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Original README below

kQOAuth is a OAuth 1.0 library written for Qt in C++. The goals for the 
library have been to provide easy integration to existing Qt applications
utilizing Qt signals describing the OAuth process, and to provide a 
convenient approach to OAuth authentication.

kQOAuth has support for retrieving the user authorization from the service
provider's website. kQOAuth will open the user's web browser to the 
authorization page, give a local URL as the callback URL and setup a HTTP
server on this address to listen for the reply from the service and then
process it.

- Make sure that you have Qt 4.7 installed
- run "make" to build
- Run "sudo make install" to install
- To run unit tests you need to set platform specific variable to point 
  correct directory in order to make unit tests to find the library. Note
  that it doesn't require kQOAuth to be installed in order to run unit tests.
 * for Linux:  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/kQOAuth/lib/dir
 * for OS X:  export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/kQOAuth/lib/dir

Below I will present the two fundamental components necessary when using
kQOAuth; KQOAuthManager and KQOAuthRequest.


Executes OAuth requests (KQOAuthRequest), parses the replies and emits Qt
signals describing the process of the OAuth authentication. 

KQOAuthManager will keep track of the state of the authorization process. 
This means that the provided convenience methods can be used to achieve the
necessary steps in OAuth authentication without explicitly constructing
each request. 


* void executeRequest(KQOAuthRequest *request)
    - request: The KQOAuthRequest to process. 

    Takes as parameter a pointer to a KQOAuthRequest describing the request
    that will be executed. The call will return as soon as the HTTP
    request has been sent. 

    When the service responded to this request the signal 
    requestReady(QByteArray) is emitted. This will contain the raw data
    that the service sent back as a response to the request.

    If an error in the request was detected, this method will set the 
    error code which can be retrieved by calling lastError();

* void setHandleUserAuthorization(bool set)
    - set: A boolean value telling KQOAuthManager to process the user's 
           authorization to protected resources.

    If KQOAuth is to handle user authorization this method must be called
    with argument set as 'true' before a request for the temporary token has 
    been executed.
* void getUserAuthorization(QUrl authorizationEndpoint);
    - authorizationEndpoint: The URL to the service provider's authorization
                             web page.

    A convenience method to retrieve the user authorization to access the 
    protected resources. This method will open user's web browser to the
    service providers authorization page given as argument and setup a
    a local HTTP server to process the response. 

    This method must be called after temporaryTokenReceived(...) signal
    is emitted.

    When the user's authentication is processed, the signal 
    authorizationReceived(...) is emitted.  

* void getUserAccessTokens(QUrl accessTokenEndpoint);
    - accessTokenEndpoint: The URL to the service provider which is used for 
                           retrieving the access token.

    A convenience method to retrieve the access token, which is used for
    accessing the protected resources. 

    This method must be called after the signal authorizationReceived(...)
    is received. 

    When the access token request is processed, the signal accessTokenReceived(...)
    is emitted. After this signal the protected resources can be accessed.

* void sendAuthorizedRequest(QUrl requestEndpoint, 
                             const KQOAuthParameters &requestParameters);
    - requestEndpoint: The URL to the service provider which can be used for 
                       accessing protected resources.
    - requestParameters: The parameters for this request which are service
                       specific. KQOAuthParameters is a typecasted 
                       QMultiMap<QString, QString> for parameter name and value.

    A convenience method for accessing the protected resources. The 
    parameters are given as KQOAuthParameters, which is a typecasted
    QMultiMap<QString parameterName, QString parameterValue>. Please
    consult your service provider for which parameters to use. 
* bool hasTemporaryToken()
    Returns true if the temporary token has been received. Otherwise returns

* bool isVerified()
   Returns true if the user has successfully verified us to access the protected
   resources. Otherwise returns false.

* bool isAuthorized()
   Returns true if we have access tokens to access the protected resources. 
   Otherwise returns false.

* KQOAuthError lastError()
   Returns the most recent error code in the authentication process.

* void requestReady(QByteArray networkReply)
    - networkReply: The response as sent from the service the each request.

    This signal is emitted after each request has been processed. It will
    return all the request response parameters in the QMultiMap, where
    the first parameter is the name and the second parameter is the value.

* void receivedToken(QString oauth_token, QString oauth_token_secret) 
    - oauth_oken: Token value
    - oauth_token_secret: Token secret value

    This signal is emitted after a successful request for temporary tokens or
    access tokens. The requested tokens are sent as parameters in this 

* void temporaryTokenReceived(QString oauth_token, QString oauth_token_secret)
    - oauth_token: Temporary token value
    - oauth_token_secret: Temporary token secret value

    This signal is emitted after a successful request for temporary tokens. 
    The tokens are sent as parameters to this signal.

* void authorizationReceived(QString oauth_token, QString oauth_verifier)
    - oauth_token: The temporary token that was used when requesting access.
    - oauth_verifier: The oauth_verifier token received as a reply to the 
                   request. This value is necessary when requesting access token.

    This signal is emitted after the user has concluded the authorization request
    step in the service provider's website. 

    Note that setHandleUserAuthorization(true) must be called when requesting for
    the temporary token.

* void accessTokenReceived(QString oauth_token, QString oauth_token_secret)
    - oauth_token: The access token value.
    - oauth_token_secret: The access token secret value. 

    This signal is emitted after a successful request for access tokens. The
    requested tokens are sent as parameters in this signal. These tokens
    are necessary when requesting for protected resources. 


KQOAuthRequest is given to KQOAuthManager to execute the requested OAuth 
request. It will also take care of parameter normalization, generating
the needed authorization header, and most importantly, generate a
OAuth signature. 


* void initRequest(KQOAuthRequest::RequestType type, const QUrl &requestEndpoint)
    - type: Initializes this request to be of type 'KQOAuthRequest::RequestType'.
    - requestEndpoint: The URL to the service provider that can handle the
          requests of type 'KQOAuthRequest::RequestType'.

    Initializes the request to be of a certain type that will be sent to 
    service provider's HTTP location. The request can be of type:
       - TemporaryCredentials: Requesting the temporary credentials.
       - AccessToken: Request the access tokens.
       - AuthorizedRequest: When OAuth process is complete, we can access the
             protected resources with this request.

* void setConsumerKey(const QString &consumerKey)
    Set the consumer key to 'consumerKey'. This is given by the service provider.

* void setConsumerSecretKey(const QString &consumerSecretKey)
    Set the consumer key secret to 'consumerSecretKey'. This is given by the
    service provider. 

* void setCallbackUrl(const QUrl &callbackUrl) 
    If the request type is 'KQOAuthRequest::TemporaryCredentials', then this
    is the callback URL for the request. This is needed when asking user

* void setTokenSecret(const QString &tokenSecret)
    If the request type is 'KQOAuthRequest::AccessToken' then this is the 
    temporary token secret from the earlier request returned by the service

* void setToken(const QString &token)
    If the request type is 'KQOAuthRequest::AccessToken' then this is the 
    temporary token from the earlier request returned by the service provider.

* void setSignatureMethod(KQOAuthRequest::RequestSignatureMethod)
    Sets the signature method to be used when signing the requests.

    NOTE: Currently only KQOAuthRequest::::HMAC_SHA1 is supported!

* void setHttpMethod(KQOAuthRequest::RequestHttpMethod)
    Sets the HTTP method to be used for this request. 

* void setAdditionalParameters(const KQOAuthParameters &additionalParams);
    Sets any additional request specific parameters as specified by the 
    service provider.

* void setRequestBody(const KQOAuthParameters &requestParams);
    Sets the request body for HTTP POST request as specified by the service

* bool isValid() const;
    Returns true if this request is valid (has all the necessary parameters
    required by the given request type).

* QByteArray requestBody() const;
    Returns the raw request body as sent to the service provider.

* KQOAuthRequest::RequestType requestType() const;
    Returns the current request type.

* QUrl requestEndpoint() const;
    Returns the current request endpoint (URL location).

* void setContentType(const QString &contentType)
    By default the POST requests are sent as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". 
   With this method, however, the content type of the POST request can be changed. 
   If you want to override the content type, please look at setRawData().

* QString contentType()
   Returns the current content type.

* void setRawData(const QByteArray &data);
   If you send the POST request as anything else but "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
   it is assumed that you want to send some manually crafted data that kQOAuth
   is not responsible of. 
   Set that data here.

* QByteArray rawData()
   Returns the raw data you want to se send to the endpoint. 

* QList<QByteArray> requestParameters();
    Returns the request parameters of this request as a list of elements
    sent to the service.

 * void clearRequest();
    Deletes all cached data from this request object.


The source code is available on Gitorious at:

git clone git://

kQOAuth provides as an example application a command line Twitter client.
Currently it only supports requesting the authorization and sending status
updates, but this should be enough to show the basic usage of kQOAuth with
the convenience APIs. 

See example/twittercli/ for source code.


The library and the source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public 
License (LGPL). For more information, visit

This library is written by Johan Paul (


Thank you to Dominik Kapusta for the original Qt OAuth library, QOAuth. I wanted
to improve on this library to better suit my needs. 
Visit his project at


The library is called kQOAuth. I wanted the library to reflect the fact that it
is a Qt based library and since QOAuth was already taken, I added a 'k' in
front of it. k is for Kypeli, not KDE.


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