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This is the complete vernier analysis software repository written by Mike Beaumier. The 'processing' portion of the repository is self-contained, and uses data sorces including root files (containing root trees and histograms) and text files. The "reduce_data" portion of the repository may use condor job management, proprietary PHENIX libraries, or other tools which may only be accessed within the RCF computing environment.

Both sub-respositories depend on the "FileManagement.h" header, in this directory, which allows for easier job management - various submodules use compiled libraries which are called in root macros. These root macros often take data, organized into arrays of various file-handles in FileManagement.h, such that you may run an analysis on a single Vernier scan by simply choosing the appropriate array index, shared by all the containers in FileManagement.h.

reduce_data - chunks down the raw data sources, applying corrections when neccessary. processing - runs the analysis over the output data of reduce_data

both depend on data stored in a local folder here, "data" with the directory structure:

vernierScans/data/run_12/DSTs -> Raw DSTs from Fun4All vernier production vernierScans/data/run_12/prdf_data -> Corrected, dumped data-events from PRDFF vernierScans/data/run_12/scaler_data -> Scaler events from ppg PRDFF data vernierScans/data/run_12/prdf_dst_merged -> Merged output output of dst_data and prdf_data vernierScans/data/run_12/simulation_config -> Configuration files used by HourglassCorrection simulation vernierScans/data/run_12/cad_data -> BPM, WCM, DCCT data vernierScans/data/run_12/dst_data -> Root trees produced by verneirScans/reduce_data/dst_reduction

An additional directory which I use locally, that is not in the repository, is: vernierScans/plots

I use this directory as a master folder containing all plots generated by the analysis.

The overall workflow is kept modular, which is likely confusing to someone who is not familiar with PHENIX software, or not familiar with the workflow of the vernier analysis. I chose to structure my code modularly so that working on one part of the analysis will not destroy all parts of the analysis. I'm not sure who I'm writing this readme for, since I'm likely going to be the only one whoever uses this code. Practice I guess?