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itp2d – the fast Schrödinger equation solver for 2D systems


itp2d is a fast Schrödinger equation solver for single-particle systems in two dimensions. It uses the imaginary time propagation (ITP) algorithm, combined with any-order operator factorization and exact, gauge-invariant factorization for magnetic fields. The program has been designed to be general, in the sense that it does not rely on special symmetries of the system or special basis expansions. It is also tuned for efficiency, especially for computing the eigenstates and eigenenergies of a system up to very highly excited states. The structure of the program is made simple and maintainable by an object-oriented design, implemented in C++. Computations are made fast by offloading as much work as possible to heavily optimized basic linear algebra subprograms via standard CBLAS and LAPACK interfaces, and to FFTW, the fastest discrete Fourier transform library in the West.

A user intending to use itp2d for science should first read the associated article published in Computer Physics Communications. The article describes the underlying algorithms behind the program in more detail and from a scientific point of view, whereas the purpose of this document is to give a quick overview about the structure and use of the program.

If you use itp2d for published scientific work, please cite the aforementioned article. You are not bound by any license or user agreement to do so – this is only a kind wish from a scientist to another. We all have indices to increase and CVs to polish.

Acquiring itp2d

The easiest way to get up-to-date versions of itp2d is to use GitHub, which is a site built for distributing software using the amazing version control system Git. By using itp2d's GitHub site you can see recent changes made to the program, report and track bugs found in the program, access user-generated documentation and even create your own versions of itp2d.

Program license

itp2d is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

itp2d is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with itp2d. If not, see

Program structure

Building the program


itp2d is only tested on Linux computers and on x86 and x86-64 architectures, but it should work in any POSIX compliant, little endian system with the software specified below. Porting itp2d to non-POSIX systems should be easy (should the need ever arise), since itp2d includes very little platform-dependent code.

In order to build itp2d you must have:

  • A fairly recent C++ compiler. The program is written in standards-compliant C++, but itp2d is only tested with the GNU Compiler Collection. The program also uses some TR1 additions to C++, so your C++ standard library (which is usually bundled with the compiler) must have a sufficiently complete implementation of TR1. If you wish to make use of several processors the compiler must also support OpenMP. For GCC, versions 4.3 and above seem to fulfill these requirements.
  • The Templatized C++ Command Line Parser Library.
  • FFTW 3.x, which is used for computing discrete Fourier transforms.
  • The HDF5 library, version 1.8.x, which itp2d uses for saving data on disk. The library must be compiled with C++ support.
  • A linear algebra library with a CBLAS and LAPACK interfaces. Possible alternatives are, e.g., ATLAS, Intel's MKL or AMD's ACML
  • Python, which is used in generating dependencies automatically during the build.
  • To build the unit test functions distributed with itp2d you'll also need the Google C++ Testing Framework (gtest). There is a helper script distributed with itp2d which can take care of the installation of gtest.

itp2d also comes with several helper scripts for data analysis and plotting. These scripts can be found in the scripts subfolder. The scripts are written in Python, and they require various Python libraries to function. However, these scripts are not necessary for the normal operation of itp2d.

Compiling itp2d

The program comes with a GNU Makefile, so you can compile itp2d simply by running the command make in the directory where the Makefile resides. The Makefile assumes you are using the g++ compiler from the GNU Compiler Collection. If you wish to compile itp2d with some other compiler, you need to adjust some command line flags used in the Makefile. Please note that the compiler used should not make a dramatic difference in the performance of itp2d, since most heavy lifting is delegated to external routines.

You can also build and run the unit test suite by running make check and convert this README file to HTML by running make doc. For compiling the unit tests you need to have the source code of gtest. The developers of gtest do not recommend installing gtest as a library – the gtest source code should be compiled for all projects using gtest separately. The Makefile supplied with itp2d assumes you have the gtest source code unpacked to directory src/gtest. Instead of manually unpacking, you can use the provided script scripts/

If you have trouble compiling itp2d, for example because one of the required libraries is not found even though you have it installed, please look into the Makefile and modify the compiler flags if needed. The Makefile respects your choice of command line arguments to the C++ compiler, as specified by the CXXFLAGS environment variable.

Using MKL or ACML for linear algebra

By default itp2d uses CBLAS and LAPACK for linear algebra. If you wish to use Intel's MKL, edit the Makefile, or create a file with the name in the same directory as the Makefile with the following content:

lalib := MKL

Similarly, a file with

lalib := ACML

instructs the Makefile to compile against AMD's ACML library. You need to recompile itp2d to this change to take effect.

Command line parameters

Please run itp2d --help to access the embedded documentation about the possible command line parameters you can pass to itp2d.

Helper scripts

There are several helper scripts distributed with itp2d, and these scripts you can find in the scripts subdirectory. Most of these scripts are for a very specific purpose, and they are not intended to be a complete data analysis package. However, they can be a starting point for creating your own data analysis tools based on itp2d. If you come up with useful tools, please add them as a patch via the program webpage or send them to the program author, and they will be added to the main itp2d distribution.

The scripts are not required to access the data created by itp2d, since the datafiles created by itp2d are standard HDF5 files with a simple layout. You should be able to access them easily with any program cabable of reading HDF5 files, such as Python or MATLAB.

Examples & use cases

Getting help and reporting bugs

If you have any questions about itp2d, please do not hesitate to contact the author. For reporting bugs the GitHub issue interface found on the itp2d main webpage is preferable.

Running unit tests

To build and run the unit tests distributed with itp2d run make check. This creates and runs a binary run_tests, This program runs several tests to make sure everything in the itp2d codebase is functioning properly. You should always run the tests after making any changes in the itp2d code, and before running any important simulations!

Solving the harmonic oscillator

The harmonic oscillator is a nice example of a system with an easy and well known energy spectrum and eigenstates. When the potential is (in atomic units)

V(r) = ½r²,

where r is the distance from the origin, the energies of the system will be integers. The ground state energy is 1, the second state is doubly degenerate with energy 2, the third is triply degenerate with energy 3 and so on. We can easily check itp2d computes these energies correctly.

The simple harmonic potential specified above is also the default potential of itp2d, so simply running itp2d without any additional parameters will compute the spectrum of the harmonic oscillator up to the first 16 states. Please note that itp2d will refuse to overwrite an existing datafile unless you specify the --force (or -f for short) flag on the command line. Also, to make itp2d print the energy spectrum after the run is finished you should use the --verbose (or -v) flag. So run

./itp2d -v

(adding the -f if necessary) to get the first 16 energies along with the error estimates provided by the program.

Since the first 16 states are very fast to compute, we can try something larger by increasing the number of states with the command line flag -n. Since higher states of the harmonic oscillator are spread over a larger area of space, to compute many states we must also make the computation grid larger. Otherwise the states will become too close to the edge of the simulation box, and they'll start to notice the periodic boundary conditions. By default itp2d uses a grid of 12 by 12 atomic units in size, which starts to be too small for 100 states for example. Let's increase the grid size to 15 units with flag -l, and while we're at it, let's also make the grid finer, 100 by 100 grid points, with the flag -s:

./itp2d -v -n 100 -l 15 -s 100

This still only takes a few seconds. By default itp2d saves it's datafile in data/itp2d.h5, you can change this with the command line flag -o. Now we can plot the states we have calculated with the provided helper script The script requires the Python Imaging Library, so make sure it's installed. Unless you have saved the data elsewhere, simply running


will make a nice coloured 2D plot of the eigenstate densities and save it as a PNG image in data/itp2d.png. Please notice that since the eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator (except the ground state) are heavily degenerate, you will probably get different eigenstates each time.

Solving a particle in a square potential well with a strong magnetic field

To try something more involved, let's look at a particle in a box with a strong external magnetic field. This is a system with no known analytic solution. We'll start by setting the external potential to zero and the boundary conditions to Dirichlet with -p zero --dirichlet. This will have the effect of infinite potential walls at the edge of the calculation box. Next we'll set the box size to pi by pi units with -l 1.0 --pi. This is a convenient choice since the spectrum of a box of this size in zero magnetic field is simple. Then we put on a magnetic field with -B 1.0. The value specified is the strength of the magnetic field in SI-bases atomic units. The magnetic field will be homogeneous and in the direction of the z-axis.

When using a magnetic field with Dirichlet boundary conditions there wil be ringing artifacts near the edges, which arise from the fact that the Dirichlet boundary conditions are enforced simply by expanding the states in a sine series instead of a Fourier series. However, the sine functions are no longer eigenfunctions of the kinetic energy when there is a magnetic field, which causes the artifacts around the edges of the calculation box. For one, this makes convergence testing based on the standard deviation of the energy inaccurate, so we need to switch to another test. Let's consider the states converged in respect to the used time step value when the relative energy change between successive iterations is less than 0.0001, and completely converged when they converge w.r.t the timestep with a single iteration. This can be set from the itp2d command line interface with -T "relEdelta(0.0001)" -F onestep (the quotation marks are used only to tell the command shell to not interpret the parentheses). We'll also need to start with a shorter imaginary time step since the system is more complicated. To set the time step to 0.1 units we provide -e 0.1.

All in all the command line to solve the first 100 states of a particle in a box with a strong magnetic field is

./itp2d -f -v -l 1.0 --pi -p zero --dirichlet -B 1.0 -T "relEdelta(0.0001)" -F onestep -n 100 -e 0.1

If you run know you'll get some beautiful images. Who knew a particle in a box can be this beautiful?

Implementing new potentials

The potential types known to itp2d are defined in the header file src/potentialtypes.hpp. You can create new potential types by creating our own class derived from PotentialType and implementing the required functions. This should be easy to do just by imitating how the existing potentials are implemented. To include your potential in the in-line documentation you should also edit src/commandlineparser.cpp.

Reading datafiles created by itp2d with MATLAB

MATLAB has built-in support for reading HDF5 files easily, but the exact syntax can depend on the version of MATLAB. In version 2009b you can, for example, read the final energies from a file called itp2d.h5 with

hdf5read('itp2d.h5', 'final_energies')

For more in-depth documentation of MATLAB's HDF5 capabilities, please consult the MATLAB documentation for the most recent version or older versions (requires login).

Accessing itp2d datafiles from Python

There are several libraries for accessing HDF5 data from Python scripts. The one used in the bundled helper scripts is h5py, which imports HDF5 data as NumPy arrays.

Here is an example of importing a datafile called itp2d.h5, listing all the data it contains, and printing the final energies with h5py:

import h5py
from numpy import array
f = h5py.File("itp2d.h5")
print f.keys()						# list all datasets in the file
print array(f["final_energies"])	# read dataset final_energies as an array and print

Please see the helper scripts distributed with itp2d for more examples about accessing itp2d data from Python.

Providing patches

If you make some changes to itp2d you consider could be of wider use, please send a patch by uploading you changes to GitHub and sending the author a pull request. You can also simply send your patch by email directly to the author. All contributions are welcome!


Fast Schrödinger equation solver for two-dimensional systems







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