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This is an academic project to create a simple linux asynchronous system call
which can perform encryption/decryption and checksum calculations on files.

Instructions to run the code:
	- make clean
	- make
	- sh
	- run any user-progress provided

	We have implemented this hw using the standard linux crypto api. We are using the
	concept of work_queues and work_structs to manage producer and consumer threads. We have separate 
	linked lists that store data. So, a producer can queue the actual data in the linked list and 
	consumer can come and perform that action and remove that data from the linked list. Here is the 
	functionality that we have implemented:
	- Main queueing machenism between producer and consumer.
	- Managing the queue with locks (we are using spinlock).
	- We also throttle the heavy writers. Eg: when a user process submits way too many jobs or if our
		queue is full. Then we actually throttle that user process and put it to sleep. We make sure 
		we don't lose any data provided by that user process. And, when space becomes available in the 
		queue, we send that process SIGCONT signal to continue it's work. So, we have two linked lists now: the main linked list and the backup sleeping processes linked list. Both are made thread
	- We alert the user by the means of signals. User can submit us a job with a job_number and we 
		store that information in our queue. So, when a consumer is done with a job and it wants to 
		alert the user, it send the success/error number with the job number too. This way, user 
		knows which job number is finished and what's the error status. 

User Actions:
	User can submit the following jobs to our system call:
	- Job for encryption.
	- Job for decryption.
	- Job for checksum.
	- To remove a job.
	- To list all the jobs in user-land.
	we use the same interface between user and kernel when submitting any of the following from user 
	to our system call. This way user has a clean interface to the system call, no matter what they 
	are trying to do. Our module takes care of parsing a user-request and performing that action.

	./sub_one_wait -e -p "password" hello.txt out (to encrypt)
	./sub_one_wait -d -p "password" out hello.txt (to decrypt)
	<executable> <en/dn flags> <password flag> <password> <input file> <output file>

	We support a huge number of algorithms when it comes to encryption. Here is a list:
	#define CBC_AES "cbc(aes)"
	#define CTR_AES "ctr(aes)"
	#define XTS_AES "xts(aes)"
	#define ECB_AES "ecb(aes)"
	#define ECB_ARC4 "ecb(arc4)"
	#define PCBC_FCRYPT "pcbc(fcrypt)"
	#define ECB_DES3_EDE "ecb(des3_ede)"
	#define CBC_DES3_EDE "cbc(des3_ede)"
	#define ECB_TWOFISH "ecb(twofish)"
	#define CBC_TWOFISH "cbc(twofish)"
	#define CTR_TWOFISH "ctr(twofish)"
	#define ECB_BLOWFISH "ecb(blowfish)"
	#define CBC_BLOWFISH "cbc(blowfish)"
	#define CTR_BLOWFISH "ctr(blowfish)"
	#define CBC_DES "cbs(des)"
	#define ECB_DES "ecb(des)"
	#define ECB_CAMELLIA "ecb(camellia)"
	#define CBC_CAMELLIA "cbc(camellia)"
	#define SALSA20 "salsa20"

	User can pick any of them and we will use that algorithm while performing encryption. These are
	provided in our header file "async_data.h".

	./sub_one_wait -c hello.txt out
	<executable> <checksum flag> <input file> <output file>

	We support the following checksum algorithms:
	#define MD_5 "md5"
	#define MD_4 "md4"

	User can pick any of them and we will use that algorithm while performing checksum. These are
	provided in our header file "async_data.h".

If user gives us a wrong checksum/encryption algorithm that is not supported in our module or if
it doesn't exist in the kernel, then we properly handle that error as well. 

PS: we have included our kernel config file in hs3 directory as well. It's name "kernel.config", 
just in case you guys need it.

	Kernel-user signaling:


	Cipher References:

	Reference code from HW3 from CSE 306. Also taken with professor Zadok.



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