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Graph Theory

Bit Wise Operation

  1. Article :

Convex Hull

  1. Article:

Expected Value / Probability

  1. Article:


  1. Article:

Kadane’s Algorithm (Find Max Sub-Array)

  1. Article:
  2. Video:

Another way to find Max Sub-array by use 2 pointer : Suppose i & j 2 point . i+1 = left point of a sub array , j=right point of sub-array . We iterate j from left to right over our array and update our answer variable by max(answer, q_sum[j]-q_sum[i] ) . We update i if (array[i] > array[j] ) coz we all time try to cut out less value from our answer . R8 ?

String Matching

Matrix Exponential

  1. Article:

Meet in the middle

  1. Article:

  2. Problem Link:

Game Theory

Data Structure

Number Theory