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#JEPbignum library README

A cross-platform library designed to calculate and accurately represent values that exceed the size limitations of the standard int, float, and double data types.

###jep::bignum Constructors

By default, failed or invalid constructors will throw a jep::bignum_Error object.

Constructor Description
jep::bignum() Creates a jep::bignum of base 10 with the value of 0.
jep::bignum(signed int n) Creates a jep::bignum of base 10 with the value of n.
jep::bignum(float f) Creates a jep::bignum of base 10 with the value of f.
jep::bignum(double d) Creates a jep::bignum of base 10 with the value of d.
jep::bignum(float f, int decimal_places) Creates a jep::bignum of base 10 with the value of f, with precision equal to decimal_places.
jep::bignum(double d, int decimal_places) Creates a jep::bignum of base 10 with the value of d, with precision equal to decimal_places.
jep::bignum(string s) Creates a jep::bignum of base 10 with the value of s.
jep::bignum(string s, int b) Creates a jep::bignum of base b with the value of s.
jep::bignum(std::vector<int> n, int offset, int set_base, bool is_negative) Creates a jep::bignum of base set_base from a std::vector<int>. The first element of the vector will be set as the right-most digit of the jep::bignum, unless an offset is passed. Passing true as the is_negative value will make the jep::bignum negative.

###Basic Mathematical jep::bignum Member Functions

Function Description
jep::addNumbers(jep::bignum bn1, jep::bignum bn2) Returns the sum of bn1 and bn2 as a jep::bignum.
jep::subtractNumbers(jep::bignum bn1, jep::bignum bn2) Returns the difference of bn1 and bn2 as a jep::bignum.
jep::multiplyNumbers(jep::bignum bn1, jep::bignum bn2) Returns the product of bn1 and bn2 as a jep::bignum.
jep::divideNumbers(jep::bignum bn1, jep::bignum bn2) Returns the quotient of bn1 and bn2 as a jep::bignum.
jep::factorial(jep::bignum bn) Returns the factorial of bn as a jep::bignum.
jep::combinations(jep::bignum bn1, jep::bignum bn2) Returns number of possible combinations when drawing bn2 instances out of bn1 instances total as a jep::bignum.
jep::exponent(jep::bignum bn1, jep::bignum bn2) Returns bn1 to the power of bn2 as a jep::bignum.
jep::modulo(jep::bignum bn1, jep::bignum bn2) Returns bn1 modulo bn2 as a jep::bignum.
primeFactorization(jep::bignum bn1, std::vector<jep::bignum> factors) Clears vector of jep::bignums factors and populates the container with the prime factors of bn1.
jep::greatestCommonFactor(jep::bignum bn1, jep::bignum bn2) Returns the greatest common factor of bn1 and bn2 as a jep::bignum.
jep::lowestCommonMultiple(jep::bignum bn1, jep::bignum bn2) Returns the lowest common multiple of bn1 and bn2 as a jep::bignum.
jep::average(std::vector<jep::bignum> values) Returns the average of all members of values as a jep::bignum.

###Other jep::bignum Member Functions

Function Description
convertBase(int n) Converts number to base n.
getDigitCount() Returns the number of digits, including all decimal places set by the PRECISION macro, as an int.
getDecimalCount() Returns the range of non-zero digits below the decimal point as an int. A jep::bignum with the value 12.345 would return 3.
getDigitString(int n) Returns the digit at location n as a std::string.
getNumberString(bool include_commas, bool percent, int decimal_places) Returns an std::string containing the value, with the precision of decimal_places. The string will contain commas only when include_commas is true. When percent is true, the string will include a % sign and be adjusted accordingly.
timesTen(int n) Multiplies the number by 10 in its native base by shifting digits to the left n times.
divideByTen(int n) Divides the number by 10 in its native base by shifting digits to the right n times.
absolute() Returns the absolute value as a jep::bignum.
withoutDecimals() Returns jep::bignum with no decimal places. This function does not round or modify *this.
adjustPrecision(int n) Rounds the jep::bignum to n decimal places.

###Acceptable Operators

Operators work with data types jep::bignum, int, float, double, and std::string.

  • +
  • +=
  • -
  • -=
  • *
  • *=
  • /
  • /=
  • %
  • <
  • <=
  • >
  • >=
  • =
  • ==
  • !=
  • ++
  • --

###Miscellaneous Utility Functions

Function Description
jep::fibonacci(jep::bignum b) Returns the fibonacci number at sequence location b as a jep::bignum.
jep::fibonacci(int n) Returns the fibonacci number at sequence location n as a jep::bignum.
jep::golden(jep::bignum b) Returns the golden ratio as a jep::bignum, based on fibonnaci numbers b and b-1.
jep::golden(int n) Returns the golden ratio as a jep::bignum, based on fibonnaci numbers n and n-1.
jep::randomNumberAddPrecision(jep::bignum bn1, jep::bignum bn2, int add_precision) Returns a random number with the range of bn1 to bn2, with an added resolution of add_precision decimal places, as a jep::bignum.
jep::randomNumberForcePrecision(jep::bignum bn1, jep::bignum bn2, int force_precision) Returns a random number with the range of bn1 to bn2, with a forced resolution of force_precision.

###Building in Linux

To build this as a shared library from the source files, run the following commands with files JEPbignum.cpp and JEPbignum.h in your working directory:

g++ -fpic -c JEPbignum.cpp
g++ -shared -o JEPbignum.o 

To use this library, source code must #include "JEPbignum.h", and the file must be placed in your shared library directory. When compiling your object/program, be sure to link the library with -lJEPbignum.

###TODO List

Debug functions that converts a bignum to a float and double.

###Additional Information

Functions and that take 2 values as arguments (jep::bignum objects or ints) automatically translate the second value to match the base of the first for computation. The base of the returning value always matches the first value passed. bignum operators automatically translate the value passed to match the base of *this.

JEPbignum uses the error report class jep::bignum_Error. To retrieve error information, use the member function getErrorReport(), which returns a std::string describing where and how the error occurred.

By default this library can accommodate numbers with 1,000 digits, including 30 decimal places. These values can be modified by the MAXDIGITS and PRECISION macros in the header file JEPbignum.h, respectively. The source code using this library must be compiled use macro definitions that match those that were used to compile the original library.

This library was created by Joseph E. Pollack in 2014.


Bignum Library created by Joseph E. Pollack






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