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This is a library like opengl. It only implements some functions. It is written in c++.

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This is a library like opengl. It only implements some functions.

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Bmp.h----------------------class for reading and saving bmp files

  void LoadBmp(const char* file)-------------------------read bmp files
  void SaveBmp(const char* file)-------------------------save bmp files
  void setClearColor(Color color)------------------------set background color
  void setZBuffer(double z)------------------------------initialize the value of deep buffer
  void writeColorBuffer(Color c, int x, int y, int z)----write pixel's color

Light.h--------------------class for lights

Matrix.h-------------------class for 4x4 matrixs

Plane.h--------------------class for planes

PlyLoader.h----------------class for loading ply files

Point.h--------------------class for points

Vector.h-------------------class for vectors

ViewPort.h-----------------class for 1x4 viewports

myOpenGL.h-----------------class for opengl

  void MatrixMode(int mode)-----------------------------------setting what matrix point to CTM
  void LoadIdentity()-----------------------------------------initialize CTM matrix
  void ClearColor(BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b)---------------------set background color
  void PenColor((BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b)----------------------set pencil color
  void ViewPort(int x, int y, int w, int h)-------------------set viewport
  void Translate(double x, double y, double z)----------------translate
  void RotateX(double angle)----------------------------------rotate angle around x
  void RotateY(double angle)----------------------------------rotate angle around y
  void RotateZ(double angle)----------------------------------rotate angle around z
  void Scale(double nx, double ny, double nz)-----------------scale
  void LookAt(doubel ex, double ey, double ez, double dx double dy, double dz, double ux, double uy, double uz)----translate viewpoint
  void Frustum(double left,double right,double bottom,double top,double near,double far)--------Perspective projection
  void Perspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar)---------------Perspective projection
  void Ortho(double left,double right,double bottom,double top,double near,double far)------Orthogonal projection
  Color PhongColor(Point p)---------------------calculate the phong color
  Point Project(Point v) ------------------ calculate the location in canvas

main.cpp-------------------test file


This is a library like opengl. It only implements some functions. It is written in c++.






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