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Chapel Compiler Release: README

This is the 1.6.0 release of the Chapel compiler, intended to give
potential users a look at what we're doing and the opportunity to
provide us with feedback.  See the AGREEMENT file for the release's
user agreement and the LICENSE file for its licensing terms.  Source
files contained within the third-party directory are distributed under
their own licenses -- see third-party/README for details.

Quick Start

1) Make sure that your shell is in the directory containing this
   README file.  For example:

        cd ~/chapel-1.6.0

2) Build the compiler and runtime libraries using:


   or if your default make is GNU make compatible (as on Cygwin), use:


3) Set up your environment to use Chapel.

   If you use...                               then type...

     ...a bash-compatible shell (bash)         source util/setchplenv.bash
     ...a csh-compatible shell (csh, tcsh)     source util/setchplenv.csh
     ...the fish shell (fish)                  . util/
     ...the Bourne shell (sh)                  . util/

   You must be in the "chapel" directory for these command scripts to
   work properly.  Note that there is no requirement to use these
   scripts, they are merely designed to get users up and running

   If you use a different shell, refer to doc/README.chplenv for
   information about what environment settings you'll need to make in
   order to use Chapel satisfactorily (and if you're able to create an
   equivalent util/setchplenv.* script for your shell, please mail a
   copy of it to us at for inclusion in our next

4) Compile an example program using:

        chpl -o hello examples/hello.chpl

5) Execute the resulting executable:


What's next?

For more detailed information about...      refer to...

  ...implementation status                   ...STATUS
  ...changes since the last release          ...CHANGES
  ...Chapel's file and directory structure   ...README.files
  ...prerequisites for using this release    ...doc/README.prereqs
  ...setting Chapel environment variables    ...doc/README.chplenv
  ...building the compiler                   ...doc/README.building
  ...using the compiler                      ...doc/README.compiling
  ...executing Chapel programs               ...doc/README.executing
  ...reporting bugs                          ...doc/README.bugs
  ...Chapel modes for emacs and vim          ...etc/README

  ...example Chapel programs                 ...examples/README
  ...a quick reference for Chapel syntax     ...doc/quickReference.pdf
  ...the Chapel language specification       ...doc/chapelLanguageSpec.pdf

  ...executing programs on multiple locales  ...doc/README.multilocale Chapel tasks are mapped to threads  ...doc/README.tasks

  ...using Chapel on a specific platform...
     ...a Cray system                        ...doc/platforms/README.cray
     ...Cygwin over Windows                  ...doc/platforms/README.cygwin IBM system                        ...doc/platforms/ SGI Altix system                  ...doc/platforms/README.sgi
     ...BSC's MareNostrum system             ...doc/platforms/README.marenostrum

  ...calling C routines from Chapel          ...doc/technotes/README.extern
  ...formatting value-to-string conversions  ...doc/technotes/README.format
  ...other user and technical details        ...doc/README

  ...third-party software that we use        ...third-party/README
  ...the GASNet communication library        ...third-party/gasnet/README


Mirror - Chapel is an emerging parallel programming language whose design and development is being led by Cray Inc.







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