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This is zeromod, a modification of sauerbraten game server.

	* Has server commands interface
	* Can reload configuration on-the-fly (via SIGUSR1 or #exec)
	* Server administrators can execute commands in server side with #exec
	* Anticheat (currently limited to weak weapons anticheat)
	* Bots may be kept then changing maps (clearbots 0)
	* Game length and intermission length can be customized from config file
	* Best stats (currently limited to fraging, flags and skulls stats, no bases)
	* Ability to increase game length by 50% in
		teammodes (teamplay, instateam, efficteam, capture & regen capture)
		as in older Justice version
	* Ability to change default gamespeed
	* masterpass for master privilege
	* Password bruteforce protection
	* Muting players messages, names and editing
	* #spy
	* Renaming players
	* Forcibly spectating certain players
	* Automatic spectating of players with modified maps
	* Settable default mastermode and game mode
	* Hidden admin
	* Multiple masterservers support
	* Several persistent teams modes
	* GeoIP support (with geocity support too)

Some notable commands:
	* #pm (also possible to multipm with #pm 1,5,7 blablabla)
	* #stats (also avaiable #stats -1 to show stats of all players)
	* #exec (executes any cubescript, requires "root" privileges on server (avaiable via auth))
	* #load (loads module from modules/ directory), #unload
	* #mute, #unmute, #editmute, #editunmute
	* #spectator (also shortcututs #spec, #unspec, etc)
	* #help
	* #priv (to set privilege of client)
	* #spy
	* #rename

Zeromod is written in zlib license (look src/readme_source.txt for details).

Supported architectures are Linux, FreeBSD and Windows.
Other architectures may work, but aren't tested.

See files under docs/ directory for more help.