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Lose Face - An open source face recognition project

Copyright (C) 2008-2010 David Capello All rights reserved.


This is a face recognition project aimed to build a complete functional system to detect subjects.


This project was discontinued. Anyway you are free to use its source code which is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

Thanks to

Georgina Stegmayer, Cesar Martinez, and Diego Milone for their patient, support and all knowledge.

Omar Müller and Sebastián Long for their work in "Verificación biométrica automática de identidad mediante reconocimiento facial" Graduate Thesis, Computer Engineering, FICH-UNL, Mar. 2007.

All the people of CIDISI and sinc(i) laboratories for the photographies:

David Tschumperle and all contributors of CImg:

All the people that have worked in LAPACK/CLAPACK libraries:

Olivetti Research Laboratory, AT&T Laboratories Cambridge, for the "The ORL Database of Faces"