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GMA - Genome Mappability Analyzer

Latest Version

The latest version is 0.1.3 You can download the original gma-0.1.3.tar.gz on the Sourceforge download page. You can download this modfied version of gma-0.1.3.tar.gz from [this Github repository] (

System Requirement

GMA is developed under Linux environment. Details are described below, and thus it will work in similar environments that we support. If you're Windows user, you may need cygwin.

$ uname -a
Linux 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Dec 6 19:48:22 GMT 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

GMS (Genome Mappability Score) File Format

GMA outputs ".gms" extension files, which consists of 6 columns. A detailed description of each column is as follows:

field explanation
chr This shows chromosomes if it is species that have multi chromosomes. Otherwise it means the species.
pos Position. Note that it begins with "1" not "0".
base Base from aligning results. Note that if it's not a,c,g,t/A,C,G,T, then the alignment tool failed to map reads to this position. In this case, "*" will be shown.
maq By design, each position can have 4 mapping quality scores at maximum. All slots are initialized with "-1". If any mapping quality scores are assigned, non-negative numbers should be shown.
total This will give you rough idea of GMS. Total means how many reads are mapped to the position. The first number after "=" means the number of reads more than threshold that a user can set as a GMA parameters. Thus they are considered reliable reads. However the second number means the number of reads that is less than threshold so they are unreliable reads. Based on such information guide you rough GMS.
GMS This is the score that shows how reliably each base of the genome can be mapped.

This is a snippet of E. coli gms file.

E. coli

#chr            pos             base    maq             total = >= + <(um)   GMS
NC_000913       000000001       A       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  1 = 1 + 0(0)         99.9999
NC_000913       000000002       G       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  2 = 2 + 0(0)         99.9999
NC_000913       000000003       C       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  3 = 3 + 0(0)         99.9999
NC_000913       000000004       T       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  4 = 4 + 0(0)         99.9999
NC_000913       000000005       T       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  5 = 5 + 0(0)         99.9999
NC_000913       000000006       T       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  6 = 6 + 0(0)         99.9999
NC_000913       000000007       T       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  7 = 7 + 0(0)         99.9999
NC_000913       000000008       C       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  8 = 8 + 0(0)         99.9999
NC_000913       000000009       A       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  9 = 9 + 0(0)         99.9999
NC_000913       000000010       T       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  10 = 10 + 0(0)       99.9999
NC_000913       000000011       T       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  11 = 11 + 0(0)       99.9999
NC_000913       000000012       C       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  12 = 12 + 0(0)       99.9999
NC_000913       000000013       T       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  13 = 13 + 0(0)       99.9999
NC_000913       000000014       G       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  14 = 14 + 0(0)       99.9999
NC_000913       000000015       A       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  15 = 15 + 0(0)       99.9999
NC_000913       000000016       C       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  16 = 16 + 0(0)       99.9999
NC_000913       000000017       T       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  17 = 17 + 0(0)       99.9999
NC_000913       000000018       G       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  18 = 18 + 0(0)       99.9999
NC_000913       000000019       C       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  19 = 19 + 0(0)       99.9999
NC_000913       000000020       A       (60,-1)(-1,-1)  20 = 20 + 0(0)       99.9999

This is a snippet of hg19 gms file.

hg19 (Homo Sapiens ver.19)

#chr            pos             base    maq             total = >= + <(um)   GMS
chrX            000093411       G       (20,-1)(37,-1)  200 = 47 + 153(0)    38.7653
chrX            000093412       G       (20,-1)(37,-1)  200 = 49 + 151(0)    39.7602
chrX            000093413       C       (20,-1)(37,-1)  200 = 51 + 149(0)    40.7551
chrX            000093414       A       (20,-1)(37,-1)  200 = 53 + 147(0)    41.7500
chrX            000093415       G       (20,-1)(43,-1)  200 = 55 + 145(0)    42.7450
chrX            000093416       T       (20,-1)(43,-1)  200 = 57 + 143(0)    43.7399
chrX            000093417       T       (20,-1)(43,-1)  200 = 59 + 141(0)    44.7349
chrX            000093418       A       (20,-1)(43,-1)  200 = 61 + 139(0)    45.7299
chrX            000093419       G       (20,-1)(43,-1)  200 = 63 + 137(0)    46.7249
chrX            000093420       A       (18,-1)(41,-1)  200 = 64 + 136(0)    47.7169
chrX            000093421       G       (18,-1)(41,-1)  200 = 65 + 135(0)    48.7089
chrX            000093422       A       (18,-1)(41,-1)  200 = 66 + 134(0)    49.7010
chrX            000093423       G       (18,-1)(41,-1)  200 = 67 + 133(0)    50.6930
chrX            000093424       C       (18,-1)(41,-1)  200 = 68 + 132(0)    51.6850
chrX            000093425       A       (18,-1)(41,-1)  200 = 69 + 131(0)    52.6771
chrX            000093426       G       (18,-1)(41,-1)  200 = 70 + 130(0)    53.661
chrX            000093427       A       (18,-1)(41,-1)  200 = 71 + 129(0)    54.6612
chrX            000093428       C       (18,-1)(41,-1)  200 = 72 + 128(0)    55.6532
chrX            000093429       T       (18,-1)(41,-1)  200 = 73 + 127(0)    56.6452
chrX            000093430       G       (18,-1)(41,-1)  200 = 74 + 126(0)    57.6373


​1. Download the modfied version of the latest version of GMA here.

$ wget -O

​2. Extract files.

$ unzip 

If you go to "gma-0.1.3-master" directory, there are 6 directories.

$ cd gma-0.1.3-master/
$ ls
bin  example  inc  lib  script  src

​3. Now you have two options to run GMA

​(1) Pre-compiled binary files

You use pre-compiled binary file in bin directory. Note that mapper and reducer are our responsibility. Since bwa and samtools are needed to run GMA, we included the precompiled versions of them into GMA package. This modified distribution also includes bedGraphToBigWig to allow conversion of GMA output to bigWig format.

$ cd gma-0.1.3-master/bin
$ ls
bedGraphToBigWig bwa mapper reducer samtools 

​(2) Compiling source code.

You may want to get binary files from compiling source code. Then go to src/ directory and "make".

$ cd gma-0.1.3-master/src
$ make

If you get errors below, you need to install libz library.

$ make
gcc -g -Wall  -L../lib main_mapper.o genfa.o mapper.o genfq.o runall.o  -o mapper -lz -lbam -lm     
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [mapper] Error 1

If compiling works smoothly, you can find new binary files in bin/ directory. Note that there will be no binary files newly generated in src/ directory. Makefile script moves them to bin/ automatically.

Quick Start

For quick start, there are two important directories that you must know. One is example and the other is script. In the example directory, there is sub-directory called "ecoli", which has pre-computed indexes and a pre-processed fasta file named NC_000913.fa.ppd inside the input/index and input/ppd directories, respectively.

$ cd gma-0.1.3-master/
$ ls
bin  example  inc  lib  script  src
ls example 
ecoli yeast
$ ls example/ecoli 
input output
$ ls example/ecoli/input
index  ppd  
$ ls example/ecoli/input/index
NC_000913.fna      NC_000913.fna.ann  NC_000913.fna.pac   NC_000913.fna.rpac
NC_000913.fna.amb  NC_000913.fna.bwt  NC_000913.fna.rbwt  NC_000913.fna.rsa
$ ls example/ecoli/input/ppd

Now, all you need is to run script in script/ directory.

$ cd gma-0.1.3-master/script/
$ ./ 

Now, you can see a new directory, named "ecoli.l100.o0.qA.s0.02.i0.d0 " is generated with "timestamp.txt". The result file name is "mapred.txt".

$ cd gma-0.1.3-master/example/ecoli/output/local/ecoli.l100.o0.qA.s0.02.i0.d0 
$ ls   
aln_se.bam  aln_se.sort.bam  map.txt     ref.fa.ann  ref.fa.pac   ref.fa.rsa
aln_se.sai  mapred.txt       ref.fa      ref.fa.bwt  ref.fa.rbwt  ref.fa.s-100-A-0.0200-0.0000-0.0000.fq
aln_se.sam  mapsort.txt      ref.fa.amb  ref.fa.fai  ref.fa.rpac

In the script directory there are 4 example script files to run GMA on single machine:


The scripts with "tech" in their filenames run with pre-set options for different NGS technologies.

Detailed usage instructions

GMA provides two main binary files -- mapper and reducer -- whose names are more intuitive under MapReduce. The local version of GMA is run using a the combination of two programs. Help menus for the mapper and reducer programs are as follows.

$ cd gma-0.1.3-master/bin/
$ mapper -h

Program : GMA (Genome Mappability Analyzer) MAPPER
Version : 0.0.1

Usage : gma [COMMAND] [OPTION] [FASTA]
[COMMAND] runall | genfqse | genfqpe | genfa
runall : Proceed genfqse/genfqpe/analyze.
    -l   Length [1-200]
    -q   Quality  value. Refer
    -s   Substitution rate. [0.0000 - 1.0000] 1 means 100%, 0.25 means 25%
    -i   Insertion rate. [0.0000 - 1.0000] 1 means 100%, 0.25 means 25%
    -d   Deletion rate. [0.0000 - 1.0000] 1 means 100%, 0.25 means 25%
    -o   library distance bp [100-250] between end of start and start of end
         If -o option is specified, pair-end aligment will be forced unless it is 0(zero)
         If -o option is zero, single-end reads will be generated
    -t   Threshold for map quality to analyze sam file and generatemap result.
    -f   FASTA file name to be generated, e.g. ref.fa
    -b   The number of bases per line in FASTA file before it is preprocessed
    -x   index file path
    -p   use if you use Hadoop and should specify the directory that includes bwa and samtools and can be accessed by hadoop.
genfqse : Generate FastQ file for single ends.
    -l   Length [1-200]
    -q   Quality  value. Refer
    -s   Substitution rate. [0.0000 - 1.0000] 1 means 100%, 0.25 means 25%
    -i   Insertion rate. [0.0000 - 1.0000] 1 means 100%, 0.25 means 25%
    -d   Deletion rate. [0.0000 - 1.0000] 1 means 100%, 0.25 means 25%
genfqpe : Generate FastQ file for mate pair.
    -l   Length [1-200]
    -q   Quality  value. Refer
    -s   Substitution rate. [0.0000 - 1.0000] 1 means 100%, 0.25 means 25%
    -i   Insertion rate. [0.0000 - 1.0000] 1 means 100%, 0.25 means 25%
    -d   Deletion rate. [0.0000 - 1.0000] 1 means 100%, 0.25 means 25%
    -o   library distance bp [100-250] between end of start and start of end
         If -o option is specified, pair-end aligment will be forced unless it is 0(zero)
         If -o option is zero, single-end reads will be generated
    -b   The number of bases per line in FASTA file before it is preprocessed
genfa : Generate FastA file from preprocessed file.
    -f   FASTA file name to be generated, e.g. ref.fa
    -b   The number of bases in a line of FASTA file
extract : extract information from bam file then make an intermediate file
    -l   Length [1-200]
    -f   FASTA file name to be generated, e.g. ref.fa
    -m   BAM file name

$ reducer -h
Program : GMA (Genome Mappability Analyzer) REDUCER
Version : 0.0.1
Usage : reducer [COMMAND] [OPTION]
[COMMAND] analyzer
analyzer : anlayze map results, calculate genome mappabilityr.
	[OPTION] l | t
	-l   Length [1-200]
	-t   Threshold of map quality from sam file

Run using pre-existing settings for different NGS technologies

For a quick run, we provide parameter settings 5 kinds of the most popular sequencing technologies; Illumina, Solid, Ion Torrent, Roche-454 and PacBio. We also support pacbio-ec, which assumes PacBio error corrected case. You can use one of these options to pass to the mapper tech command, similar to how the illumina option is used in the command below to generate GMS files for 100bp single-ended reads on the E. coli genome.

$ cd gma-0.1.3-master/example/ecoli/output/local/ecoli.l100.o0.qA.s0.02.i0.d0
$ cat ../../../input/ppd/NC_000913.fa.ppd | ../../../../../bin/mapper tech --illumina -b 70 -x ../../../input/index/NC_000913.fna -p ../../../../../bin 1> map.txt
option Description
--illumina Settings for Illumina
--solid Settings for Solid
--iontorrent Settings for Ion Torrent
--roche Settings for Roche/454
--pacbio Settings for PacBio
--pacbio-ec Settings for PacBio error corrected version

Run using your own settings

The scripts listed above such as follow basic Hadoop steps: map -> sort/shuffle -> reduce. Hence there are 3 important lines in these scripts that you must modify to run GMA with your own settings. As a pre-processing step, you need to generate .ppd file(s) before running map step. Such files are included for E. coli and yeast, but you will need to prepare your own .ppd files for different species. This examples shows how you can generate pre-processed .ppd files for from a multi-fasta reference genome and then generate 100bp single-ended GMS files for the yeast genome.

Step 0 - Preprocess fasta files into .ppd files
$ cd gma-0.1.3-master/example/yeast/input/ppd
$ ../../../../script/ ../index/yeast.fa
chr1.fa.ppd is being processed
chr2.fa.ppd is being processed
chr3.fa.ppd is being processed
chr4.fa.ppd is being processed
chr5.fa.ppd is being processed
chr6.fa.ppd is being processed
chr7.fa.ppd is being processed
chr8.fa.ppd is being processed
chr9.fa.ppd is being processed
chr10.fa.ppd is being processed
chr11.fa.ppd is being processed
chr12.fa.ppd is being processed
chr13.fa.ppd is being processed
chr14.fa.ppd is being processed
chr15.fa.ppd is being processed
chr16.fa.ppd is being processed
chrMT.fa.ppd is being processed
Step 1 - Map
$ cd gma-0.1.3-master/example/yeast/output/local
$ mkdir yeast.l100.o0.qA.s0.02.i0.d0
$ cd yeast.l100.o0.qA.s0.02.i0.d0
$ cat ../../../input/ppd/*.ppd | ../../../../../bin/mapper runall -l 100 -q A -s 0.02 -i 0 -d 0 -o 0 -t 20 -f ref.fa -b 70 -x ../../../input/index/yeast.fa  -p ../../../../../bin 1> map.txt

In this command, we can learn that mapper takes its input as standard input(stdin). The format of command is as follows:

mapper <command> [options] > map.txt

Options and descriptions for the mapper runnall command are described in below table.

option Description
-l Read length
-q Phred-scaled quality value for each base
-s Error rate of substitution
-i Error rate of insertion
-d Error rate of deletion
-o Expected distance between two reads if paired-end.
-t Threshold
-f File path of a reference fasta
-b The number of bases in a line when re-building fasta file from pre-processed file. It is important to use the same number of the original fasta file.
-x File path of index files
-m File path of bam file
-p File path for programs such as BWA and SAMtools
Step 2 - Sort

The Linux/Unix commond "sort" is used to this purpose.

$ cat map.txt | sort -k1,1 -t"|"  > mapsort.txt
Step 3 - Reduce

For reduce step, the "analyzer" command is used with the following 3 options.

cat mapsort.txt | ../../../../../bin/reducer analyzer -l 100 -t 20 -o 0 1> mapred.txt 2> log.txt
option Description
-l Read length
-t Threshold
-o Expected distance between two reads if paired-end.

See Also


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