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This IRCd is a Charybdis fork, designed for Chat Lounge
in mind.  It may or may not suit your needs.

In addition to original code, it may include some features and code from
ShadowIRCd, ElementalIRCd, Ircd-seven, and elsewhere.

Differences from Charybdis 3.4.2:

- Global nick change notices (snomask +N)
- SNO_SPY Server notices (extensions/sno_*_notice.c) are now global
- Usermode +B (Mark as bot in whois)
- Usermode +t - When enabled, only SSL/TLS users may message you.
- Oper override does not expire.  It still generates
	notices when used.
- Usermodes are shown in /whois.  Only shown when
	an oper performs the whois, or a self-whois.
- When a K-lined user connects, snomask +K shows it.
- Initial channel modes when a channel is created are
	now configurable with the 'autochanmodes'
- Default initial channel modes are now +nst if not configured.
- Channel mode +T blocks channel notices.
- Extended ban type $u.  $u:nick!ident@host matches any clients
	that are not identified to services.
- SSLv3 is no longer supported.  SSL clients must support TLS v1.0+.
- Higher configurable channel limit for either certain opers or auth{} blocks.
- Network Administrator, or NetAdmin role, "higher" than "Admin."
	NetAdmin is required to perform remote rehash, restart, and module loading.
- Channel modes are now shown in /list and /olist.

Note: The list may not be exhaustive.  Refer to the commit
	history for details.


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