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kangle is a light, high-performance web server/reverse fastcgi/isapi/ajp/uwsgi/scgi/hmux protocol.include a http manage console. Full support access control. memory/disk cache. virtual host can run in seperate process and user. and more kangle web server features

    kangle Web Server can improve performance, security and reliability of your server, by a great margin

    fastcgi/ajp/uwsgi/scgi/hmux/http protocol upstream
    support asp/ version).
    upstream keep alive
    memory and disk cache.
    full request/response access control
    isapi/cgi support
    easy used web manage console.
    virtualhost based on host or port
    each virtualhost can run seperate process and user.
    .htaccess rewrite rule support.
    xml config file
    on the fly gzip
    Apache compatible log files
    ipv6 ready

./configure --help to obtain the configure help.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/
make install
config file is etc/config.xml
virtualHost file is etc/vh.xml
bin/kangle to start the server
bin/kangle -q stop the server
bin/kangle -h help

open url http://ip:3311/
enter user and password to monitor and manage the server.
default user is admin, password is kangle.

Kangle is released under the terms of the GPL license.

See COPYING for more information or see