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Computer Graphics (CPSC 6050) Project 2: Dragon Fire!

Professor:      Dr. Robert Geist
Team Members:   Austin Brennan, Yu Lee, Matthew Pfister
Due Date:	    3/3/2016

Project Description:

This is a team project for a graduate level computer graphics course
at Clemson University. The goal is to get a better understanding of
OpenGL and GLSL (the OpenGL Shading Language).

This program loads a complex dragon mesh (PLY format) into an OpenGL
scene, and shades it using a normalized Blinn Phong shader and 3-point
lighting. The user is able to navigate the scene by a combination of
mouse clicks/movement and scroll wheel (similiar to navigation in Maya
or Unity).

Final Render:
check out the file final_render.png to see our final still image with
depth of field.

There are two ways to run this program. One does a single render
with depth of field, while the other allows the user to navigate
the viewport using mouse clicks/movement and the scroll wheel.

Single Render w/ Depth of Field:
Enter parameter 0 for a static image with depth of field.
$> ./tharBeDragons 0

Viewport Navigation:
Enter parameter 1 for a look-around mode with mouse movements.
$> ./tharBeDragons 1

 -Use left click + drag to rotate around viewpoint
 -Use middle mouse button click + drag to pan the camera and viewpoint
 -Use middle mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out of viewpoint
 -Press 'f' key to focus on the center after a pan movement
 -Press 'r' key to reset the camera and view point to their start locations
 -Press 'p' to print out the eye position


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