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Hello everyone! Here are some instructions for getting set up with this repository.

Visit this link for instructions on setting up Git and your SSH key:

Special note for Mac Users:
When trying to find your .ssh folder, you will need to view hidden files and folders.

To do this, first open terminal.

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

And then:
killall Finder

Now you should be able to find your .ssh folder to copy the contents of the file to your GitHub account.

To hide hidden files and folders do the same thing but replace TRUE with FALSE

Ask Ms. McGuire or Lane to add you to the collaborators.

Or if you know the password to the JusticeLeague GitHub account:

Log on to the JusticeLeague account in GitHub.

Go to the Justice League Botball Team repository.

Go to the admin tab.

Go to the Collaborators tab.

Add you GitHub account to the collaborators.

Using GitHub:


1. Download SmartGit

2. I don't really know yet. I will figure out tommorrow.

Git Gui(PC):

1. Open Git Gui

2. Click "Clone Existing Repository"

3. For the Source Location Path enter:

4. For the Target Directory browse to the path where you wish to keep the folder containing your botball programs.

5. At the end of the path type /Botball Programs or /whatever you wish to name the folder.

6. Click Clone

7. If there is anything that you have made that is not in the repository, move it to your new botball programs folder.

Using Git Gui to Commit, Push, and Pull:

1. Right click on your new botball programs folder and click "Git GUI Here"

2. Click Edit->Options and enter your GitHub username and email. Click apply.

3. If there are any changes that you made in the programs folder, they will appear in the unstaged changes window.

4. To commit the changes (Record the changes) click each file that you changed and they should move to the Staged Changes window.

5. Enter a message describing what you did (if the message is too long on one line you will get an error so press return before it gets too long)
6. Click Commit

7. To add the change to the repository, click Push.

8. If you get an error when you Push (probably says something like fast-forward) you will need to pull 
from the repository first.

9. To pull, or get changes, from the repository:

Click Remote->Fetch From->origin 

Click Merge->Local Merge

10. This will update your local files with the ones in the repository.
    It does not undo changes that you made, but will just merge the repo programs with your local ones.

11. Ask Lane if you are confused.


Botball 2011






No releases published


No packages published
