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This is the public repository for the ar2tech version of the sgems software. The code will be updated to be in sync with the current executable. The main purpose of the availability is to provide developer to write plug-ins. See the readme file for more information about licensing.




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AR2Tech geostatistical libraries and software

This project is managed and owned by Advanced Resources and Risk Technology, LLC (AR2Tech). For any questions, please contact Alex Boucher.

AR2GEMS is a branch of the open-source SGeMS Software under its x-free license. This version cannot be integrated into existing software or distributed without the explicit authorization of AR2Tech.

If you would like to contribute code to this project you can either:

  1. License the new code with a BSD license
  2. Transfer the copyright to AR2Tech

If you are interested into another option please contact AR2Tech.

Academic research:

There are no restrictions for academic purposes. Note that only the plugins can be distributed by third-party, the software itself can only be distributed by AR2Tech. This is done to reduce fragmentation of the software.

Commercial plugins:

You are free to build proprietary plugins for commercial purposes within an organization (no distribution) or to be freely distributed (no requirement to release the source code). Please contact AR2Tech for licensing agreement if you intend to sell or distribute the plugins with a fee.


Build instructions

AR2GeMS uses cmake ( for the build process.

Building the dependencies on Windows

Note that for Visual Studio 2010 (msvc10) Visual Studio SP1 must be installed. Required external libraries: Qt, VTK, Boost and Python.


Download boost library from the online repository (tested with 1.53 and 1.54)

Qt 64 bits

Install precompiled Qt binary from OR Compile:

  1. Download Qt source code (a zip file) from:

  2. Unzip it (e.g. c:\Qt\4.8.3-x64)

  3. Open the prompt shell for visual studio 2010 ( go to the MS start->All Programs->Microsoft Visual studio 2010 ->Visual Studio Tools->Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt (2010))

  4. Go to the Qt directory and run:

    configure -debug-and-release -no-webkit -platform win32-msvc2010 -no-script -no-scripttools -opensource

    (The option -no-webkit is to skip that package since it often generates compiling errors on msvc)



  1. Download and install CMake
  2. Get the VTK 6.1 source code either from Git or from the website. From git be sure to checkout the tag vtk6.1.0
  3. Build the project files with with cmake or cmake-gui.
    • With cmake-gui: Check the box "Grouped" and "Advanced"
    • Select the group: VTK_Group_Qt, VTK_Group_Rendering, VTK_Group_Views, VTK_Group_StandAlone
    • CMake will generate an error if Qt-webkit has not been built in that case:
    • Unselect VTK_Group_Qt
    • Go to Module and select all Qt related module except "Module_vtkGUISupportQtWebkit"
  4. Open the VTK project files into Visual Studio and build the release and debug version.

Python 64 bits

Installing Python 2.x from the installer may provide the release dll. If the dll is not present, download the code and build the release dll (the debug version is not necessary).

Note(WIN only): python 2.7.5 installs python27.dll into windows system path, this dll is needed at NSIS package creation. It expects to find it in python27/Libs/python27.dll, so if it's not there, then manual copying is required

Building AR2GEMS

The software is built with CMake: Open cmake-gui and set the proper path to Boost, VTK and Qt


  1. Run Cmake-gui, select ar2gems source and build dir.
  2. Check that the following Cmake variables are defined (not set to NOTFOUND) for example:
  • QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE D:/Qt/qt-4.8.4-x64-msvc2010/bin/qmake.exe
  • VTK_DIR D:/VTK-master/build
  1. If windows installer is needed, then Cmake variable ALLOW_BUILD_PACKAGE needs to be set 1(default is 0, OFF).
  2. Add new variable BOOST_ROOT with type STRING and with value path to boost lib and include dirs for example:
  • BOOST_ROOT E:\workspace\ar2externals\Boost\win64\release-V1.49.0-VC2010
  1. Click , select VisualStudio2010 Win64 (Use default native compilers)
  2. Click , this will generate VC2010 project files in build directory
  3. Open the visual studio project file ALL_BUILD.vcxproj and build the release and debug binaries
  4. Open the visual studio project file headers.vcxproj and build (this step is needed for packing all headers together with package)
  5. Open the visual studio project file PACKAGE.vcxproj and build, installer will be generated in build directory


The software is built with CMake:

For package building:

  1. Cmake variable ALLOW_BUILD_PACKAGE needs to be set 1(default is 0, OFF).
  2. The package type ("DEB" or "RPM") needs to be specified in Cmake variable PACKAGE_TYPE (default for UNIX is "DEB").
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j 8
    sudo make package // create DEB package (will be available in build root)

Run instructions


sh /usr/bin/

Read CMakeLists.txt for more info.


This is the public repository for the ar2tech version of the sgems software. The code will be updated to be in sync with the current executable. The main purpose of the availability is to provide developer to write plug-ins. See the readme file for more information about licensing.







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