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Copyright 2009 Dave Mankoff (
License Version: GPL 3.0
This is the README file for EDJS 0.x

Table of Contents
1) Introduction
1.1) libedjs
1.2) mod_edjs

2) Building and Installing EDJS
2.1) Dependencies and Requirements
2.2) libedjs only
2.3) mod_edjs only
2.4) SpideMonkey Notes
2.5) Installing Header Files

1. Introduction
EDJS is a set of tools built to provide http-server javascript. It 
consists currently of two major parts: libedjs and mod_edjs. Although
buitlt with http-servers in mind libedjs is little more than a thin
wrapper around a 3rd part javascript engine (currently Mozilla's 
Spidermonkey.) mod_edjs is an Apache HTTPD module that provides 
support for CGI javascript.

EDJS comes with a fully functional copy of of the source code for 
Mozilla's SpiderMonkey javscript engine, v1.8RC1.

1.1 libedjs
libedjs is the core library behind the EDJS project. It is a thin 
wrapper around a javascript engine (currently Mozilla's SpiderMonkey)
that allows for easy integration of javascript into other progams.  
Although EDJS was created with http-servers in mind, libedjs is in no
way tailored towards HTTP usage patterns. The HTTP features of EDJS
are provided by the HTTP specific projects.

On top of the javascript engine, EDJS adds functionality for 
plugins/modules, system wide engine settings, and a host of useful 
javascript  functions now provided by the core ECMA script standard. 
This includes an import function similar to Python; a settings file
that specifies max-execution time and a search  path; and a set of 
utility functions that are often used, such as a toJSON function, a 
copy function, and a clone function.

1.2 mod_edjs
mod_edjs is a Apache2 server module that allows javascript to be 
EDJS was built with http-server. On top of libedjs, mod_edjs adds 
a handful of HTTP specific features, such as cookies, request data,
and sessions. It allows you to turn individual scripts into
individual pages (i.e., like php) or to
filter all requests through a single file, allowing simple, 
programatic url matching (like mod_rewrite), or you can use a 
combination fo the two.

2. Building and Installing EDJS
Building and installing EDJS can be as simple as running:

  > aclocal
  > autoconf
  > ./configure
  > make
  > sudo make install

When running make, your system will attempt to compile 3 things:
Mozilla's SpiderMonkey, libedjs, and mod_edjs. It will also install
the files to the correct location.

Note that to get mod_edjs running under Apache, you will still need to
edit your apache configuration file and add the following where 

  LoadModule edjs_module

  <IfModule edjs_module>
    AddHandler edjs .ed

  DirectoryIndex index.ed #... other files as appropriate

Exactly where and how you add those commands is distribution dependant.

2.1 Dependencies and Requirements
To build and install EDJS, you will need the following build tools:

  apxs2 (part of Apache's build tools, sometimes searchable as apxs)

Though libedjs has minimal dependencies, both SpiderMonkey and
mod_edjs add a small number of requirements. Note the libedjs will
statically link SpiderMonkey (libjs) into itself, so SpiderMonkey's
dependencies become it's own. Of course, you will need the development
version of these packages to compile EDJS.


2.2 libedjs only
To build edjs, you must also build SpiderMonkey. SpiderMonkey depends 
upon nspr4. You will need all of the build tools listed above except
for apxs2. Once you have nspr4 and all of the build tools, you can run
the following to compile and install libedjs:

  > make libedjs
  > sudo make install-libedjs

2.3 mod_edjs only
mod_edjs does require libedjs. If you have already built and installed
libedjs, however, you can run the follwoing to compile and install 

  > make mod_edjs
  > sudo make install-mod_edjs

mod_edjs requires the apxs2 build tools allong with apache2 and apre2
development files.

2.4 SpideMonkey Notes
EDJS comes with its own version of the SpiderMonkey library instead of
relying on the system's version due to the inconsistent version of 
SpiderMonkey builds on various systems. EDJS compiles SpiderMonkey with
2 important flags set: JS_THREADSAFE and JS_HAS_FILE_OBJECT. Note that
because libedjs has libjs statically compiled into it, it should 
function much the same as libjs to those interested in compiling against
it. You will still need the jsapi.h header file and other SpiderMonkey
and other associated spidermonkey headers to compile programs against
libedjs. See the section 2.5 "Installing Header Files" for details.

2.5 Installing Header Files
By default, make install only installs EDJS binary files. If you'd like 
to compile your own programs against libedjs, run the following commands:

  > make spidermonkey
  > sudo make install-headers

This will install edjs.h as well as all the needed SpiderMonkey headers
into /usr/includes/edjs/

You will then be able to compile your own programs against libedjs using
the following commands:

  > gcc hello_world.c -ledjs -I/usr/include/edjs -o hello_world

At the top of your source files, you would put:

  #include "jsapi.h"
  #include "edjs.h"


Server Side JavaScript Library and Apache Module






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