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Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Using Fiducial Markers


This package implements a system that uses ceiling mounted fiducials (think QR Codes) to allow a robot to identify its location and orientation. It does this by constructing a map of the ceiling fiducials. Once the map has been constructed, the robot can identify its location by locating itself relative to a single ceiling fiducial.

A more detailed document is available that describes the system in more detail.

In order to use this system you will need to do the following:

  • Mount Ceiling Fiducials. You will need to print and install a number of fiduicals on your ceiling. The fiduicals have to be big enough that your camera can resolve them.

  • Camera Installation. You will need to install and calibrate an upward pointing camera.

  • Software Installation. You will have to install the appropriate software.

Installing Ceiling Fiducials

First you must install ROS (Robot Operating System) on both your robot and some sort of laptop/desktop.

The fiducials are typically generated from the laptop/desktop.

Fiduical tags are generated using the following commands:

cd /tmp
    rosrun fiducial_lib Tags num ...

Thus, the following command will generate tag42.svg and tag43.svg:

    rosrun fiducial_lib Tags 42 43

To generate a 100 at a time, use the following command:

    rosrun fiducial_lib Tags 17{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}

This will generate tag1700.svg through tag1799.svg using "glob curly bracket" magic.

To convert the .svg files to to .pdf files use theinkscape program and the following commands:

    sudo apt-get install inkscape
    # Convert a single .svg to a single .pdf
    inkscape --without-gui --export-pdf=tag42.pdf tag42.svg
    # Convert a bunch at a time:
    for n in 17{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} ; do \
       inkscape --without-gui --export-pdf=tag$n.pdf tag$n.svg ; \
    # Merge the remaining pdf files:
    sudo apt-get install poppler-utils
    pdfunite tag17??.pdf tags17xx.pdf
rm tag*.svg

You can print the .pdf using using evince:

sudo apt-get install evince
    evince tags17xx.pdf

Camera Installation:

You are going to need to install a camera and hook it into ROS.

Raspberry Pi Camera

The Raspberry Pi 2 Model B is a 900MHz quad core ARM7 single board computer with 1GB or RAM. It has a variety of connectors including a CSI MIPI camera connector for their Rapsberry Pi Camera which has some nice specifications.

We currently recommend using the raspicam_node for this camera raspicam_node

Currently, we install using source. We are working on a binary install.

(The commands below do not work yet!!!)

When the binary package is ready, do the following command on your robot:

    sudo apt-get install ubiquity-indigo-raspicam-node

In addition, you will need to install the fiducals package:

    sudo apt-get install ubiquity-indigo-fiducials

For testing purposes, you will also need to install an area to testing. First, create a ROS catkin workspace

Calibrating a camera

Each time you select a new camera image size, it is necessary to recalibrate the camera and generate a calibration .yaml file.

The Monocular Camera Calibration tutorial shows how to calibrate a single camera.

The 8x6 checkerboard and the 7x6 checkerboard are rather large and require specialized printers to print out at full scale. They can be printed on more common printer sizes with auto scaling turned on. Be sure to carefully measure the square size in millimeters and convert to meters by dividing by 1000.

Assuming a checker board with 38mm squares, the following command can be used to calibrate the camera:

    rosrun camera_calibration camera:=pgr_camera_node image:=pgr_camera_node/image_raw --size 8x6 --square 0.038 --no-service-check

For the Raspberry Pi camera using gscam:

# On Rasperry Pi:
roslaunch fiducial_detect raspi_camera.launch
    # Note: This launch file refers to a calibration file that
    # probably does not exist.  The resulting error is OK.

# On a laptop/desktop with ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_HOSTNAME
# env. variables set.
    rosrun camera_calibration camera:=camera image:=camera_node/image_raw --size 8x6 --square 0.038 --no-service-check

Read the Monocular Calibration tutorial. When the calibrator comes up, the [Calibrate], [Save], and [Commit] buttons are dimmed out. After the [Calibrate] button shows up, click on it once. After the [Save] and [Commit] buttons show up, click on the [Save] button once. Do not waste your time clicking on [Commit], that feature is not supported by gscam.

The resulting calibration is written into /tmp/calibrabrationdata.tar.gz. Unpack the data as follows:

    cd /tmp
    mkdir camara_data
    cd camera_data
    gunzip -c ../calibrationdata.tar.gz | tar xvf -

Now you get to convert the file ost.ini to a .yaml file.

    rosrun camera_calibration_parsers ost.ini camera_WIDTHxHEIGHT.yaml
mkdir -p ~/.ros/slam
cp camera_WIDTHxHEIGHT.yaml ~/.ros/slam

where WIDTH is the image width and HEIGHT is the image height. Make sure that .../fiducials/fiducial_detect/launch/raspi.launch points to this file:

    <param name="camera_info_url"

After this step, when you run the camera, you should no longer get the calibration file error.

Running Fiducials

(The localization and navigation commands are the same.)

To run the localization:

    mkdir -p ~/.ros/fiducials	# Only do once
    roslaunch fiducial_slam fiducial_pgr_3d.launch

On a Raspberry PI with camera:

    roslaunch fiducial_slam fiducial_raspi_3d.launch

To generate a map quickly, run this:

    roslaunch fiducial_slam fiducial_raspi_3d_map.launch

To run the navigation:

    roslaunch fiducial_slam navigation_noscan.launch

Map Creation

To create an empty map file with fiducial 301 at the origin:

    mkdir -p ~/.ros/slam
    echo '301 0.0 0.0 0.0 180.0 0.0 180.0 0.0 1' > ~/ros/slam/map.txt

The format of this file is id x y z pan tilt roll numObservations This assumes the fiducial is on the ceiling, and the 180 degree rotations are used so that the pose of fiducials is determined in the co-ordinate system of the floor. Note that incresed accuracy can be gained by specifying the height of the fiducial (z), and that this can also be determined from the output of

It is important that the transform from base link to the camera frame is correctly specified. This launch files are currently in transition, but at the moment, fiducial_detect/launch/raspi_pose.launch is where this tf is specified.


fiducial_detect fiducial_detect

This node finds fiducial markers in images stream and publishes their vertices (corner points) and estimates 3D transforms from the camera to the fiducials. It also has 2D SLAM built in.


tag_height Name of the tag_height file (default Tag_Heights.xml). This file is used to specify the height of the fiducials for 2D slam.

map_file Name of the file where the generated 2D SLAM-based map should be stored (default ROS_MAP).

log_file Name of the log file (default fiducuals.log.txt).

data_directory Name of the directory where tag_height and map_file reside, relative to ~/.ros.

odom_frame If this is set to a non-empty string, then the result of the localization is published as a correction to odometry. For example, the odometry publishes the tf from map to odom, and this node publishes the tf from odom to base_link, with the tf from map to odom removed. Default: not set.

map_frame The name of the map (world) frame. Default map.

pose_frame The frame for our tf. Default base_link.

publish_images If true, images containing fiducials are published. Default false.

publish_interesting_images If true, 'interesting' images containing fiducials are published. Default false. This is for debug purposes.

publish_tf If true, transforms are published. Default false.

publish_markers If true, visualization markers are published. Default false.

estimate_pose If true, 3D pose estimation is performed and fiducial transforms are published. Default true.

fiducial_len The length of one side of a fiducial in meters, used by the pose estimation. Default 0.146.

undistort_points If false, it is assumed that the input is an undistorted image, and the vertices are used directly to calculate the fiducial transform. If it is true, then the vertices are undistorted first. This is faster, but less accurate. Default false.

fiducials_are_level If true, it is assumed that all fiducials are level, as would be the case on ceiling mounted fiducials. In this case only 3DOF are estimated. Default true.

Published Topics

fiducuals A topic of visualization_msgs/Marker messages that can be viewed in rviz for debugging, if that option is selected.

vertices A topic of fiducial_detect/Fiducial* messages with the detected fiducial vertices.

fiducials_images An ImageTransport* of images containing fiducials, if that option is selected.

interesting_images ImageTransport* of interesting images, if that option is selected.

fiducial_transforms A topic of fiducial_pose/FiducialTransform messages with the computed fiducial pose.

Subscribed Topics

camera An ImageTransport of the images to be processed.

camera_info A topic of sensor_msgs/CameraInfo messages with the camera intrinsic parameters.


This node performs 3D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) from the fiducial transforms. For the mapping part, pairs of transforms are combined to determine the position of fiducials based on existing observations. For the localization part, fiducial transforms are combined with fiducial poses to estimate the camera pose (and hence the robot pose).


map_file Path to the file containing the generated map (this must exist). Default map.txt.

trans_file Path to a file to store all detected fidicial transforms. Default trans.txt.

obs_file Path to a file to store all detected fidicial observations. Default obs.txt.

odom_frame If this is set to a non-empty string, then the result of the localization is published as a correction to odometry. For example, the odometry publishes the tf from map to odom, and this node publishes the tf from odom to base_link, with the tf from map to odom removed. Default: not set.

camera_frame The name of the camera frame. Default camera.

map_frame The name of the map (world) frame. Default map.

pose_frame The frame for our tf. Default base_link.

publish_tf If true, transforms are published. Default true.

republish_tf If true, transforms are republished until a new pose is calculated. Default true.

mapping_mode If true the map updated and saved more frequently.

use_external_pose If true then the node will attempt to use an external estimate of the robot pose (eg from AMCL) to estimate the pose of fiducials if no known fiducials are observed.

future Amount of time (in seconds) to future-date published transforms. Default 0.0.

Published Topics

fiducuals A topic of visualization_msgs/Marker messages that can be viewed in rviz for debugging.

fidicual_pose a topic of geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped containing the computed pose.

tf Transforms

Subscribed Topics

fiducial_transforms A topic of fiducial_pose/FiducialTransform messages with fiducial pose.

tf Transforms


This node will reinitialize amcl by republishing the pose reported from to amcl as an initial pose.


cov_thresh The threshold of covariance reported in amcl_pose for reinitializing it. Default 0.2.

Published Topics

initial_pose (geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped) The initial pose sent to AMCL

Subscribed Topics

amcl_pose (geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped) The pose from AMCL. The covariance of this is examined to determine if AMCL needs re-initializing.

fiducial_pose (geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped) The pose from

Visualization with rviz

In order to see the fiducials during map building:

    roslaunch fiducial_detect fiducial_rviz.launch

You should start to see something that looks as follows:

RViz Showing Fiducials

  • Red cubes represent fiducials that are currently in view of the camera.

  • Green cubes represent fiducials that are in the map, but not currently in the view of the camera.

  • Blue lines connect pairs of fiducials that have shown up in the camera view at the same time. The map is constructed by stringing together fiducial pairs.

File Formats:

map.txt file format:

The format of map.txt is a series of lines of the form:

    id x y z pan tilt roll variance numObservations [neighbors ...]


Robot Localization Using Ceiling Fiducials

This code was developed to allow a robot to localize itself in an indoor environment where fiducial tags are located on the ceiling.


This code is destributed as a ROS package. The new ROS packaging format called catkin is used. We are currently testing against the "Groovy" release of ROS. ROS currently only installs on the various Ubuntu Linux distributions (e.g. Ubuntu, Kubuntu, etc.)

Install ROS Groovy

The first step is to install ROS Groovy.

Make sure that you have edited your ~/.bashrc file to have:

    source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash

in it. Then make sure you have run that script file:

    source ~/.bashrc

Now go to the ROS tutorials and play with catkin workspaces.

Install GCC 4.7 or Higher

The second step is to get to a version of the GCC compiler suite that is at revision of 4.7 or higher. The reason for this is because the Fiducials code is written in the newer C11 (for 2011) revision of the C programming language. The GCC revisions 4.6 and below do not support C11.

To figure out which version you have. Type:

    sudo apt-get install -y build-essential

to make sure that you have a compiler. Next, type:

    gcc --version

and you will get something that looks like:

    gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.2-2ubuntu1) 4.7.2
    Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

In this particular example, GCC is at revision 4.7.2 which is what you need. If it says 4.6.x or less, you need to get a newer GCC compiler.

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade -y
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
    sudo apt-get install -y gcc-4.8
    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 30

Install InkScape and Doxygen

InkScape is used to convert fiducial tags from .svg Scalable Vector Graphics format into .pdf Portable Document Format so that they can be printed out on a laser printer. To install InkScape:

    sudo apt-get install -y inkscape

Doxygen is the documentation generation program that reads the various source files an prints more readable documenation. To install Doxygen:

    sudo apt-get install -y doxygen

Install Pt. Grey SDK

There are a bunch of Pt. Gray Flycapture-MV cameras kicking around. These are 648 x 480 USB monochrome cameras with a global shutter. The global shutter makes them much less immune to motion blur. For now, we are standardizing on this camera for testing the fiducial software.

Evenutally, we will make the software build optionally with or without the Pt. Grey device drivers. However, until then, it is necessary to download the Pt. Grey Software Develoment Kit. Please follow the following steps:

  • to go to the Point Grey Web Site

  • go to [Support] => [Downloads] and click. The following downloads link will work until the site gets reorganized.

  • You can not have the software until you create an account. Their passwords must consist of letters and digits only.

  • If you are lucky you should get to the Product Support: Downloads page. As usual, the link will break when the web site is reorganized.

  • Currently it brings you to a selection panel. Just click the on [Software (24)] item. It will expand into 24 possibilities.

  • Scroll down until you get [FlyCapure 2.5 Release 4 - Linux]. The are four options --

    1. 32-bit x86,
    2. 64-bit x86,
    3. ARM Hard Float, and
    4. ARM Soft Float. Download the correct one for your platform.
  • Untar the tarball:

    cd {somwhere} gunzip -c {name_of_tar.gz} | tar xvf -

  • Read the "readme.txt" file and install as much as you can. These instructions only go up to Ubuntu 10.04, which is getting pretty old.

  • Finally run the install script:

      sudo sh

Now it should be possible to download and build the fiducials package.

Install and Build the Fiducials Code

We assume that you called your catkin workspace "catkin_ws" in the installation steps below.

First you fetch the fiducials and fiducials_rviz catkin package:

cd .../catkin_ws/src
git clone
git clone

Next you build it:

cd ..

Everything is now installed:

I only test on Linux/Ubuntu so you are on your own for other platforms.

Installation Issues

If the instructions above do not work for you, please drop us a line at Wayne@Gramlich.Net and let us know what when wrong.


The program should be present in your fiducials build directory:

    cd .../catkin_ws/build/fiducials


The Tags program is used to generate .svg files for tags. Runing Tags:

Tags 41 42

will generate tag41.svg and tag42.svg. To print:

inkscape --without-gui --export-pdf=tag41.pdf tag41.svg
lpr tag41.pdf


The Video_Capture program capture is used to display video from a video camera and capture a sequence of images from the video stream. To use:

Video_Capture camera_number [capture_base_name]

If the image does not come up, try again. If comes up with the image rotated horizontally. If it keeps coming up screwy, unplug the camera and try again. Honest, it is unclear what the issue is.

To use image capture, first click on the image to shift the input focus to Video capture. To capture an image, type the [space] key. To exit, type the [Esc] key.


The Fly_Capture program capture is used to display video from a Pt. Grey video camera and capture a sequence of images from video stream. To use:

Fly_Capture camera_number [capture_base_name]

If the image does not come up, try again. If comes up with the image rotated horizontally. If it keeps coming up screwy, unplug the camera and try again. Honest, it is unclear what the issue is.

To use image capture, first click on the image to shift the input focus to Video capture. To capture an image, type the [space] key. To exit, type the [Esc] key.


The Demo program is used to debug and show what is going on under the covers with the Fiducials code:

Demo dojo_3.6mm_6Oct2013/pg_3_6mm.txt dojo_3.6mm_6Oct2013/dojo_3.6mm-15.pnm

will load the dojo_3.6mm-15.pnm file and do fiducial recognition on it. pg_3_6.txt is the lens correction coeeficients. Move the cursor over the window that pops up and click on the image. This moves the input focus to the Demo program. Click on '+' to increment one step through processing and '-' to decrement one step through processing.

The steps are:

  • Color to Gray
  • Gaussian blur ['b' toggles the blur]
  • Gray to Black and White
  • Edge detect
  • Edge simplify to polygons
  • Select reasonable size quadralaterals
  • Find corners to sub-pixel resolution
  • Sample fiducial edges
  • Sample fiducial bits
  • Recognize fiducial id's (nothing visible yet)



Simultaneous localization and mapping using fiducial markers.






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  • Python 7.4%
  • Makefile 1.2%
  • Other 1.4%