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Dépendences Linux

installer les paquets suivants:
cmake cmake-curses-gui cmake-qt-gui libXi-dev libXmu-dev libglew-dev libxml2-dev libboost-all-dev zlib1g-dev qt4-designer qt4-dev-tools uuid-dev libgsl0-dev libsuitesparse-dev

Pour compiler CGoGN

  • on compile tout d'abord les bibliothèques third-party :
cd CGoGN/ThirdParty/build  
cmake ..  
make (-j x si vous avez x cores)  
make install  

La même chose en debug:

cd ../buildDebug  
cmake ..  
make (-j x si vous avez x cores)  

On peut fixer certaines option pour ne pas tout compiler: * WITH_ASSIMP -> compile et utilise la librairie Assimp * WITH_ZINRI -> compile et utilise la librairie Zinri

  • ensuite on compile CGoGN :

     cd CGoGN/build  
     cmake ..  
     make (-j x si vous avez x cores)  

    Et en Debug avec:

     cd ../buildDebug  
     cmake ..  
     make (-j x si vous avez x cores)  

    Certaines options sont disponibles :

    • BUILD_SHARED_LIBS -Q experimental !
    • ONELIB -> compilation en une seule lib (libcgogn.a) au lieu de 4
    • WITH_ASSIMP -> utilise Assimp (auto set par third party compil)
    • WITH_ZINRI -> utilise Zinri (auto set par third party compil)
    • WITH_QT -> minimize les dependence si pas besoin de Qt (VRJuggler)
    • WITH_GLEWMX -> pour utiliser GLEWMX a la place de GELW (pour VRJuggler)

    Les librairies sont generees dans lib/Release et lib/Debug
    Les binaires sont generes dans bin/Release et bin/Debug

  • on peut ensuite compiler SCHNApps ainsi que les plugins fournis :

     cd CGoGN/SCHNApps/build  
     cmake ..  
     make (-j x si vous avez x cores)  

    Et en Debug avec:

     cd ../buildDebug  
     cmake ..  
     make (-j x si vous avez x cores)  

Des exemples de données (fichiers trianbgz, off, etc..) sont accessible à l'adresse suivante:


Linux dependencies

install the following packages:
cmake cmake-curses-gui cmake-qt-gui libXi-dev libXmu-dev libglew-dev libxml2-dev libboost-all-dev zlib1g-dev qt4-designer qt4-dev-tools uuid-dev libgsl0-dev libsuitesparse-dev

To compile CGoGN

  • first compile third-party libraries:

    cd CGoGN/ThirdParty/build  
    cmake ..  
    make (-j x if you have x cores)  
    make install  

    In debug mode:

    cd ../buildDebug  
    cmake ..  

    Some options are available to not compile everything:

    • WITH_ASSIMP -> compile and use Assimp library
    • WITH_ZINRI -> compile and use Zinri library
    • WITH_PYTHONQT -> needed by SCHNApps
  • then compile CGoGN (the libs are generated in CGoGN/lib and some examples in CGoGN/bin):

     cd CGoGN/build  
     cmake ..  
     make (-j x if you have x cores)  

    in debug mode:

     cd ../buildDebug  
     cmake ..  

    Some options are available:

    • BUILD_SHARED_LIBS (F) experimental !
    • ONELIB -> allow compilation in one lib (libcgogn.a) instead of four.
    • WITH_ASSIMP -> use Assimp library (auto setted by third party compiling)
    • WITH_ZINRI -> use Zinri library (auto setted by third party compiling)
    • WITH_QT -> to minimize dependencies and compilation time
    • WITH_GLEWMX -> to use GLEWMX (for VRJuggler users)
  • we can then compile SCHNApps and the provided plugins :

     cd CGoGN/SCHNApps/build  
     cmake ..  
     make (-j x if you have x cores)  

    in debug mode:

     cd ../buildDebug  
     cmake ..  

Libraries are generated in lib/Release and lib/Debug Binaries are generated in bin/Release and bin/Debug

Examples of data (trianbgz, off, etc.. files) are available at the following address:


Combinatorial and Geometric modeling with Generic N-dimensional Maps






No packages published


  • C++ 91.8%
  • C 4.5%
  • Makefile 2.1%
  • Shell 1.0%
  • Perl 0.2%
  • JavaScript 0.2%
  • Other 0.2%