void MeshConversion<SensorT>::fromPointCloud(
    const typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::ConstPtr& pc, MeshT& mesh)
    typedef typename MeshT::VertexHandle VertexHandle;

    int rows = pc->height - 1; // last row
    int cols = pc->width - 1; // last column
    int row_offset;
    // [h]orizontal, [v]ertical, [l]eft, [r]ight edge check
    std::vector<std::vector<bool> > h(rows+1, std::vector<bool>(cols,true));
    std::vector<std::vector<bool> > v(rows, std::vector<bool>(cols+1,true));
    std::vector<std::vector<bool> > l(rows, std::vector<bool>(cols,true));
    std::vector<std::vector<bool> > r(rows, std::vector<bool>(cols,true));
    std::vector<std::vector<VertexHandle> >
      vh(rows+1, std::vector<VertexHandle>(cols+1)); // vertex handles

     * +--+--+   p00  h00  p01  h01  p02
     * |  |  |   v00 lr00  v01 lr01  v02
     * +--+--+   p10  h10  p11  h11  p12
     * |  |  |   v10 lr10  v11 lr11  v12
     * +--+--+   p20  h20  p21  h21  p22

    // corners
    h.front().front() = v.front().front() = r.front().front() = false;
    h.front().back()  = v.front().back()  = l.front().back()  = false;
    h.back().front() = v.back().front() = l.back().front() = false;
    h.back().back()  = v.back().back()  = r.back().back()  = false;

    // first and last row
    for(int x = 1; x<cols; ++x)
      h.front()[x-1] = false;
      h.front()[x  ] = false;
      v.front()[x  ] = false;
      l.front()[x-1] = false;
      r.front()[x  ] = false;
      h.back ()[x-1] = false;
      h.back ()[x  ] = false;
      v.back ()[x  ] = false;
      r.back ()[x-1] = false;
      l.back ()[x  ] = false;

    for(int y = 1; y<rows; ++y)
      // left column and right column
      h[y  ].front() = false;
      v[y-1].front() = false;
      v[y  ].front() = false;
      l[y-1].front() = false;
      r[y  ].front() = false;
      h[y  ].back()  = false;
      v[y-1].back()  = false;
      v[y  ].back()  = false;
      r[y-1].back()  = false;
      l[y  ].back()  = false;

      row_offset = y*(cols+1);
      // iterate remaining
      for(int x=1; x<cols; ++x)
        const PointT* p = &(*pc)[row_offset+x];
        if( p->z != p->z )
          v[y-1][x  ] = false;
          v[y  ][x  ] = false;
          h[y  ][x-1] = false;
          h[y  ][x  ] = false;
          l[y-1][x  ] = false;
          l[y  ][x-1] = false;
          r[y-1][x-1] = false;
          r[y  ][x  ] = false;
          vh[y][x] = mesh.addVertex(y*pc->width+x, *p);

    // iterate h and v to check if edge is valid
    typename std::vector<PointT, Eigen::aligned_allocator_indirection<PointT> >
      ::const_iterator pii = pc->points.begin();
    typename std::vector<PointT, Eigen::aligned_allocator_indirection<PointT> >
      ::const_iterator pij = pii + 1; // right
    typename std::vector<PointT, Eigen::aligned_allocator_indirection<PointT> >
      ::const_iterator pji = pii + 1 + cols; // below
    typename std::vector<PointT, Eigen::aligned_allocator_indirection<PointT> >
      ::const_iterator pjj = pji + 1; // below right

    for(int y=0; y<rows; ++y)
      for(int x=0; x<cols; ++x)
        // check horizontal and vertical
        if (h[y][x])
          h[y][x] = isNeighbor(pii->getVector3fMap(), pij->getVector3fMap());
        if (v[y][x])
          v[y][x] = isNeighbor(pii->getVector3fMap(), pji->getVector3fMap());

        // check diagonal
        unsigned char status = (l[y][x] << 1) | r[y][x];
        case 0b00:
        case 0b01:
          r[y][x] = isNeighbor(pii->getVector3fMap(), pjj->getVector3fMap());
        case 0b10:
          l[y][x] = isNeighbor(pij->getVector3fMap(), pji->getVector3fMap());
        case 0b11:
          if( (pij->z - pji->z) > (pii->z - pjj->z) )
            r[y][x] = false;
            l[y][x] = isNeighbor(pij->getVector3fMap(), pji->getVector3fMap());
            l[y][x] = false;
            r[y][x] = isNeighbor(pii->getVector3fMap(), pjj->getVector3fMap());
        ++pii; ++pij; ++pji; ++pjj;
      // skip the last column
      // note that in the very last iteration, pjj points beyond end()
      ++pii; ++pij; ++pji; ++pjj;

    for(int y=0; y<rows; ++y)
      for(int x=0; x<cols; ++x)
        /* ii-ji-ij | ij-ji-jj | ii-jj-ij | ii-ji-jj
         *  +-+     |    +     |  +-+     |  +
         *  |/      |   /|     |   \|     |  |\
         *  +       |  +-+     |    +     |  +-+     */
          if (h[y  ][x] && v[y][x  ])
            mesh.addFace(vh[y][x  ], vh[y+1][x], vh[y  ][x+1]);
          if (h[y+1][x] && v[y][x+1])
            mesh.addFace(vh[y][x+1], vh[y+1][x], vh[y+1][x+1]);
        else if (r[y][x])
          if (h[y][x] && v[y][x+1])
            mesh.addFace(vh[y][x], vh[y+1][x+1], vh[y][x+1]);
          if (v[y][x] && h[y+1][x])
            mesh.addFace(vh[y][x], vh[y+1][x], vh[y+1][x+1]);