLuint shader) { m_opengl32Mutex.lock(); orig_glCompileShader = (func_glCompileShader)orig_wglGetProcAddress("glCompileShader"); if (orig_glCompileShader == 0x0) add_log("glCompileShader not found !!!!"); orig_glGetShaderiv = (func_glGetShaderiv_t)orig_wglGetProcAddress("glGetShaderiv"); if (orig_glGetShaderiv == 0x0) add_log("glGetShaderiv not found !!!!"); // Add the CRC of the program std::string programSring = std::to_string(program); DWORD progCRC32 = crc32buf(programSring.c_str(), programSring.length()); // Get the correct shader type // Get the instance ShaderManager *shaderManager = ShaderManager::getInstance(); // Depends on what type of shader it is we do stuff if (shaderManager->isShaderType(shader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER)) { //get the original shader Source std::string shaderSource = shaderManager->getShaderSource(shader); // Calculate the CRC32 before we do any injection // Otherwise the CRC32 will change DWORD crc32 = crc32buf(shaderSource.c_str(), shaderSource.length()); crc32 += progCRC32; if (shaderManager->GetVertexInjectionState()) { //Apply the custom shaders // If we failed apply normal injection if (shaderManager->ApplyExceptionShaders(shaderSource, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, crc32) == false) { //Insert Stereo shaderSource = shaderManager->injectStereoScopy(shaderSource, program); } } // Swap the Source shaderManager->applyShaderSource(shader, shaderSource, NULL); // Store it as an existing shader EXISTING_SHADER_T currentShader; currentShader.m_CRC32 = crc32; currentShader.m_programId = program; currentShader.m_shaderId = shader; currentShader.m_shaderSourceCode = shaderSource; currentShader.m_shaderType = GL_VERTEX_SHADER; // Push it back shaderManager->addExistingShaderInfo(currentShader); // Export the Source ExportShader("Vertex", currentShader.m_programId, currentShader.m_CRC32, currentShader.m_shaderSourceCode); // We also need to compile the shader before attaching it //Compile shader (*orig_glCompileShader)(shader); //Test compile GLint statusOk = 0; (*orig_glGetShaderiv)(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &statusOk); if (statusOk == GL_FALSE) { CheckCompileState(shader); } } else if (shaderManager->isShaderType(shader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)) { //get the original shader Source std::string shaderSource = shaderManager->getShaderSource(shader); // Calculate the CRC32 DWORD crc32 = crc32buf(shaderSource.c_str(), shaderSource.length()); crc32 += progCRC32; if (shaderManager->GetVertexInjectionState()) { //Apply the custom shaders // If we failed apply normal injection if (shaderManager->ApplyExceptionShaders(shaderSource, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, crc32) == false) { // This only happens in development mode. #ifdef DEBUG_WRAPPER //Insert Stereo shaderSource = shaderManager->injectFragmentModification(shaderSource, program); #endif } } // Swap the Source shaderManager->applyShaderSource(shader, shaderSource, NULL); // Store it as an existing shader EXISTING_SHADER_T currentShader; currentShader.m_CRC32 = crc32; currentShader.m_programId = program; currentShader.m_shaderId = shader; currentShader.m_shaderSourceCode = shaderSource; currentShader.m_shaderType = GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER; // Push it back shaderManager->addExistingShaderInfo(currentShader); // Export the Source ExportShader("Pixel", currentShader.m_programId, currentShader.m_CRC32, currentShader.m_shaderSourceCode); //Compile shader (*orig_glCompileShader)(shader); // We also need to compile the shader before attaching it //Test compile GLint statusOk = 0; (*orig_glGetShaderiv)(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &statusOk); if (statusOk == GL_FALSE) { CheckCompileState(shader); } } // We attach after we swapped the sources (*orig_glAttachShader)(program, shader); m_opengl32Mutex.unlock(); }
// add the stereo values void sys_glUseProgram(GLuint program) { m_opengl32Mutex.lock(); // Get the shaderManager ShaderManager * shaderManager = ShaderManager::getInstance(); #ifdef DEBUG_WRAPPER if (shaderManager->GetVertexInjectionState()) { shaderManager->ApplyDebugExceptionShaders(); } #endif // Use the original program (*orig_glUseProgram)(program); if (shaderManager->GetVertexInjectionState()) { // Get the locations of the uniforms GLfloat value; const GLchar *uniform_eye = (GLchar*)"g_eye"; const GLchar *uniform_eye_spearation = (GLchar*)"g_eye_separation"; const GLchar *uniform_convergence = (GLchar*)"g_convergence"; const GLchar *uniform_vertexEnabled = (GLchar*)"g_vertexEnabled"; const GLchar *uniform_pixelEnabled = (GLchar*)"g_pixelEnabled"; // Get our functions from the driver. Be sure to only take them once if (orig_glGetUniformLocation == NULL) { orig_glGetUniformLocation = (func_glGetUniformLocation_t)(orig_wglGetProcAddress)("glGetUniformLocation"); } //glUniform1f if (orig_glUniform1f == NULL) { orig_glUniform1f = (func_glUniform1f_t)(orig_wglGetProcAddress)("glUniform1f"); } if ((GLint)program >= 0) { GLint location_eye = (*orig_glGetUniformLocation)(program, uniform_eye); GLint location_eye_separation = (*orig_glGetUniformLocation)(program, uniform_eye_spearation); GLint location_convergence = (*orig_glGetUniformLocation)(program, uniform_convergence); GLint location_vertexEnabled = (*orig_glGetUniformLocation)(program, uniform_vertexEnabled); GLint location_pixelEnabled = (*orig_glGetUniformLocation)(program, uniform_pixelEnabled); //set the uniform inside the shaders if (NV3DVisionGetCurrentFrame() == 1) { //left eye value = -1.0f; (*orig_glUniform1f)(location_eye, value); } else { //right eye value = +1.0f; (*orig_glUniform1f)(location_eye, value); } //Set the Separation and convergence (*orig_glUniform1f)(location_eye_separation, Get3DEyeSeparation()); (*orig_glUniform1f)(location_convergence, Get3DConvergence()); (*orig_glUniform1f)(location_vertexEnabled, 1.0f); (*orig_glUniform1f)(location_pixelEnabled, 1.0f); } ///////////////////////////////////// // APPLY CUSTOM SHADER PARAMS ///////////////////////////////////// shaderManager->ApplyCustomShaderParams(program); ///////////////////////////////////// // USED TO DISABLE ALOT OF SHADERS ///////////////////////////////////// #ifdef DEBUG_WRAPPER if (shaderManager->VertexShadersExceptionsEnabled()) { if (((GLint)program >= (GLint)shaderManager->GetExceptionShaderStart() && (GLint)program <= (GLint)shaderManager->GetExceptionShaderEnd())) { GLint location_eye_separation = (*orig_glGetUniformLocation)(program, uniform_eye_spearation); GLint location_convergence = (*orig_glGetUniformLocation)(program, uniform_convergence); //Set the Separation and convergence (*orig_glUniform1f)(location_eye_separation, 0); (*orig_glUniform1f)(location_convergence, 0); // Do we disable the vertex shaders ??? if (shaderManager->VertexShaderExceptionsDisableShader()) { GLint location_enabled = (*orig_glGetUniformLocation)(program, uniform_vertexEnabled); (*orig_glUniform1f)(location_enabled, 0.0f); } else { GLint location_enabled = (*orig_glGetUniformLocation)(program, uniform_vertexEnabled); (*orig_glUniform1f)(location_enabled, 1.0f); } } if (shaderManager->DisableCurrentShader()) { // If we are navigating vertexes if (isCurrentShaderVertex) { // Disable the current Shader if (debugVertexIndex == (int)program) { GLint location_enabled = (*orig_glGetUniformLocation)(program, uniform_vertexEnabled); (*orig_glUniform1f)(location_enabled, 0.0f); } } else // Pixel Shader { // Disable the current Shader if (debugPixelIndex == (int)program) { GLint location_enabled = (*orig_glGetUniformLocation)(program, uniform_pixelEnabled); (*orig_glUniform1f)(location_enabled, 0.0f); } } } } #endif } m_opengl32Mutex.unlock(); }
MemoryInitedLock::~MemoryInitedLock() { g_shutdownLock.unlock(); }