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#rcpMaker ####Produces the Identified particle spectra for BES R_CP analysis

Visible at The parts inside back-ticks (`) should be executed exactly - ie copy and paste into terminal (except for $cwd - which is the path you choose). If it doesn't worh then something is wrong, let me know.

  1. Obtain this code:
  • cvs co offline/paper/psn0662/rcpMaker
  1. Prepare a data directory somewhere that all nodes can "see". Eg /star/data03/pwg/username/rcpCodeQA/. I'll refer to this as your $cwd
  2. Open bin/config/Common/env.xml and modify the cwd="..." to use your $cwd (from step 2.)
  3. mkdir $cwd/img and mkdir $cwd/Params
  4. Submit jobs for TpcEff. These Jobs skim the data to produce the MC and RC histograms and then divides + fits. This step produces a report called "rp_TpcEff.pdf" in the $cwd
  • inside bin: star-submit config/star/TpcEff.submit.xml
  • This step will take about 20 minutes after it starts running
  1. Submit jobs for the Yield Extraction fits.
  • inside bin: star-submit config/star/YieldFit.submit.xml
  • This step may take a while, wait till it is complete
  1. inside bin: ./
  2. inside bin: ./
  • Make sure to run this without X11 forwarding or it will be very slow

The plots will be in $cwd/img/Rcp_*