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Description: Contains information about the project including build instructions
	and instructions for use.
(C) 2011 Cyberpad Technologies

HandWire is a mobile controller for your computer using Android devices.
Development is forthcoming.
Functionality of the project consists of:
	* Using the Android device as a Virtual
		- Mouse
		- Keyboard
		- Multitouch Input Device
	* Mapping game controls to customizable controller mappings

Useful Git commands:
git add <filename>    => adds a file to the repository

git commit -a -m "message goes here"    =>quick commit, use before pushing changes
git push origin master                  =>push your changes to the repository

git pull    => downloads the changes in the repository to your computer

How to build and run:
Client (Android)
	* Android SDK
	* Eclipse

	First Time:
	1) Install Android SDK. (
	2) Open Eclipse and go to File->New->Android Project (It may be in Other...)
	3) Select "Create Project from Existing Source" and navigate to the 
		client/android directory.  The selected directory should contain an 
	4) Select Finish
	5) Go to File->Import...
	6) Select General->Existing Projects into Workspace
	7) Navigate to client/android/tests
	8) Import the tests project into your Workspace

	Once the projects are in your workspace
	1) Right click the project and select Run as->Android Application
	2) If you've connected your phone, the application should run on your phone
	3) Otherwise, you'll need to set up an AVD
		When asked to set up an AVD, click Yes.
	4) Create a new AVD targetting Android 2.2 (SDK version 8).
		Use default parameters for the rest of the settings.
	5) Select Start AVD to start your new AVD Emulator
	6) Select the running AVD from the drop-down in eclipse once its booted.
	7) To run the tests, right click the test project and select Run As JUnitTest
		Follow the same process if necessary for AVD support.
Server (PC, MacOSX, Linux)
	* Qt Toolkit (4.5 or Higher)
		- Ensure the libraries and binaries are on your system path!
	* CMake (2.6 or Higher)
		- Also ensure this is on your system path!
	* Some CMake compatible compiler:
		- Visual Studio (2008 Recommended, 2010 has issues with CMake)
		- MinGW
		- Gnu Compiler (GCC/G++)
	First Time:
	1) CD To the server directory in a command prompt/terminal
-- CryptoPP Additional Steps --	

-- End CryptoPP --

	2) Run cmake, and look at the list of compilers it can generate for.
	3) Select one of those compilers and run CMake with the -G parameter
		Example: cmake -G "Visual Studio 2008"
		If CMake complains that it can't find Qt, the libraries and binaries
		are not on your system path.  You should fix this.
	4) Once CMake has generated a project/makefile for you, open it in your
		IDE or simply run make
	Once project has been created
	5) Treat the project as though it builds entirely in your IDE/from your makefile.
	IMPORTANT NOTE.  Modifying CMake's generated makefiles or IDE files
		(ie. your Visual Studio Project) is a VERY BAD IDEA.  These changes will be
		over-written the next time you regenerate your file.  To modify build parameters
		such as adding new files and stuff, modify CMakeLists.txt in the project root
		following the CMake syntax.



Using the Android platform as a human interface device






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