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System Performance
s.m. is cloud all the time!

Test object test response time / sec failure rate
php-fpm 180秒19066.339 0.017191%
moon 180秒20281.45 0.022023%

Refer to doc / webbench / dynamic-get-s.txt

By using webbench across machines , high-speed network environment testing, dynamic pages to acquire, under no circumstances the business logic ,
moon (unix domain socket fastcgi) and response performance php-fpm basically no difference,
So , ladies and uncle ( including me ) , do not argue what language to use dynamic pages faster response speed ,
In the face of powerful cpu and memory , sm is cloud all the time!

Directory Structure

moon /
| - Make.env compile the macro definition
| - Makefile to compile files
| - Maketool compiled aids
| - Mtools common management script
| - Lib directory inside the public library
| - Doc documentation directory ( assorted )
| - Res Design Resources ( assorted )
| - Event support high concurrent processing plug- buffer layer background , please refer to the documentation and code directory
| - Deliver web push solution ( refer to deliver / README)
| - Eii Chinese word segmentation tool ( Coming soon )
| - Grabber to get the mail , msn, qq Friends program
| - Regae initial application framework (skeleton)
| - Ksa Application : content (moon supports simultaneous development of multiple projects :)
| - Dida Application : ticking Network
| - Sora Application : triple Service
`- Memorypark obsolete applications ( cemetery )
    | - Funk send food network ( construction ( temporarily set aside ) ...).
    | - Moc online interactive system (mini but extensiable online communication system)
    | - Ksc DEPRECATED
    ! - Pop Application : sowing beans Network
    | - Bull Applications :
    | - Sora Application :
    `- Rock DEPRECATED

Development environment

[# Useradd-d / opt-g code-N forge]
# Mkdir-p / var / log / moon / && chmod 777 / var / log / moon /
$ Git clone git :/ / / bigml / cmoon.git

System Installation
    Debian RedHat
    apt-get install locales
    dpkg-reconfigure locales
    git-core git.i386
    spawn-fcgi spawn-fcgi.i386
    postgresql postgresql-server.i386
    libpq-dev postgresql84-devel.i386
    libevent-dev libevent-devel.i386
    libfcgi-dev fcgi-devel.i386 (
    libmemcached-dev libmemcached-devel.i386
    libgd2-xpm-dev gd-devel.386

under / usr / local / src / directory manually installed
    clearsilver clearsilver
                    depend on streamhtmlparser streamhtmlparser
                    . / - disable-wdb - disable-perl - disable-ruby - disable-java - disable-python
                    mkdir libs
                    cd streamhtmlparser; make; cd ..
                    cp streamhtmlparser / .libs / libs /
                    cp streamhtmlparser / .libs / * / usr / local / lib /
                    mkdir-p man/man3 /
                    touch man/man3/1.3
                    (clearsilver code requires some modifications , patch-p0-i lib / cs.diff, may require path-i lib / rules.diff)
    eMail git :/ / / bigml / eMail.git
                    depend on dlib git :/ / / deanproxy / dlib.git
    discount git :/ / / Orc / discount.git

js third-party libraries , in their own moon / lib / js / next checkout
    jquerytools git :/ / / bigml / jquerytools.git
    flot git :/ / / flot / flot.git
    cycle git :/ / / malsup / cycle.git
    noty git :/ / / needim / noty.git
    markitup git :/ / markitup
    jqueryuploader git :/ / / bigml / jqueryUploader.git

Write Make.env path dependence , and also occur after you installed the above software compiler error , please modify DEPEND Make.env the LIBRARY section.

After can compile, please refer to the application doc / system.txt document preparation databases and web server environment , you can begin to develop .

New Project ( Application )
I inside the moon New
    1, cp regae NEWPROJ ( make sure soft link is also copied correctly find.-Type l-exec ls-l {} \ ;)
    2, cd NEWPROJ; sed-i 's / voov / PROJNAME / g' `grep-rl voov`.
    3, find-name '* voov *'; rename them
    4, mkdir-p / var / log / moon / NEWPROJ /; chmod 777 / var / log / moon / NEWPROJ /

II external references moon
    1 , copy the directory to the desired NEWPROJ regae
    2, cd NEWPROJ; sed-i 's / voov / PROJNAME / g' `grep-rl voov`.
    3, find-name '* voov *'; rename them
    4, mkdir-p / var / log / moon / NEWPROJ /; chmod 777 / var / log / moon / NEWPROJ /

    5 , modify NEWPROJ / / BASEDIR path Make.env , the point where the moon directory ( absolute path )
    6, cd NEWPROJ modify the connection path to the following files and directories , pointing to the directory where the moon
        . / fly / js / pub
        . / fly / css / pub
        . / fly / css / modules / noty -> lib / js / noty / css
        . / xport / daemon
        . / xport / plugin / mevent_plugin.h
        . / xport / plugin / mevent_skeleton.c
        . / xport / plugin / mevent_skeleton.h
        . / xport / test / stats.c


1. Use 4 spaces as TAB, set (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) in ~ /. Emacs
2. RESERVED key in request url
    / json / xxx: output json
    / image / xxx: output image
    _op: add, mod, del for ...
    _nmax: max number
    _nmin: min number
    _ntt: total number
    _nst: start number
    _npg: page number (_nst will overwrite _npg)
    _npp: number perpage
    _type_object: request contains an object / an array, the value of this parameter allows viki parse it as an object , when multiple objects separated by commas

ADD / json / zero / image upload pictures
    _upfile_data_type: Description Data Type uploaded file
        text text file , corresponding js the readAsText (file)
        binstr binary stream , corresponding js the readAsBinaryString (file)
        dataurl base64 encoded string url to ensure transmission security , the corresponding js readAsDataURL (file)
Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGlobal Market Finder


Something stupid about web written in C (mvc framework, trace, db, data backend, application ...).






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