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The Firebase Real-Time Database Unity plugin does not currently support the latest Firebase SDK. We are working on an update which should be available around September 2016. Follow this project on github for updates.

Firebase inside Unity3d!

Welcome to Firebase ( on Unity3d plugin, which supports:

  • iOS
  • Android
  • The Unity Editor Player (currently works on Mac and Windows)

How to get started (As base or standalone application)

  1. Read about Firebase at
  2. Clone this git repo, then form Unity open the Unity project in the empty-project folder
  3. Open the MainScene and the example TestScript.cs to start coding against Firebase!

How to get started (If you already have an existing project that requires Firebase)

  1. Read about Firebase at
  2. Import the package "firebase.unitypackage"
  3. If you already have an existing AndroidManifest.xml file, simply add the permission <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> . In this case you do not have to import the AndroidManifest.xml file because it might overwrite your own.

API Differences

You will find the API is very similar to the Java/iOS versions except that:

  1. You create a new Firebase reference with:

    IFirebase ref = Firebase.CreateNew("");

    This gives you the proper platform-dependent implementation.

  2. Certain parts of the API have been made C#-idiomatic with C# properties and events. For example, instead of getKey, you'll find a Key property.

    IFirebase root;
    IFirebase foo;
    void Awake() {
      root = Firebase.CreateNew("");
      foo = ref.Child("foo");
      foo.Child (DateTime.Now.ToString ("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss-zzz")).SetValue ("Awake()");
    void OnEnable() {
      foo.ChildAdded += FooChildAdded;
    void OnDisable() {
      foo.ChildAdded -= FooChildAdded;
    void FooChildAdded (object sender, FirebaseChangedEventArgs e) {
      Debug.Log("FooChildAdded: " + e.DataSnapshot.Key);


  • If you are not receiving events, it can either be because your event response call contains an exception, or because Garbage Collection is removing the references to your firebase. You can solve this by storing the firebase objects in variables.

    First, make sure you are referencing objects correctly.

    Instead of this:

     new Firebase("mypath").ValueChanged += (...) => { .... };

    do this:

    classMember = new Firebase("mypath");  //holds a reference until the behavior is released
    classMember.ValueChanged += (...) => {...} ;

    But beware, if you are going to access child objects you need to store these in variables too, otherwise GC will delete the reference as well. So instead of this:

 classMember = new Firebase("mypath");  //holds a reference until the behavior is released
 classMember.Child("somechild").ValueChanged += (...) => {...} ;

do this

IFirebase fb;
IFirebase sampleChild;
void someFunction() {
    fb = new Firebase("mypath");  //holds a reference until the behavior is released
    sampleChild = fb.Child("somechild"); // holds another child reference so GC doens't remove the reference to the child
    sampleChild.ValueChanged += (...) => {...} ;

If you are referencing objects correctly, you will likely need to re-open your Unity project because your event response function contained an error. At this moment an error in the event response function causes Firebase Unity to stop working during your entire Unity Editor session. You can debug this by catching the exception on the highest level, re-opening your Unity project, and running your scene again. You can now see the error and fix it. Note that you will need to re-open your project on every attempt until we fix this bug. After you have resolved your exception, your firebase event should be received normally again.

For example:

IFirebase fb;
IFirebase sampleChild;
void someFunction() {
    try {
        fb = new Firebase("mypath");  //holds a reference until the behavior is released
        sampleChild = fb.Child("somechild"); // holds another child reference so GC doens't remove the reference to the child
        sampleChild.ValueChanged += (...) => {...} ;
   } catch(Exception e) {
  • Threading: Unity does not allow game object modifications from any thread other than the Main thread. Firebase operates on a separate thread for performance reasons, and so you can not directly edit game objects from your firebase event responses. You can solve this by adding a Queue with actions to be fulfilled on the main thread. You can use the following (unofficial) class for doing so:

You can now execute function on the main thread like this:

  public IEnumerator ThisWillBeExecutedOnTheMainThread() {
  	Debug.Log ("This is executed from the main thread");
  	yield return null;
  public void ExampleMainThreadCall() {
  • iOS: XCode fails to link. Please follow instructions located at: You will need to do this again if you do a full build/replace from Unity, but an incremental build will keep these settings.

  • Mac: The plugin does not appear to be working at all for the player, but works for iOS and Android

    It could be that you have not installed the Java6 legacy runtime It may also be that the plugin cannot locate Java on your machine. To patch the Java location, open the Fireproxy.bundle, cd into Contents/MacOS and run this command:

    install_name_tool -change "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/lib/server/libjvm.dylib" << newpath >> FirebaseProxy

    where newpath is the location of libjvm.dylib under Java6.

  • Windows: The plugin does not work in the player (or you get a nullref/crash) but works for iOS and Android. Make sure you have installed the 64bit version of Java and that you've updated your PATH environment variable to include the path to jvm.dll. Note that the error you see will be something to the effect of could not locate Firebaseproxy.dll. This happens because FirebaseProxy.dll depends on jvm.dll which could not be located.


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  • Objective-C 54.3%
  • C++ 21.5%
  • C# 18.9%
  • Objective-C++ 3.0%
  • Java 2.1%
  • C 0.2%