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simple event-based daemon which reads AMQP queue, executes jobs and returns stdout/stderr to queue


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Deb package

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Posting a job

For testing i used amqp-tools package, so simple command to tun a job in server "ubuntu-deve;" with is listening AMQP on our local server:

  amqp-publish -r ubuntu-devel_cmd -b '{"type":"exec","jobId":"1","cmd":"/bin/echo","args":["hello","world"]}'

to get process and result of executing we have to exec

  amqp-get -q ubuntu-devel_rpl

several times and get something like

      "jobId": "1",
      "status": "started",
      "timestamp": 1403375012922,
      "type": "status"
      "data": "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQK",
      "jobId": "1",
      "timestamp": 1403375012922,
      "type": "stdOut"
      "exitCode": 0,
      "jobId": "1",
      "status": "stoped",
      "timestamp": 1403375012922,
      "type": "status"

Additional option is to pass "stdin" argument in base64 encoding. In this case ujea will send content of this argumet to the stdin of executed process and then close this stream to indicate end of input. Empty argument'll just close. No argument just not to close :) Also is possible to pass enviropment in env array. So you can post message like this:

  amqp-publish -r ubuntu-devel_cmd -b '{"type":"exec","jobId":"2","cmd":"/bin/cat","env":["PATH=/bin:/usr/bin","LANG=ru_RU","LC_ALL=ru_RU.UTF8"],"stdin":"SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ=="}'

And get such result:

      "jobId": "2",
      "status": "started",
      "timestamp": 1403376015562,
      "type": "status"
      "data": "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==",
      "jobId": "2",
      "timestamp": 1403376015564,
      "type": "stdOut"
      "exitCode": 0,
      "jobId": "2",
      "status": "stoped",
      "timestamp": 1403376015565,
      "type": "status"

on long-runnig jobs you may get more "stdOut" and/or "stdErr" messages during execution
now is also posible to send "stdin" and "close" messages to use job as interactive application. This will send 'Hello world' 2 times and then close stdin (something like Ctrl+D in shell):

amqp-publish -r ubuntu-devel_cmd -b '{"type":"stdin","jobId":"11","stdin":"SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ=="}'
amqp-publish -r ubuntu-devel_cmd -b '{"type":"stdin","jobId":"11","stdin":"SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ=="}'
amqp-publish -r ubuntu-devel_cmd -b '{"type":"close","jobId":"11","stdin":"asd"}'

IMPORTANT: jobId must be unique for every job (cat be any string), exec message with duplicated jobId will be ignored but you can start job with the same jobId after previos one finished

it's possible to terminate running job in 2 ways (using TERM and KILL signals):

    amqp-publish -r ubuntu-devel_cmd -b '{"type":"terminate","jobId":"3"}'
    amqp-publish -r ubuntu-devel_cmd -b '{"type":"kill","jobId":"4"}'

in this case replays'll look like

      "jobId": "4",
      "message": "Crashed",
      "status": "error",
      "timestamp": 1403376399123,
      "type": "status"
      "exitCode": 0,
      "jobId": "4",
      "status": "stoped",
      "timestamp": 1403376399123,
      "type": "status"

If exec command gets "tempfile" parameter (base64) then it's content after de-base64 will be written to temp file %tempfile% in arguments will be replaed with path to this file. This can be used to push scripts before run with specified shell.

you'll recive also alive messages (interval can be set via command line parameters)... they looks like this:

    "active": [ ],
    "timestamp": 1403531280910,
    "type": "alive",
    "loadavg": "1.24",
    "ncpu": 24,
    "totalmem": 2048,
    "freemem": 329

    "active": [ "11", "4" ],
    "timestamp": 1403532991912,
    "type": "alive",
    "loadavg": "4.01",
    "ncpu": 24,
    "totalmem": 2048,
    "freemem": 52


that's all :) if you have any questions, please email me