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Pulse Shape Analysis tools for GERDA's Germanium Detectors


The package provides three executables:

  • tier1browser is a basic waveform browser with a GUI (ROOT libraries) which allows also to mark events included in a TEventList object provided by the user. Useful to verify the efficiency of a selection filter.
  • selectEvents helps to select tier1 events (selection stored into a TEventList object) with data coming from the GELATIO analysis.
  • currentPlot computes the efficiency in neglecting the MSE events in the 212Bi peak at 1620.7 keV setting a cut on the near 208Tl (double photon escape) peak at 1592.5 keV. and provides a fancy output.

Instructions to use the tools can be retriven with the --help option. the filelist file has to be formatted in the following manner:

0.3456  -0.7865 1   // parameters for the energy calibration (m,q) and channel where data are stored
tier1_data_0.root   // tier1 data files
tier1_data_1.root   // ...
tier2_data.root     // tier2 data file
list.root           // ROOT file with the TEventList object

The package also provides two ROOT's macros based on the TSpectrum class:

  • peakAnalysis.C is a peak finding algorithm designed for this specific energy spectrum that produces a calib.txt ready to be used for energy calibration.
  • checkCalib.C computes and removes the background from the calibrated spectrum as well as the resolution parameters of the 208Tl peak at 2614.5 keV.


Simply run


to produce all the executables. You will need the MGDO, CLHEP and ROOT libraries. Tested on Arch Linux with gcc v6.2.1 and v4.9. Take a look to the Makefile and modify it according to your setup.


Pulse Shape Discriminations tools for Germanium detectors






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