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This is a collection of Lua 5.1 modules I've written.  Yes, they include
functionality found in other Lua modules like luasockets and luaposix.  I
wrote these not to reinvent the wheel (although I did) but to learn how to
program in Lua.  As such, I do find these modules useful and actually prefer
them to such modules as luasockets and luaposix. 

Now, because of the functionality overlap of some of these modules with
existing Lua modules, I decided to place them under a name that I know won't
conflict with existing modules.  I took a play out of the Java playbook and
placed all these modules under the "org.conman" table.  

Anyway, on with a quick overview of the modules:

Written in C:


org.conman.crc		Implements a standard 32b CRC function
	crc = crc32(data[,currentcrc])
		Generate CRC of given data


org.conman.env		Table containing all environment variables.


org.conman.errno	Contains standard error codes.
	EDOM		domain error number
	ERANGE		range error number
	(others, depending on system)

	string = strerror(error)	
		Convert error number to a string


org.conman.fsys		Posix file system routines.  Error code is an
			integer suitable for translation via

	bool,error = symlink(old,new)
		Creates symlink from old name to new name

	bool,error = link(old,new)
		Creates a hard link from old name to new name

	bool,error = mkdir(directory)
		Create a directory

	bool,error = rmdir(directory)
		Remove a given directory

	bool,error = utime(path,modtime[,accesstime])
		Update the timestamp on path to the given modification
		time (and optional access time)

	info,error = stat(string | FILE)
		Return meta information about file.  The input parameter
		can be an open file (via, a filename, or a file
		descriptor (via

	info,error = lstat(filename)
		If the filename is a symbolic link, return it's information
		instead of the file pointed to by the symbolic link.

	oldperms = umask(newperms)
		Set the umask (which is a subtractive permission set, not
		an additive permission set).  The perms is a string:
			'----r--r-'	022
			'---rwxrwx'	077

	bool,error = chmod(path,mode)
		Set the mode of a file.  The mode is a string:
			'rw-r--r--'	644
			'rw-rw-rw-'	666
			'rwxr-xr-x'	755

	bool,error = access(filename,mode)
		Checks the access of a filename.  Mode is a string with
		the following characters:

			r	- check for read access
			w	- check for write access
			x	- check for execute access
			f	- check if file exists

	dirobj,error = opendir([directory])
		Returns a directory handle.  By default, open the current
		working directory.

		Rewind to the first entry in the directory handle

	entry = readdir(dirobj)
		Return the name of the next entry in the directory.

		Closes the directory handle.

	bool,error = chdir(directory)
		Change current working directory to given directory

	cwd,error = getcwd()
		Return current working directory

	fnc,dirobj = dir([directory])
		Use as:  for entry in fsys.dir("/tmp") do ... end

		Note, this will not return "." or ".."

	newmame = _safename(name)
		Convert "problematic" characters to "_".

	name,error = basename(path)
		Returns the basename of a path.

	name,error = dirname(filename)
		Returns the path portion of a filename

	fh = openfd(number)
		Create a file object (as from from a raw file
	p,error = pipe()
		Return a pipe object.  This is a table with two fields:
			.read	= read file handle
			.write	= write file handle

	bool,error = dup(orig , copy)
		Duplicates the underlying Posix file handle of the original
		file to the copy file.  If successful, the copy file will
		have full buffering (if a file) or line buffering (if a


org.conman.hash		Various hash functions from OpenSSL

	hashes = {}	Table of various supported hashes and their sizes.
			Includes: md2 md4 md5 mdc2 sha1 dss1 ripemd

	ctx = new([typeofhash])
		Returns a new hash context.  This defaults to MD5.

	bool,error = update(ctx,data)
		Updates the hash with data
	hash = final(ctx)
		Returns the raw hash of the data.

	hash = sum(data[,typeofhash])
		Calcuates hash of data in one call (defaults to MD5).

	string = hexa(data)
		Converts data to a hex string.

	string = sumhexa(data[,typeofhash])
		returns hex string of hash of data.

The ctx has the following methods:

	bool,error = ctx:update(data)
	hash       = ctx:final()
	string     = ctx:finalhexa()
		returns the hexstring of the hash.
	string = ctx:__tostring()


org.conman.iconv	Interface to the GNU iconv library.

	ic =,tocharset)
		Returns an ic object to convert charsets.

The ic object contains the following methods:

	converedstring = ic:iconv(string)
		Converts string

	bool,error = ic:close()
	string = ic:__tostring()


org.conman.fsys.magic	Interface to the GNU file identification library

	magic = open([flag, ...])
		Open the magic library.  Flags include:

		Check 'man magic_open' for more information.

		Close the magic database.

	string = error(magic)
		Transate a magic error code.

	bool,error = setflags([flag, ... ])
		Set flags.  See for flags.

	bool,error = load(magic[,filename])
		Load the magic database from the given filename (defaults
		to default magic database)
	bool,error = compile(magic[,filename])
		Compile the magic database into memory.

	bool,error = check(magic[,filename])
		Checks the magic database.

	error = errno(magic)
		Returns the last error from the magic library.

The magic object has the following methods:

	type = magic:__call(filedata[,fileflag])
		Returns the type of a file.  If the flag is not defined
		(or is false), then filedata refers to a filename;
		otherwise, the filedata is treated as data and checked.

	string = magic:__tostring()


org.conman.math		Assorted math routines

		Seed random number generator from /dev/urandom (if flag
		is false) or /dev/random (if flag is true).

-------------------------		Network routines.

	sock,err = socket(family,type[,proto])
		Creates a socket.  
			family = 'ip'   | 'ipv4' | 'unix'
			type   = 'tcp'  | 'udp'  | 'raw'
			proto  = number | string

	fd = socketfd(sock)
		Returns the raw file descriptor of the socket

	addr,err = address(address,port[,type = 'tcp'])
		Returns an address object.
			address = ipaddr, ipv6addr, filename
			port    = number | string (not used for filenames)
			type    = 'tcp'  | 'udp' | 'raw'

The returned socket object contains the following methods:

	string = sock:__tostring()
	addr,error = sock:addr()
		Returns the peer address (which is wrong; it should return
		the local address)

	err = sock:bind(addr)
		Bind the socket to the given address object

	err = sock:connect(addr)
		Connect the socket to the address.  Mostly used for TCP
		connections, it *can* be used for UDP as well.

	err = sock:listen([backlog = 5])
		Set a TCP socket to accept incoming connections.

	newsock,addr,err = sock:accept()
		Accept a connection.  Returns a new socket and the remote

	addr,data,err = sock:read([timeout = inf])
		Read data from a socket with a timeout (in seconds).

	bytes,err = sock:write(addr,data)
		Write data to given address.

	err = sock:shutdown([how = 'rw'])
		Shutdown the read and/or write portion of a socket (only
		meaningful for a TCP connection, and even then it's iffy)

	err = sock:close()
		Close a socket.

	fd = sock:fd()
		Return the raw file descriptor of a socket.

The address object has the following methods:

	value = addr:__index(key)
		key can be 'addr' (address), 'port' or 'family'.

	string = addr:__tostring()
	bool addr:__eq()
	bool addr:__lt()
	bool addr:__le()
	integer = addr:__len()
		returns the length of the address (not of the overall


org.conman.process	Interface to the Posix process API

		Current process ID

		An array of process limits.  Read to get the limit, write
		to set the limit.  The fields are:
			core	in bytes
			cpu	in seconds
			data	in bytes
			fsize	in bytes
			nofile	number
			stack	in bytes
			as	in bytes
	uid,euid = getuid()
		Returns UID and effective UID

	gid,egid = getgid()
		Returns GID and effective GID

	error = setuid(uid,euid)
		Sets UID and effective UID

	error = getgid(gid,egid)
		Sets GID and effective GID

		calls _exit(rc), which causes the current process to end
		(with no cleanup).

	child,error = fork()
		Create a new process.  child > 0 in parent process, == 0 in
		child process.

	status = wait([pid][,nowait])
		Wait for child process to end (defaults--any).  Returns
		a table with the status of the child process
			.pid = pid of child process
			.status = 'normal' | 'stopped' | 'terminated'
			.rc  = status as returned
			.signal = signal that terminated process
			.description = description of signal
			.core = true | false if core file generated

	status,usage = waitusage([pid][,nowait])
		Wait for a child process to end.  Returns status information
		about child process (see wait()) and data about resource

	status,error = waitid(pid[,flag])
		Wait for a child process to end or stop.

	remain,error = sleep(seconds)
		Sleep for the given amount.  Fractional seconds can be

	minsleep = sleepres()
		Returns the mininum amount of sleep time system can handle

	bool,error = kill(pid,signal)
		Sends given process given signal

	error = exec(binary,arg[,env])
		Execute given binary with the given arguments (should be
		an array of strings) and environment variables (defaults
		to parent environment).

	result,error = times()
		Return a table describing the various amount of time
		the process has used:

	result,error = getrusage(['self' | 'children' | 'child'])
		Get resource usage of current process, or children

	bool sig.caught([signal])
		Returns if a signal (default: any) has been caught

	bool sig.catch(signal)
		Catch a signal, which sets a flag that can be checked
		via sig.caught()

		Ignore the given signal.

		Set the default disposition of a signal

	string = sig.strsignal(signal)
		Return the textual representation of a signal

		Various signals that can be caught, ignored, etc.  Others
		may be defined.


org.conman.syslog	Interface to syslog

		Establish some options for syslog. The facility can be a
		number or a string.

		Options is a table with the following flags:

		Close the link to syslog

		Log the message at the given level.  The level can be

	The syslog module can also be called directly:
		org.conman.syslog('debug',"this is a test")


Modules written in Lua:


org.conman.debug	Some debug routines

		Allows one to edit the source of a function.  The editor
		defaults to '/bin/vi' unless the $EDITOR environment 
		variable is defined.

		Generate a hex dump of data to the given file (defaults
		to io.stdout)


org.conman.getopt	Supports a getopt() like function.


org.conman.string	Some useful string operations

	new = trim(string)
		Trim leading and trailing space from a string

	new = wrap(string[,margin])
		Wrap a string at a margin.  Default margin is 78.

	new = remchar(string,char)
		Remove char from string.

	array = split(string[,delim])
		Break a string into an array on the character delim
		(defaults to ':').

	new = metaphone(string)
		Run the metaphone algorithm over the string.

	new = soundex(string)
		Run the soundex algorithm over the string.

	new = base64.encode(string)
		Encode string in base64 encoding.

	new = base64.decode(string)
		Decode string in base64 encoding.


org.conman.table	Some useful table operations

	show(table[,file = io.stdout])
		Pretty print a table to the given file

	string = dump_value(name,table)
		Dump a table to a string representation.  Doesn't handle
		everything, but is still somewhat useful.


org.conman.unix		Unix users, Unix groups, and program paths.

	users		Table of unix users, indexed by both UID and
			user name.

	groups		Table of unix groups, indexed by both GID and
			group name.

	paths		Indexed by program name, returns program path (as
			found via $PATH)


org.conman.dns.resolv	DNS routines (requires Lua module from SPCDNS)

	string = address(host)
		Return address of given host



Usefu Lua modules







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  • C 80.0%
  • Lua 19.1%
  • Makefile 0.9%